Running (on foot) after an accident in Texas. . .

I am from the East Coast and have been here visiting Texas for about a month. On two separate occasions, both in SA, I have noticed fender benders (were no one was hurt) and BOTH times I watched one the vehicles' occupants get out and run. In one case 5 people jumped out of the car and just ran! The other incident, out of an SUV (who was at fault) ran at least seven or eight people, maybe more (there were so many including kids and they literally jumped out of the SUV and scattered toward the nearest building so FAST).

What gives? Is this a normal occurrence in Texas? My guess would be that if you get in an accident and run - you have no insurance. Not sure what the penalty is here in Texas for no insurance. I'm guessing if you vacate the vehicle, not only will the police confiscate it, but I will assume that you have dirty plates and/or no current registration either.
rcinokc's Avatar
You didn't mention the nationality of the runners, but it could also be that they are not here legally.
That is correct. I intentionally did not mention nationality as not to offend anyone. Good point though. . . They very well may be here illegally.
ck1942's Avatar
Or that the vehicle may not actually be owned by the driver.

Smart vehicle operators in Texas are very willing to have insurance coverage, esp. UI coverage - uninsured insurance.
come back to boring old Wichita and spice it up for us. miss visiting you.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I am from the East Coast and have been here visiting Texas for about a month. On two separate occasions, both in SA, I have noticed fender benders (were no one was hurt) and BOTH times I watched one the vehicles' occupants get out and run. In one case 5 people jumped out of the car and just ran! The other incident, out of an SUV (who was at fault) ran at least seven or eight people, maybe more (there were so many including kids and they literally jumped out of the SUV and scattered toward the nearest building so FAST).

What gives? Is this a normal occurrence in Texas? My guess would be that if you get in an accident and run - you have no insurance. Not sure what the penalty is here in Texas for no insurance. I'm guessing if you vacate the vehicle, not only will the police confiscate it, but I will assume that you have dirty plates and/or no current registration either. Originally Posted by HBG Platinum

Maybe you could forward this to Donald Trump for his next talk about what to do will illegal Mexicans.

Donald Trump, no thanks. Some of his views are very distorted.
They may not be here illegally...

as an example, if one is in Mexico and in a taxi cab, and there is an accident the riders are held to be responsible as well.
So in that case, throw some money at the taxi driver and RUN
Could be on e of many things, some said above
1) Illegal in US
2) Don't have insurance
3) Don't have valid drivers licenense
4) Under the influence
5) Vehicle is not registered to them (when ever you sell a car, especially private sale, immediate transfer the registration to the new owner. DPS even has a form to fill out on line, even if you don't know all the info).
6). Any combination of the above
That is correct. I intentionally did not mention nationality as not to offend anyone. Good point though. . . They very well may be here illegally. Originally Posted by HBG Platinum
Yes, Babe, I'm not one to tippy-toe around the margins of political correctness, so I'll say it: here in San Antonio we have quite a problem with those damned Canadians who swim across Lake Erie to settle here illegally.
uncut78xxx's Avatar
SA is a sanctuary city.... Nothing happens to them...
Warrants? Drunk? No insurance? No license?
SA blows when it comes to drivers...insanity
LOL. I'm originally from up North...Detroit, Michigan, so I know exactly what you mean!!
tia travels's Avatar visiting Texas for about a month. On two separate occasions, both in SA, I have noticed fender benders (were no one was hurt) and BOTH times I watched one the vehicles' occupants get out and run. ... Originally Posted by HBG Platinum
Funny....that was kind of similar to what happened to me in San Antonio some years back. A hit and run to my car (not a lot of damage to my car at the time) but they drove off. I followed a fast food restaurant.

I got the manager at the restaurant to try and translate for me. I don't think I called the cops, but turns out they didn't have insurance so they ran. But it was a big hassle trying to communicate. I need to call Rosetta Stone. I think they were surprised I followed them.
Paranoid?? That reminds of this big dude running down the street the other day ,guy on corner starts running behind him,a few more milling on the next corner join in,two more blocks there are eight dudes with finally asks the big guy ,why we running.he said I'm running for exercise.
Paranoid?? That reminds of this big dude running down the street the other day ,guy on corner starts running behind him,a few more milling on the next corner join in,two more blocks there are eight dudes with finally asks the big guy ,why we running.he said I'm running for exercise. Originally Posted by peter north77
LOL! Thanks for the laugh!