I'm sure many people here have seen it on local news, but in case some ladies traveling don't know, an Iconic Place in downtown Omaha burned down on Saturday, M's Pub.
Story here in the Omaha paper http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/hist...d7df72dd9.html
M's Pub is the oldest restaurant in the Old Market in Omaha on 11th street between Howard St and Farnam St. It had a great wide ranging menu, and even had some Kosher dishes for people that followed the Jewish faith.
There are a couple other restaurants nearby and a clothing store that may have been damaged. Probably not from flames, but smoke and water damage. It was very cold, so even some water lines from the fire trucks iced up. ( air temps started at 10 and slipped below 0 )
Not a hundred percent sure, but it appears a natural gas leak caused an explosion. Luckily no one was killed, and from what I have read one person was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.