When it rains, it pours

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Earthquake, hurricane, Solyndra, General Shelton, Fast and Furious, and now a dead satellite. What comes next for Obama (I know, it is Bush's fault) and us. Like Jonah, Obama has become a jinx for the US and it is time to throw him overboard. In fact we need to throw over his entire administration and his wife Emelda, I mean Michelle.
I can see why the media (or our local Obama support society) doesnt want to get into Solyndra, F/F, or now General Shelton. It looks really bad, real bad. It reeks of administration malfeasance and corruption at the worst or total incompetence at the best.
Solyndra-Obama authorizes $550 million for a company that the experts unanamiously said was a bad investment. The panel under Bush rejected the request unanimously but Obama revived it as a show piece for his Green Jobs initative. The money man, Kaiser, was a big time bundler for Obama. The new panel under Obama wanted more time to make a complete recoommendation but were pressured to make an early call. Their call; Solyndar was "not ready for prime time" and it would be bankrupt by Sept, 2011. It didn't end there. According to the law, the US taxpayer was first in line for any monies recovered through profit or bankruptcy. Obama violated that with an executive order putting private creditors first in line just in time for a $75 million cash infusion from private concerns. The US taxpayer is on the hook a $600 million loss.
There are 15 more similar contracts waiting in the wings before the 30 September deadline.
General Shelton-the head of the US Space Command was to testify in front of Congress about a company who's owner was another Obama contributor. The details are murky but the four star general made it clear that the technology would compromise national security and our global GPS system. He was taken to a secure room and told by the White House that they wanted him to testify that he was in favor of this deal and that the concerns were over estimated.
Do I need to go into fast and furious? Guns for Mexican drug dealers, dead Americans, dead Mexican cops and civilians with those guns.
Amatuer hour.

the peanut gallery
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I stubbed my toe this morning, it was Obama's fault.

You might be a member of the Tea Party if you think Jesus was white, blonde haired, blue eyed and wrote the Constitution.
Starry69's Avatar
You might be a member of the Tea Party if you think Jesus was white, blonde haired, blue eyed and wrote the Constitution.
The results of my scholarly christian research has convinced me that Jesus was Muslim.

Bartman1963's Avatar
Wow for a few days there was an absence of politics. It was so pleasant. Now its over (sigh).

Now read thisfrom "Crooks and Liars')

The Solyndra loan guarantee process began in 2006, under the Bush administration, as part of a loan guarantee program under the newly-passed Energy Policy Act of 2006. It took three years for those loan guarantees to be approved, despite the efforts of the Bush administration to push the process in order to have something to show for their energy policy efforts. In that three-year period, the market changed for alternatives to silicon-based solar panels after China flooded the market with cheap silicon-based panels.

Free markets being what they are, Solyndra failed.

There it is, in a nutshell. The beginning, middle and end of the Solyndra story. There is no "there", there, despite all the concern trolling going on in the right-wing nutosphere. It is a tale of free markets.

Now that you know the real story, please go read Dave Johnson's post on the 5 biggest right-wing lies about Solyndra. And remember the biggest lie:

Something bad happened.
The right has been trying to push the idea that something bad has happened involving Solyndra. They are calling it a "scandal." But it is entirely a manufactured scandal, like those from the Clinton era. This is what they do. Nothing bad happened.

The supposed campaign donor/investor is not an investor. The timing of the loan is not suspect, it followed the proper, transparent, accountable procedures. The loan assisted the development of a promising technology. The green-energy industry stands to create millions of jobs and trillions of dollars for the countries that are smart enough now to make the investments that help them grab a chunk of it. The loan was good for the country, even though one company went bankrupt.

But by the time this smear is refuted, five more will have taken its place.

If I may be so bold, allow me to point to another "scandal" brewing right now. There's LightSquared, which is building a wireless broadband network that might compete with established corporate interests, like AT&T and Verizon.

Reality, courtesy of Daily Kos:

So the White House allegedly asked Shelton to to say (1) that he supports commercial wireless broadband and (2) that he would seek to expedite the Pentagon's review of the technology used by LightSquared.

So Republicans are pissed off that the Obama administration might be trying to fast track the regulatory approval process. Uh, isn't that exactly what they have been demanding ever since President Obama took office? A day doesn't go by that you don't hear some Republican or another demand that President Obama lift the regulatory burden on America's "job creators."

But as soon as there's a rumor that President Obama may have helped a "job creator" clear one of those regulatory hurdles, it's proof that he's corrupt—even though he was just doing what Republicans said they wanted him to do in the first place. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't "

So let's remember something. Vague accusations = bullshit 99.99999 percent of the time. Let's move on.
swarmyone's Avatar
Wow for a few days there was an absence of politics. It was so pleasant. Now its over (sigh).

Now read thisfrom "Crooks and Liars')

The Solyndra loan guarantee process began in 2006, under the Bush administration, as part of a loan guarantee program under the newly-passed Energy Policy Act of 2006. It took three years for those loan guarantees to be approved, despite the efforts of the Bush administration to push the process in order to have something to show for their energy policy efforts. In that three-year period, the market changed for alternatives to silicon-based solar panels after China flooded the market with cheap silicon-based panels.

Free markets being what they are, Solyndra failed.

There it is, in a nutshell. The beginning, middle and end of the Solyndra story. There is no "there", there, despite all the concern trolling going on in the right-wing nutosphere. It is a tale of free markets.

Now that you know the real story, please go read Dave Johnson's post on the 5 biggest right-wing lies about Solyndra. And remember the biggest lie:

Something bad happened.
The right has been trying to push the idea that something bad has happened involving Solyndra. They are calling it a "scandal." But it is entirely a manufactured scandal, like those from the Clinton era. This is what they do. Nothing bad happened.

The supposed campaign donor/investor is not an investor. The timing of the loan is not suspect, it followed the proper, transparent, accountable procedures. The loan assisted the development of a promising technology. The green-energy industry stands to create millions of jobs and trillions of dollars for the countries that are smart enough now to make the investments that help them grab a chunk of it. The loan was good for the country, even though one company went bankrupt.

But by the time this smear is refuted, five more will have taken its place.

If I may be so bold, allow me to point to another "scandal" brewing right now. There's LightSquared, which is building a wireless broadband network that might compete with established corporate interests, like AT&T and Verizon.

Reality, courtesy of Daily Kos:

So the White House allegedly asked Shelton to to say (1) that he supports commercial wireless broadband and (2) that he would seek to expedite the Pentagon's review of the technology used by LightSquared.

So Republicans are pissed off that the Obama administration might be trying to fast track the regulatory approval process. Uh, isn't that exactly what they have been demanding ever since President Obama took office? A day doesn't go by that you don't hear some Republican or another demand that President Obama lift the regulatory burden on America's "job creators."

But as soon as there's a rumor that President Obama may have helped a "job creator" clear one of those regulatory hurdles, it's proof that he's corrupt—even though he was just doing what Republicans said they wanted him to do in the first place. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't "

So let's remember something. Vague accusations = bullshit 99.99999 percent of the time. Let's move on. Originally Posted by Bartman1963

Oh yeah? Well Obama is still a communist muslim that was born in Kenya and hates this country!
pyramider's Avatar
What the fuck is rain?
Bartman1963's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess you missed that part about the panel under the Bush administration vetoed the loan idea unanimously. This is an Obama fiasco. Curious that you missed that.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Not "curious" as you say JD, for I tend to ignore unsubstantiated bull shit. What "panel"? Some anonymous made up by a Rush Limbaugh intern panel LOL? You'll have to do better than that. Name the members of the panel. Name the date of the vote. What building were they in? Was it a voice vote? Was it parliamentary? Was it a secret meeting held by the Vice President with his unrecorded, secret(read as Halliburton) advisors? It's all public record right? I'm sure it is...hahahhahahahahaha. You get that info, then we'll talk about how relevant it is. Until then its just more of the same manufactured crap that you guys have been spewing since 1992 and earlier.
Not "curious" as you say JD, for I tend to ignore unsubstantiated bull shit. What "panel"? Some anonymous made up by a Rush Limbaugh intern panel LOL? You'll have to do better than that. Name the members of the panel. Name the date of the vote. What building were they in? Was it a voice vote? Was it parliamentary? Was it a secret meeting held by the Vice President with his unrecorded, secret(read as Halliburton) advisors? It's all public record right? I'm sure it is...hahahhahahahahaha. You get that info, then we'll talk about how relevant it is. Until then its just more of the same manufactured crap that you guys have been spewing since 1992 and earlier. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
You asked for it....


from the Washington Post - Solyndra applied for the loan in 2006, but it was not approved until 2009 - three years passed before Barry and his cronies gave their approval to the loan.
Bartman1963's Avatar
That link does not answer any question I had in the paragraph you quote. What meeting? What panel? Who voted to deny under BUSH... and if it was denied under Bush, show me the reapplication under Obama. You can't. There isn't one. Wasn't denied under Bush. Only delayed.
The only thing your timeline proves is that Bush's Cronies were asleep at the switch for 3 years. If they had acted quickly then maybe an American company wouldn't have gone belly up. I say most likely it went belly up because they had to wait three years for a competent administration to approve the frakking loan. That or wait until old man Cheney was out so that someone who wasn't Halliburton could get ahead in the energy business.

The scandal is that during the Bush years our energy policy was a state secret. Apparently if our govt runs an energy policy out in the open, you get slammed by Fox, Rush, et.al. And then the sheep, I mean the guys who buy into every loony theory that they spout start chiming in with equally blank details.
Bartman1963's Avatar
This is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. I am out.
This is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. I am out. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
This is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. I am out. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
And good riddance to you....
The results of my scholarly christian research has convinced me that Jesus was Muslim. Originally Posted by Starry69
Have you spent any time in your entire life reading the Bible? Jesus was a Jew.