Guest031210-2's Avatar
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new Virulent strain of Sexually Transmitted Disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim ...and pronounced "gonna re-elect 'em." Many victims contracted it in 2008, after having been screwed in the General Election. Naturalists and epidemiologists are amaze...d at how destructive this disease has become since it is easily voting out all incumbents.
laoilman's Avatar
One of the few "self curable" diseases.
Is this part of the same strand called "Gonorrhea Erecktem" pronounced "gonna re-erect 'em" and is spread by Obama when we refers to jobs and the economy?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new Virulent strain of Sexually Transmitted Disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim ...and pronounced "gonna re-elect 'em." Many victims contracted it in 2008, after having been screwed in the General Election. Naturalists and epidemiologists are amaze...d at how destructive this disease has become since it is easily voting out all incumbents. Originally Posted by chellablaine

chella, where do you come up with these things?
docdavid49's Avatar
easily voting out all incumbents. Originally Posted by chellablaine

Not so easy when the folks that are living off the dole will continue to vote for those that are in office so as to keep feeding at the public tit. I have begun to think that the best way is, while we may still have a majority, not sure about that any more, to get a Constitutional Amendment to take us back to the day that only folks who owned land could vote. We would lose a lot of good folks but we would, for sure, lose all the, "I'll vote for you if you give me something." people.

As one dawg's sig line said somewhere.... "Governement can not give you anything until it FIRST takes it away from some one else."
marco2007's Avatar
Because members of Congress have refused to institute term limits on themselves (suprise), I agree with the sentiment that all incumbents should be voted out. After a term or it seems that the all forget who they work for.
pornodave69's Avatar
chella, where do you come up with these things? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That joke has been around for a long time.
trekker's Avatar
The "public tit" yes, I love that one. I believe a former British Prime Minister once said that "The strongest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter". I've never been one of those to urge everyone to vote. I believe that most people don't really understand that they're hiring people to make laws, not to just hand out all our needs. People have found that they can vote themselves funds out of the public treasury and now they assume that collecting those funds from "the other guy" and passing them out to constituents is the most important duty of government.
docdavid49's Avatar
The "public tit" yes, I love that one. I believe a former British Prime Minister once said that "The strongest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter". I've never been one of those to urge everyone to vote. I believe that most people don't really understand that they're hiring people to make laws, not to just hand out all our needs. People have found that they can vote themselves funds out of the public treasury and now they assume that collecting those funds from "the other guy" and passing them out to constituents is the most important duty of government. Originally Posted by trekker
Truer words have never been typed.