Nashville is explosion.

Ripmany's Avatar
{staff edit- CK}
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
it looks like a suicide bomber. looks like there was a recording warning people to stay away from the RV.
Ripmany's Avatar
It called smoke alarm.
matchingmole's Avatar
it looks like a suicide bomber. looks like there was a recording warning people to stay away from the RV. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Could be a cover for a murder...disguised as a suicide.

The murder could have already happened but the bomber spread the tissue around with the explosion to fool the authorities.

I appreciated the warning he provided. Anyone who warns of a bombing in advance should get extra cigarettes from the commissary during their life sentence.
  • oeb11
  • 12-26-2020, 07:17 AM
There is a reason it happened on Christmas Day - first level of suspects - Radical Islamic terrorists

- which the DPST's insist do not exist.


Biden will quash any investigation of this - just as he will the Hunter Biden investigation.

Welcome to 1984 - group think and doublespeak - the only way DPST's communicate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Always put words in others’ mouths, oeb11,

Daily for at least two years,

You’ve earned a special designation.

You’ve earned to Golden Lips Award. Labbra D’Oro!

Just something else for the idiot in chief of stupid to ignore while continuing to not run the country he was elected to do
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You know, if they thought didn't think Biden was going to be president next month, the lefties would be calling this an act of right wing terrorism. But since they think Biden (or his surrogates) will be calling the shots, they are silent.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is almost equally as bizarre as the very vague cyber attack that occurred in some ambiguous area of the government.
Grace Preston's Avatar
There is a reason it happened on Christmas Day - first level of suspects - Radical Islamic terrorists

- which the DPST's insist do not exist.


Biden will quash any investigation of this - just as he will the Hunter Biden investigation.

Welcome to 1984 - group think and doublespeak - the only way DPST's communicate. Originally Posted by oeb11

Well... except it appears it might have been a suicide combined with a disgruntled tech sector employee. The primary person of interest is a man in his 60's who spend his life working in IT, and judging by his name, I'm going to assume he's not a radical Islamic terrorist. It appears that the intended (and hit) target, was a node for AT&T. He obviously didn't want human casualty based on the warnings to evacuate and the fact that this was done at a time that the area should have been mostly empty. Radical Islamic Terrorists do not care about human casualty. Further-- if terrorists wanted to do damage-- downtown Nashville early in the morning on a day that most Americans won't be out and about-- is a shit target.

I'm also going to assume that he has no links to Antifa or BLM-- seeing as police were also warned to stay back.

I'm also going to assume that he has no links to any of the White Supremacy movement groups... because there was a nice government target just a couple blocks away from his chosen location.

When this all first began-- my biggest concern was that it was a test run-- given that there has been a lot of chatter about "revolution" in light of the election. However-- if the tissue samples show to be that of the person of interest-- it would appear that this was more of a disgruntled tech worker than any more nefarious overall plot.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You know, if they thought didn't think Biden was going to be president next month, the lefties would be calling this an act of right wing terrorism. But since they think Biden (or his surrogates) will be calling the shots, they are silent. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Leftists aren't calling it an act of right wing terrorism... because it honestly doesn't look like one. The only folks I've seen even concerned about that are those who thought at first that this might be a "test run" for something bigger-- and I admit, I was in that camp at first.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That was kind of my point. The left has never been shy about blaming the right for everything from school shootings, office shootings, and attacks on reporters at Antifa rallies. But this time...well, it's different. Really very quiet from the left. They never let facts get in the way of blaming the right.
  • oeb11
  • 12-27-2020, 07:04 AM
Biden's managing minions (Biden is too senile to understand anything these days) will never permit the truth' to come out -FBI asnd DOJ will be unleashed as dogs of the DPST party - and only ideological narrative will be permitted.

Freedom of Speech - irrelevant to the DPST 's who plan to be Lords and Masters.

There will be more bombings - they are related to the 'Non-violence" of the 'Summer of love" - and are used to keep America ini check while Biden's Crime Family syndicate rifles the treasury for Comrade Xi!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden's managing minions (Biden is too senile to understand anything these days) will never permit the truth' to come out -FBI asnd DOJ will be unleashed as dogs of the DPST party - and only ideological narrative will be permitted.

Freedom of Speech - irrelevant to the DPST 's who plan to be Lords and Masters.

There will be more bombings - they are related to the 'Non-violence" of the 'Summer of love" - and are used to keep America ini check while Biden's Crime Family syndicate rifles the treasury for Comrade Xi! Originally Posted by oeb11
Will that come before or after your “armed civil war,” oeb11?

Of all the Trumpflakes who try to once tried to post cogent and constructive discussion in this forum, you have fallen the farthest.

Now you just blither and blather. Pound the rtm button and hurl insults.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d opine you were a member of the Trump Administration. Maybe you’ll draw Kushner as your cell mate.