Phone # searches

Morning all, just wondering about phone number checks and such. I know google works very well at times but there are a lot of junk ads to deal with and misleading headers. Is there a a particular app or website preferably that you use or might suggest? TIA
I think this is the proper venue to post this question but jic mods please forgive me and point me the right diection.
i always use spokeo. i forgot how much, i think its 99 cents for your first full report after making an account, and maybe $3 after for each one. if you subscribe it's either free or cheaper. sorry, it's been awhile. I just use a cc that my wife doesnt see or have access to for the charges. the problem is if they use an app for calls and texts like i do. I've had the same number for a very long time so it's pretty much a permanent number as far as any provider is concerned. anyway, of they have that, it will just say the voip carrier, but no way of knowing any details on the provider, and you still have to pay.