I honestly can't say I have a favorite type of music. My music listening is based on my state of being. I'll listen to music that sets a certain mood for me even if my mood is just to have background noise I can ignore. I can be eclectic most times listening to Tchaikovsky one minute, Tool the next then Amy Winehouse.
Current morning the loss & hopefully resurrection of my car while the shop tries to keep it from being totaled my playlist today has included Rilo Kiley, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, John Williams (Star Wars), The Shins, Weekend, Nirvana, Shiny Toy Guns, Van Halen, De La Soul, Fleetwood Mac, The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Tokyo Police Club, The Animals, Ray Charles, Depeche Mode, Cyprus Hill & George Harrison.
I don't really listen to the regular radio anymore only KSYM & my satellite radio. According to my SO if you get me started on music the conversation usually ends up like this.
Hopefully the link works off my phone. (If not youtube High Fidelity Rock Snobs) Ps: Love the Tron Legacy reference, I was listening to that yesterday.