Senile Biden bought off by China

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Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R., Ky) revealed this morning that the first SARs report shows money going from China to "three" Biden family members including one not previously discussed as a recipient of such money.

Time’s Up: Treasury Finally Agrees to Turn Over Hunter Biden Transaction Reports by Jonathan Turley

For years, members of Congress have asked for access to suspicious activity reports (SARs) related to the Biden family’s foreign business deals. Those efforts were cut off by the Biden Administration and the Democratically controlled houses of Congress. Even after the GOP took over the House, however, the Treasury Department continued to refuse to turn over the SARs. While the GOP had to threaten hearings with Treasury officials, the department has finally relented. It now appears that time is up for Hunter Biden on the SARs fight and it could finally answer a number of questions over the alleged influence peddling of the Biden family. It may also put pressure on the Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is looking into possible criminal conduct by Biden.

I previously wrote about how few people in Washington are eager to expose the influence peddling by the Biden family. Influence peddling is the cottage industry of Washington. However, even by the corrupt standards of this city, the Biden took influence peddling to an unprecedented level in raking in millions from foreign interests, including some with alleged ties to foreign intelligence.

The least eager group to see these transactions may be the media, which not only buried the Hunter Biden story but has shown remarkable disinterest in these allegations. Indeed, this alleged influence peddling could not have occurred without the assurance that the media had the back of the Bidens. Imagine what the media would have done with even one of these deals with foreign political or influence figures if a Trump child was the recipient. The genius of the Biden influence peddling operation was to make the media an early and active participant. They became invested in the denial over two years of belittling or dismissing the story.

The SARs are relevant to the scope of the alleged influence peddling. It could also supply added evidence of possible criminal charges over tax crimes as well as unlawful work as a foreign agent. There are also possible allegations of evading financial rules, false statements, and even money laundering.

Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R., Ky) has objected that the Biden Administration changed rules that governed access to these reports that stood for more than 20 years. Comer has also subpoenaed Bank of America for more than a decade of financial records belonging to three of Hunter Biden’s business associates. That effort was also opposed by Democratic members. these inquiries will cover 14 years of deals and transactions.

Comer this morning revealed that the first SARs report shows money going from China to “three” Biden family members including one not previously discussed as a recipient of such money.

bambino's Avatar
Who hasn’t bought Joey Bribes and his family?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If Trump did 1% of the shananigans the Bidens have been doing for 50 years he’d have gotten the chair.
berryberry's Avatar
If Trump did 1% of the shananigans the Bidens have been doing for 50 years he’d have gotten the chair. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. Senile Biden is the criminal the left wrongly tried to imply Trump was
berryberry's Avatar
New Evidence

Bank records obtained reveal Rob Walker, a Senile Biden family associate, used his company to transfer money from a Chinese energy company to Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, and an unknown “Biden.”
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Comer says ‘6 or 7 Biden family members’ may have been involved in overseas business schemes

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer believes that more than half a dozen members of the Biden clan may have been involved in various worldwide business schemes that profited off their family name.

Comer, whose committee is investigating the Biden family’s business dealings, shared the insight in a Wednesday night interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

“At the end of this I think we’re gonna see there are probably six or seven Biden family members that were involved in various business schemes around the world,” Comer (R-Ky.) told Ingraham, referring to his panel’s far-reaching probe.

Comer didn’t mention any names in the interview and declined to reveal the identity of the unnamed Biden family member who got proceeds from a $3 million wire to Hunter Biden associate John “Rob” Walker just weeks after Joe Biden left the vice presidency in 2017.

The Oversight Committee chairman first revealed on Monday that bank records obtained via subpoena implicate three Bidens, including one that’s “never before been identified” as being involved in the family’s alleged influence-peddling operation.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s how it’s done, spread the bribe money and no-show jobs around to family and friends. It is the way of Washington, for both parties, and why they run for office in the first place. The Biden’s are better at it than most, with nearly a half century of practice.

Doesn’t matter because nothing will happen, the wheels of the corruption machine must continue to turn. Houses in Sag Harbor are out of reach on a congressional salary.
berryberry's Avatar
The Biden family may have committed over two dozen federal felonies in connection with the millions they made from China, specifically FARA violations and money laundering charges, that would put the Trump family or any ordinary citizen behind bars for decades.

For example, Hunter Biden illegally represented convicted Chinese spy Patrick Ho for $1 million in clear violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act and subsequently laundered that illegally obtained money to James and Sara Biden.

The Biden's received at least $31 million from Chinese businessmen linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.

Hunter even admitted in his own words that his business partners worked for Chinese intelligence.

"My representation of the f*ckin spy chief of China."

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden is either lieing again or is so brain dead he doesn't remember a damn thing - or both

Senile Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records

Hey Senile Biden, look the Oversight Committee has the Bank Records:

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