Wesley Snipes

Today, judge orders Snipes to report to jail after misdemeanor tax evasion convictions. Yet, Tim Geithner, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschiel, etc. get off by saying they didn't understand tax code.

Scary to anyone?

Where are you PJ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You must admit, tax laws are difficult to understand. Oops! My bad. Congress legislates the tax laws don’t they? And, and wasn’t Rangel, until recently, the head of the congressional committee that writes tax laws? Goodness, it is a shame that their job raising and extorting tax revenue from every other citizen—for the common good—is so hard that it causes them to forget to pay their own fair-share.
Laws are for little people. Apparently, Snipes is a little people.
You are correct sir. About 5'5" I believe.

GMA interviews people on the street this morning in Harlem, praising all the 'Good' things Rangel brought them. They only thing they could mention was the new mall. I would love to see the crime stats before and now the mall is running.

No wonder they like him. He convinced a bunch of people with money in their pockets to shop in Harlem. Hell, give the guy a job in the ad business. I was waiting for Dave Chappell to show, as it clearly resembled one of his shticks.
macksback's Avatar
Yeah well you must remember that if you used any of the defence's that Tim Geithner, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschel you will be strung up.
Snipe's attorneys weren't as good as Geitner's et al. And Snipe's is free standing where as the politicians don't want to dig too deeply. Birds of a feather.....

Since I get NYC television news, Rangel being so offended when he was called out on his transgressions was unbelievable. Then contrite when finally called out on it in committee. 17 years of not paying taxes? Puuhhhlleeaassee. Like Steve Martin said: "I forgot!"
"I forgot!" Originally Posted by SR Only
Maybe it's halfheimers.