Encounter: Sandy in Edinboro -- an unequivocal NO

User ID: -
Date: 10-26-2024
Name: Sandy
Phone: - 262 228 6026 (The Dr)
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://skipthegames.com/posts/erie/...-/071625449191
City: Edinboro
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Very close to Edinboro U
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: BBJ
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Sandy brown
Age: late 30d
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Big and gross; even by my lax standards she's bad. Shaved facial hair (look up PCOS facial hair), not clean, etc
Recommendation: No
Originally Posted by nomad1000!
pittlicker's Avatar
  • Md514
  • 10-29-2024, 11:07 AM
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 10-29-2024, 11:09 AM
According to the ad, she does receive rimming. Can't you just see yourself burying your face in that ass?
Good god man, you called that?
Let this thread die ffs
  • Md514
  • 11-02-2024, 04:41 PM