How do y'all stay motivated?

I'm only two weeks into the semester, and I already feel completely bogged down with more work than I intended to take on. I'm a pretty good student, most of the time anyway... but it just seems like routine is getting the best of me.

How do you old dawgs stay motivated or reignite your motivation once its died? I figure that most of you have already gone down this path, so you may have some good advice for a girl with bad study habits that happens to get by with A's on existing intelligence. I figure I won't always be able to get away with it!!
docdavid49's Avatar
When I was in Professional school, all those years ago, we could miss 10% of the classes without penalty. I missed 10% every quarter and took a mental health day. BTW, I managed to get all the way through with bad study habits and working full time so it can be done (and I was near the top of my class not the bottom LOL).
  • MrGiz
  • 01-29-2010, 05:22 PM
I work two weeks at a time.... knowing my reward cums in between!

Guest031210-2's Avatar
Im not an old dawg but Ive been there and done it. I was a Deans list student, and when I felt the burn out coming on, I made it a point to hit the gym. Id think about my future, getting out of a current situation that I hated, and being able to obtain what I wanted, and live a nice comfy life. Its a great feeling knowing that when you get that degree you hold the power. So just go sweat it out, literally!
clitlicker's Avatar
Just stay interested.
slicktommy's Avatar
I never learned how to study in high school or my short time at LSU....I failed and hated college. Went into service in one of the hardest enlisted schools with the highest failure rate...I learned how to study.

How to stay motivated? It’s rough but 1st I had to learn this-- Learn to sacrifice. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! not love, money, friends, even family.

But to recharge...I'd disappear for 1/2 day and spend it active like chellablaine. I'd hike, mountain bike, or swim. I would make sure that I was spent physically. Then I'd somehow fall right back into study groove. Funny thing now...a good shagging might have worked to...but would have bee a distraction.