Delete my account Fuck the Moderators!!!
Moderators SUCK ASS FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOU PROTECTING ASSHOLES!!! DELETE THE ACCOUNT ASS FUCKERS HEY I AM TALKING TO YOU FUCKERS> Yeah you protectors of dick heads. Yeah keep protecting Blakeslee/LPC/ddot or TODD Protectors of trash fuck off. I expect my account to be fucking deleted remove me remove me remove me tired of this nonsense bullshit. Don't ban me, delete me.
We're talking about practice.....not agame not a game....practice. Big fucking losers
what are you waiting for?

good lock Sir

Moderators SUCK ASS FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOU PROTECTING ASSHOLES!!! DELETE THE ACCOUNT ASS FUCKERS HEY I AM TALKING TO YOU FUCKERS> Yeah you protectors of dick heads. Yeah keep protecting Blakeslee/LPC/ddot or TODD Protectors of trash fuck off. I expect my account to be fucking deleted remove me remove me remove me tired of this nonsense bullshit. Don't ban me, delete me.
We're talking about practice.....not agame not a game....practice. Big fucking losers
Originally Posted by VibrantCobra314
your happy ???? mmmm strange
Way too much irrelevant and waste of time Content on here. A few individuals seem to dominate that practice. I use this sight for info which has forced me to limited My reviews. Anyone share this notion? Really doesn’t seem that hard to clean up, but nothing seems to change.
Agree. This use to be an excellent site for information on the hobby. Now it is just nonsenense and bull..... between a couple of people..