Would Ukraine and Israel be better off under a

oilfieldace's Avatar
Trump presidency?

They certainly were before the current feces show stole the office
Yssup Rider's Avatar

In fact, many believe the current troubles are only possible because of the Trump regime.
ICU 812's Avatar
We all would probably be "better off" under any of the republican candidates still in the runnuig (Dec 2023).

But Biden is not the real problem.

Historians in fifty years will write about how President Biden is not really the primary problem we now have with policy and decision making. I predict that there will be a generation of political science writers and historians that will make their livelihood from attempting to identify individuals and cliques within the WH staff and beyond who are actually pulling the strings and levers of power.
oilfieldace's Avatar

In fact, many believe the current troubles are only possible because of the Trump regime. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh gee, I will take the valued poster word. Just as many say different.
ICU 812's Avatar
Are we bbetter off today?

I know that my buying power is lower today under Biden omics.

I know that the Nation's social service support net is overburdened by an increase in homeess and ilegal aleans who need public support.
Why should we be concerned if those two countries are better off. I would think we should be more concerned if America is better off. What strategic interest does America have in either of these two shit hole countries?

In fact, many believe the current troubles are only possible because of the Trump regime. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Karine Jean-Pierre could not have said it better.
NiceGuy53's Avatar

In fact, many believe the current troubles are only possible because of the Trump regime. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Lol. And "many" still believe the Trump Russian collusion narrative as well as the narrative that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation.

So Einstein, tell us how Trump caused the current situation in both Ukraine and Israel. I can't wait to hear your explanation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

In fact, many believe the current troubles are only possible because of the Trump regime. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

really? what do "many" believe Trump did to make any of this happen?


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like yassup got real quiet after his spanking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
looks like yassup got real quiet after his spanking. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
First of all, calling me yassup is a violation. Tantamount to name calling. There are people on here who have been pointed for same.

Second of all, what spanking?

To remind all of you jolly fellows, Trump brokered peace with his pal, fellow dictator wannabe Bibi Netanyahu. Only.

You want links? You can't handle the links!

But here are some anyway.




That's probably all this deeply thought provoking thread with predictable responses from the usual suspects deserves. Trump was a fucking disaster in foreign policy and supported totalitarians wherever possible.

But thanks for reminding me, dilbert. You're always there to keep it honest and forward facing.

Supra's Avatar
  • Supra
  • 12-26-2023, 10:11 AM
Trump presidency?

They certainly were before the current feces show stole the office Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I believe they would be better off. Trump is known for his magnificent deals. Trump brokered PEACE in the MIDDLE EAST.


Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for Israel-Bahrain-UAE deal. It's more than Obama did.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I believe they would be better off. Trump is known for his magnificent deals. Trump brokered PEACE in the MIDDLE EAST.
Trump BROKER A MAGNIFICENT PEACE DEAL. Originally Posted by Supra
Read the links in the previous post. They're fooling nobody.
Supra's Avatar
  • Supra
  • 12-26-2023, 10:31 AM
Read the links in the previous post. They're fooling nobody. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I did, I threw up in my mouth, I swallowed, and then laughed.

It will be much better with Trump in charge.
January 20, 2025 is THE BIG DAY.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you just confirm you swallowed? We'll you may want to spit this one out... Here's another source for the very-same Trump peace-plan.

Kinda hard to negotiate peace with one side only at the table.

Abject fucking failure, and only raised tensions in that region. Proof that OP was asking questions for which we already knew the answer.
