Saints vs. Cowboys: A High Steaks Challenge

I propose a high-steaks challenge to the overall winner between the Cowboys and the Saints.

Losers treat winners to an all-inclusive steak dinner with all the trimmins, drinks, etc. Location to be determined, based on how many participate from what area. Winners chooses restaurant. Someplace mid-priced that can accommodate a group.

I'm guessing that Saints supporters outnumber Cowboy fans by a huge margin, so costs will have be prorated among the group. In no case will any one person owe more than the price of one extra meal.

Ladies are more than welcome.

Open to all suggestions as to details, etc.

If you want in, declare your team and your city. No reason we can't have a couple of dinners in different areas if enough people sign in?
I'm in! Saints; New Orleans!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-17-2010, 12:45 AM
The Cowboyz have a lot of work to do, later today, before they need to worry about an ass whoopin' by the SAINTS!!

  • MrGiz
  • 01-17-2010, 01:03 AM
OOOOOooooooops.... sorry..... duplicate post!!

Edit below:

I have adopted a zero emotion approach to the playoffs!! I couldn't give a fuck less at this point, whether we play Dallas or Minnesota for the NFC Championship!! Both are the same!! The Enemy!!

Bring It !!

Lets make sure Dallas can win first, we might have to take this post to Minnesota lol!!!
I guess I wasn't clear. First team to lose, loses the bet!

They don't have to meet in a match-up ~
bodilly's Avatar
I am in Seadog.
Put me down for the Boys!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-18-2010, 08:45 AM
Seadog.... We ate @ Dickie Brennan's a couple of weeks ago..... the food was delicious!!

Just a thought....

* WHO * DAT * ? ?