What does the Saints win mean to you?

Guest031210-2's Avatar
Its a game...but clearly this means much more to the people of Louisiana. Ive never been a fan, but Im very happy to see them win this, not only for the chance at the Super Bowl, but as another feeling and inspiration of hope for those who lost in Katrina not only in New Orleans but all over the state and on the coast. You can feel the spirit in NOLA being lifted high, and its a wonderful thing to witness. An underdog rising to the top, its an awesome thing to watch.

Im excited to watch the bowl game again this year, and hope they kick the COLTS ass!

And outdoorsman, I have to get that shirt this week since losing the Cards bet to ya.

Have a GREAT week everyone!
iwanacumalot's Avatar
Goose Bumps ! Tons and Tons of GOOSE BUMPS !!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMAQRnKwnT0&feature=re lated"]YouTube- New Orleans Saints-We Takin' Over[/ame]
DATYMAN's Avatar
OMG, can you beleive it.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
This is a dream come true for me and any other fan that went through the bag on the head years and everything else the Saints and city have been through. The job still isn't finished we have one more to go and i hope Lady Luck is on our side or that we play like we did against the Patriots i don't think anyone would beat us if we played like that game!! Geaux Saints!!!!!!!
a whole lot!! being someone born & raised in nola, who's dad has been an extreme die hard fan (even when other fans were wearing paper bags), who went through katrina - i have to tell ya, it means a WHOLE lot! words can't describe! it's a feeling.

after that kick last night people in my neighborhood (and probably all over nola) were outside, literally screaming in the streets. old people, young people, black people, white people, toddlers, dogs, cats..... people were crying. it was amazing!

  • MrGiz
  • 01-25-2010, 09:42 AM
I've got bruises up and down my arms & legs from pinching myself all night!!

Still has to be a dream!!

robobird's Avatar
Buddy D said never in his life..... He was right! Bobby Hebert needs to get his dress from Abdul the tent maker out!!!!!!

bodilly's Avatar
Could you imagine if Buudy D was still alive.
The radio show tonight would be outstanding!!!!
If I could expand a little on what Sean Payton said when he accepted the NFC trophy:

A little over four years ago the Superdome was the epicenter of unimaginable pain and suffering brought down on our city.

Last night it was the scene of unimaginable joy.
I attended the very first Saints game at Tulane stadium. In fact, I think I made almost every game for the first two years.

It so happens that I now live 2 houses away from what was Sugar Bowl stadium grounds.

About midnight last night I walked my dog around the old stadium site. Hundreds / thousands of partying college kids. Busloads returning from Dome & FQ.

It was a very emotional experience.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There are now 4 teams who have not made a superbowl appearances.

Cleveland Browns
Detroit Lions
Houston Texans
Jacksonville Jaguars
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-26-2010, 04:26 PM
Doesn't mean a thing to me, but I will say that I wish you guys good luck.....
DallasRain's Avatar
party on bourbon...wooohoooo!!!!
Nothing, heh. I'm not hatin'. I honestly just don't get football, even after four years of marching band... I just get really annoyed and frustrated whenever someone tries to explain it to me. I understand the following having come from a background of football supporters, but I'm just way more into baseball.

I'll probably just get drunk and hit on dudes, you know, when the Saints have already won and such. I won't bother going out until that happens. Haaaa.