Advice to Tiger Woods

As we all know, Tiger returned to golf after a 5-month hiatus.
We seniors have put together some words of advice he may want to follow.
Senior Wisdom for Tiger

When you see a woman....
And want her badly....
Please consider the following...

No matter how beautiful she is.....

No matter how sexy she is....

No matter how seductive she is...

No matter how huge her breasts are...

... I've forgotten where I was going with this...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, I saw this written on the wall of a men's room in Durham, N.C.:

No matter how good lookin' she is, some other guy somewhere is sick and tired of putting up with her shit!!

Truer words were never spoken.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
That, and "you cain't fix stoopid" pretty much cover it.