Something evil about Obamacare

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Meet Ezekial Emmanuel. He believes that no one should live past 75. He is one of the planners of Obamacare.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I suggest he lead by example.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I suggest he lead by example. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He would be much more believable if he did, though he makes great arguments in favor of his voluntary scheme.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If he gets cancer when he's 74, he will do whatever it takes to make it past 75. I guarantee it. This guy is a phony.
boardman's Avatar
Typical Liberal.
Speaking for everyone else. Believes he has a philosophy that is the only thing that works.
I had one Grandmother that died at the age of 105. Up to around 101 she was lucid, active, had a great sense of humor and just as full of life as she was when I was a kid. Even then she was still the same just some physical limitations made her less active.

The other lasted to 90 and was pretty much the same until Parkinsons quickly degraded her quality of life the last year.

All I need is a bottle of sleeping pills and a hole somewhere to crawl into. I'll make the decision when.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2014, 09:16 AM

All I need is a bottle of sleeping pills and a hole somewhere to crawl into. I'll make the decision when. Originally Posted by boardman
That is exactly what he is saying. As usual JD was posting about an article out of context. Nowhere did he say no one should live past 75.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

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  • 09-23-2014, 09:25 AM
He would be much more believable if he did, though he makes great arguments in favor of his voluntary scheme. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yes....because what he says is true. I feel the same way. I am about the same age as the author and have felt this way for many years. Probably because I'm healthy and have a good family history of living long. But I do not want to be laid up or worse yet taken care of with Alzheimer's disease.
LowRider69's Avatar
A lot of people who would have lived beyond 75 before Obamacare will not do so now. Many items which should be covered will not be covered and old people will die for not getting the medical care. Just remember it was Obama who said you should take the pain medication rather than have the operation. Liebrals attack people who mention death panels, but what else do you call panels who decide for you that a medical care you need to live will not be paid for.

Obamacare wants to pay for end of life counselling to convince old people to forego medical care and die. The campaign has started for those smart enough to pay attention.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2014, 09:40 AM
A lot of people who would have lived beyond 75 before Obamacare will not do so now. Many items which should be covered will not be covered and old people will die for not getting the medical care. Just remember it was Obama who said you should take the pain medication rather than have the operation. Liebrals attack people who mention death panels, but what else do you call panels who decide for you that a medical care you need to live will not be paid for.

Obamacare wants to pay for end of life counselling to convince old people to forego medical care and die. The campaign has started for those smart enough to pay attention. Originally Posted by LowRider69
You lying Sara Palin have already been debunked.

Study: Americans Undergo Unwanted, Costly Care As They Die

Though people repeatedly stress a desire to die at home, free from pain, the opposite often happens, the Institute of Medicine found in its “Dying in America” report. Most people do not document their wishes on end-of-life care and even those who do face a medical system poorly suited to give them the death they want, the authors found.

There is a difference between what we want for ourselves, and policy. Just because he thinks 75 is a good age at which to call it quits doesn't mean that influences policy.

Frankly, I hope to hell that I check out well before I hit 75. Doesn't make me a whacko for thinking that way though. I say bravo to those elders who are still going strong well into their 70's and beyond. I just don't want to be one of them.
Just more twisted BS from the OP. If you read and or listen to the links the guy is not advocating suicide he is only talking about his own way of life. Once again the Conservative way is to be told how you should think and live. Everyone should be able to make the decision to get treatment or not at any age as an adult. At 32 seconds in the video he states that they are wrong about what he said.
LowRider69's Avatar
You lying Sara Palin have already been debunked.

Study: Americans Undergo Unwanted, Costly Care As They Die

Though people repeatedly stress a desire to die at home, free from pain, the opposite often happens, the Institute of Medicine found in its “Dying in America” report. Most people do not document their wishes on end-of-life care and even those who do face a medical system poorly suited to give them the death they want, the authors found.

. Originally Posted by WTF
You swallow whatever jizz your liberal masters shoot in your mouth. You ignorant swallower.
LowRider69's Avatar
Just more twisted BS from the OP. If you read and or listen to the links the guy is not advocating suicide he is only talking about his own way of life. Once again the Conservative way is to be told how you should think and live. Everyone should be able to make the decision to get treatment or not at any age as an adult. At 32 seconds in the video he states that they are wrong about what he said. Originally Posted by slingblade
You should forego the operation and take the pain medication you ignorant swallower.
LexusLover's Avatar
You swallow whatever jizz your liberal masters shoot in your mouth. You ignorant swallower. Originally Posted by LowRider69
His gag reflexes will save his protein injection ...

"In many ways, the report is a repudiation of the controversy created by the term “death panel” in response to the President Barack Obama’s health care law. The claim centered on the government saving money by deciding who would live and who would die."

That's IT!!!

"In many ways ..... a repudiation"!!!!!

And in MANY MORE it is NOT "a repudiation"!!!

In fact it is even more sinister .... the liberals are DECIDING that they REALLY DO WANT TO DIE .... FOR THEM ... and are championing the severance of that "wasteful" and "painful" medical care and treatment to ASSURE THEY REALLY DO GET THEIR WISH TO DIE!!!!

That's not a "DEATH PANEL" .... that's a "DEATH SYSTEM" to cut costs!

If it quacks, walks, and looks like a duck .... IT IS!
LowRider69's Avatar
His gag reflexes will save his protein injection ...

"In many ways, the report is a repudiation of the controversy created by the term “death panel” in response to the President Barack Obama’s health care law. The claim centered on the government saving money by deciding who would live and who would die."

That's IT!!!

"In many ways ..... a repudiation"!!!!!

And in MANY MORE it is NOT "a repudiation"!!!

In fact it is even more sinister .... the liberals are DECIDING that they REALLY DO WANT TO DIE .... FOR THEM ... and are championing the severance of that "wasteful" and "painful" medical care and treatment to ASSURE THEY REALLY DO GET THEIR WISH TO DIE!!!!

That's not a "DEATH PANEL" .... that's a "DEATH SYSTEM" to cut costs!

If it quacks, walks, and looks like a duck .... IT IS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
More accurately, the government decides whose life saving medical care they will permit payment for and whose they will not.