I Couldn't Resist - Idiot Hypocrite Doctor

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Now, before those less centrist than me come unglued, this article AND the author's comments comes from Forbes Magazine, not exactly a mouthpiece for MoveOn...


Electing dumbasses, especially those involved in the "industry" about which they rail against, makes you wonder what else they don't know that they are "expert" on. Yes, he's a doc not an insurance person, but I'll bet you a dollar to a hole in a donut that he campaigned as an expert about all areas of health care with the requisite, accompanying horror stories.

I'm sorry, but this is just pathetic and this guy is a joke.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Nice find! The Eastern Shore strikes again...

Lived there for 5 years....odd, odd place. The same good people who sent an Acme market cashier & Bob Bauman to Congress...
Gryphon's Avatar
This fellow obviously hasn't had much direct involvement in patient care for a long time. Dealing with insurance issues and maintaining patients with chronic conditions through changes/loss of insurance takes up a substantial portion of every practicing physician's day.

I can say from personal experience that doctors who become politicians are generally less dangerous to their patients as politicians. Think about it: if you had spent 11-16 years (depending on specialty) training for a career, would you change to something completely different if you were any good at it in the first place?
TexTushHog's Avatar
If he was honest, he'd turn down that socialized medicine benefit. And take his Mama and Daddy of that socialistic Medicare and have them turn down their socialist pension plan. What's it called -- Social Security. And never call those socialistic fire and police departments either.

Fucking asshole.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
This fellow obviously hasn't had much direct involvement in patient care for a long time. Dealing with insurance issues and maintaining patients with chronic conditions through changes/loss of insurance takes up a substantial portion of every practicing physician's day.

I can say from personal experience that doctors who become politicians are generally less dangerous to their patients as politicians. Think about it: if you had spent 11-16 years (depending on specialty) training for a career, would you change to something completely different if you were any good at it in the first place? Originally Posted by Gryphon
Sounds like you might have been a patient of Tom Coburn up in Oklamerica.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
If he was honest, he'd turn down that socialized medicine benefit. And take his Mama and Daddy of that socialistic Medicare and have them turn down their socialist pension plan. What's it called -- Social Security. And never call those socialistic fire and police departments either.

Fucking asshole. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH, I'm shocked, just shocked! Ahhh, the sense of entitlement is alive and well outside of the under 30 crowd...LOL.
Gryphon's Avatar
Sounds like you might have been a patient of Tom Coburn up in Oklamerica. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Nope. But I know several physicians who have transitioned to political or administrative roles. The ones who thrive in the latter were bad clinicians. Those who were good clinicians don't last long as administrators/politicians. The two require completely different mindsets.
If he was honest, he'd turn down that socialized medicine benefit. And take his Mama and Daddy of that socialistic Medicare and have them turn down their socialist pension plan. What's it called -- Social Security. And never call those socialistic fire and police departments either.

Fucking asshole. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Excellent point! And none in his family should use the socialist library either, public libraries being an idea of that well-known socialist, Ben Franklin. (I know there's a joke in her about how familiar I am with this particular president~ at least what he looks like ).
discreetgent's Avatar
Excellent point! And none in his family should use the socialist library either, public libraries being an idea of that well-known socialist, Ben Franklin. (I know there's a joke in her about how familiar I am with this particular president~ at least what he looks like ). Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Did I miss something in American history??
John Bull's Avatar
Be glad to alter SS. Why do you guys always think we're afraid to do away with your pet govt program? When we take power, it will be changed or eliminated. Count on it!
discreetgent's Avatar
Be glad to alter SS. Why do you guys always think we're afraid to do away with your pet govt program? When we take power, it will be changed or eliminated. Count on it! Originally Posted by John Bull
Doubt it; first, doubt enough get voted in to pull that off; second, I don't believe that when push comes to shove the public won't have second thoughts about doing that.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Be glad to alter SS. Why do you guys always think we're afraid to do away with your pet govt program? When we take power, it will be changed or eliminated. Count on it! Originally Posted by John Bull
The point here is that some, if not most, who decry "big government," or point the "socialist" finger somehow manage to be first in line to claim the benefits of our "corrupted" system. The hilarity of Andy the Dandy is how little he knew and how whiny he was about hearing the facts. And, he's one of the people who are going around telling everyone else (especially those of lower means) to suck it up, tighten their belts and live within their means. It's just the height of hypocracy. The funny thing about the well-to-do is that they're also the first to shout out "class warfare" when anyone proposes something that might cost them something extra yet they engage in it on a daily basis by having the attitude the new Congressman displayed.

HoneyRose, Ben Franklin was too smart to become President. He loved him some ladies so I suppose that's why his knowing visage is on the $100.
Sweden sounds nice.....Socialist- But Oprah Winfery's or Steve Jobs they will not produce out of Sweden. Everyone is equal......Mothers get 18 months maternity leave, taxes sky high, you practically cant fire anyone without paying them out for every year they worked...... It's the "I" mentality vs, the "us" or "we" country mentality.........

PLUS Oprah says the happiest people on earth are in Copenhagen! Dansk - The Danes are the same way.....Ya!!! NEVERMIND she introduced Obama.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Be glad to alter SS. Why do you guys always think we're afraid to do away with your pet govt program? When we take power, it will be changed or eliminated. Count on it! Originally Posted by John Bull
I have no doubt this is true. The difference between you and the elected Republicans is that they're too dishonest to admit it. If they did, they wouldn't get 15% of the vote.
Excellent point! And none in his family should use the socialist library either, public libraries being an idea of that well-known socialist, Ben Franklin. (I know there's a joke in her about how familiar I am with this particular president~ at least what he looks like ). Originally Posted by HoneyRose
And a franchise of that well-known capitalist, Carnegie.