what women want - CLEAN BALLS TO PLAY WITH!!

i found this in another thread and lmao so i wanted to share so you guys could lyao too!

All ladies want you to keep your balls clean. These two will show you how.

YouTube- Axe Clean Your Balls Comercial (HD) Originally Posted by Stanley Goodspeed
the guy who originally posted this has the video in his thread instead of a link. if anyone can tell me how to do that please do! i asked him, but when i followed his directions it still just posted the link and not the video like on his post.
pornodave69's Avatar
That's pretty funny.
DallasRain's Avatar
docdavid49's Avatar
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHlOPtkVQrI"]YouTube- Axe Clean Your Balls Comercial (HD)[/ame]

There you go DD
Hey DD -

How did you post that clip directly? Without having to click a link?

We have a tread on ECCIE Tips & Tricks - would you mind posting insturctions - in that thread - for those of us who didn't make it to 5th grade?

docdavid49's Avatar
SeaDog.. will do. Was not a sig "There you go DD" was "There you go Dirty Diana" LOL But will do if I can find the thread.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Crap - vid has been removed due to terms of use violation.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdwf2MKbSac"]YouTube- WTF: New Axe Commercial In The UK Selling A Product That Will Clean Your Balls![/ame]

and thanks to docdavid i found a way to post it!!