Trump pushing the envelope on Fascist hate rhetoric -- he hasn't found the line yet

Yssup Rider's Avatar
G'day fellow ECCIE true believers.

Today, Trump doubled (or tripled down) on his latest collection of anti-immigrant attacks. It seems as if he's testing the mob to see where the gag factor is.

He said - again without any evidence - “They’re (immigrants) poisoning the blood of the country. That’s what they’ve done,” the former president said. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just the three or four countries we think about. But all over the world they’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia.”

No proof of any of that shit, btw.
Per the story below: The comments have been roundly condemned as a warning of his increasingly violent and authoritarian rhetoric, echoing Mein Kampf’s screeds against the “contamination of the blood” and “the poison which has invaded the national body” from an “influx of foreign blood”.
The fascist rhetoric is going to ramp up until Trump discovers the point where it starts chasing his primary votes to Haley. Considering the lead he's got, there's a lot of room for expansion and experimentation. Calculated risk.

But what of the damage to the nation?

His actual rhetoric is alarmingly similar to you-know-who. At some point, we all need to recognize the game and reject this maniac.

Even the most zealous MAGAs have their limit.

Don't they?
Precious_b's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Saw this:

Trump’s grandfather was a German immigrant.
His mother was a Scottish immigrant.
His 1st wife was a Czech immigrant.
His 3rd wife is a Slovenian immigrant.
He has 5 children from 3 different wives, all sharing the blood of immigrants.

Who’s poisoned?

He’s disgusting.
Precious_b's Avatar
YR, you neglected to say his mom was an illegal alien.
His grandfather was a draft dodger.
Used his clout to get citizenship for family members while in office.

On a plus, patriarch to family was right up their with Bootlegger Joe Kennedy. Family fortune came from running a whorehouse.
  • Tiny
  • 12-17-2023, 08:54 PM
G'day fellow ECCIE true believers.

Today, Trump doubled (or tripled down) on his latest collection of anti-immigrant attacks. It seems as if he's testing the mob to see where the gag factor is.

He said - again without any evidence - “They’re (immigrants) poisoning the blood of the country. That’s what they’ve done,” the former president said. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just the three or four countries we think about. But all over the world they’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia.”

No proof of any of that shit, btw.
Per the story below: The comments have been roundly condemned as a warning of his increasingly violent and authoritarian rhetoric, echoing Mein Kampf’s screeds against the “contamination of the blood” and “the poison which has invaded the national body” from an “influx of foreign blood”.
The fascist rhetoric is going to ramp up until Trump discovers the point where it starts chasing his primary votes to Haley. Considering the lead he's got, there's a lot of room for expansion and experimentation. Calculated risk.

But what of the damage to the nation?

His actual rhetoric is alarmingly similar to you-know-who. At some point, we all need to recognize the game and reject this maniac.

Even the most zealous MAGAs have their limit.

Don't they? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm Tony Montana and I approve this message!
  • Tiny
  • 12-17-2023, 08:55 PM
I'm messing with you Yssup. I cringed when Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as criminals, drug dealers and rapists. That's a great way to drive away the Mexican-American vote.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tiny, everybody should be concerned about this lunacy, not just Mexican-American voters. All the other, what did he call them, vermin, too.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump does love to play the fear mongering game with his many cult members even if he doesn't believe or practice what he preaches. It also helps that many in his cult are racist so it's easy to just bad mouth the "immigrants" although we all know what race he is specifically referencing because of how much he brings up his stupid wall.

Trump hates paying people what they've earned, and he is a real estate developer who owns many properties. That dude loves immigrants, (especially his own ancestors who allowed him to be born with a silver spoon). Why? They won't take you to court when you fuck them over and they work a lot cheaper than some American with a last name of Williams, Jones, Smith or whatever popular American last name.

I'm sure some of the MAGA followers will ask for proof that Trump does this. Instead of wasting my time explaining why outsourcing is so lucrative, I'll just cut to the chase and ask you to use some common sense about cutting costs? In Trump's case, he doesn't have to fuck around and send work to India or the Philippines to shave high employee costs. Back-office employees do not make up the bulk of his FTE expenses. He needs people to do grunt work 5 days a week.

Why pay an American 20-25 bucks an hour when you can pay an immigrant a fraction of that amount to do the same fucking work and you don't have to worry about some union bullshit? So yeah, I highly doubt Trump has any problem with undocumented workers/immigrants (in his context) and especially if they are from Mexico. People can bad mouth them all they want, and folks may not want immigrants here, but we need them here for work that Americans simply don't want to do for such little pay. And Trump knows that more than anyone regardless of the bullshit he spews about them to his gullible cult members for their votes.

Just an FYI to you MAGA supporters, never trust anyone who categorizes and calls a whole group of people every deplorable thing he can think of simply for his own benefit. He will say and do anything for votes. He truly is a sick piece of shit.
You guys really are clueless.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You guys really are clueless. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Then by all means, educate us with facts.
You guys really are clueless. Originally Posted by farmstud60
... You think Trump was talking-of ILLEGAL immigrants, mate?
Those pouring in by the Millions?

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
... You think Trump was talking-of ILLEGAL immigrants, mate?
Those pouring in by the Millions?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What Trump said and meant was 100% correct, anyone that doesn’t understand that has a questionable IQ. We don’t have a sovereign nation, and you got Biden and the lef wing loons to think for that. Trump speaks the truth and people stick their head in the sand.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What Trump said and meant was 100% correct, anyone that doesn’t understand that has a questionable IQ. We don’t have a sovereign nation, and you got Biden and the lef wing loons to think for that. Trump speaks the truth and people stick their head in the sand. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
With so much sand in your ears, how do you expect to hear the truth at all?
You guys really are clueless. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Yes they are.

Trump loves to send Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrats and their Lackys in the Main Stream Media into “vapors”.

Everything he does, and says is carefully scripted to appeal to a certain demographic while driving another crazy.
  • Tiny
  • 12-18-2023, 08:22 PM
Yes they are.

Trump loves to send Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrats and their Lackys in the Main Stream Media into “vapors”.

Everything he does, and says is carefully scripted to appeal to a certain demographic while driving another crazy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes, I think Yssup and the others are being a bit too dramatic. Trump doesn't necessarily believe what he says.

McCain's mostly right in his post above. Trump knowingly hired illegal Latin American and Polish immigrants. I don't understand however why McCain concludes by saying Trump's a sick piece of shit. Most politicians, not just Trump, are hypocrites. They say and do things they don't believe in to get votes and further their personal interests.

So does Trump really believe the blood and vermin schtick? Well, Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon probably do, but I'm not convinced the Big Guy does. As Yssup says, just look at his family tree. As to the Hitler analogies, Trump's daughter, son-in-law and grand kids are Jewish. I wouldn't read too much into the collection of Hitler's speeches that Trump kept by his bedside. He says the business mogul Marty Davis gave the book to him. Trump's not overly fond of reading. He may not have ever picked it up.

Like you say, he's probably trying to appeal to a particular demographic. He's showing spectacularly bad judgement though IMHO, as he's got the primary sowed up and this won't play well in the general election. It's rhetoric like this, and Trump's history as a businessman, which would keep me from voting for him, even if he hadn't tried to steal an election. That's even though I agree with a lot of his policies.

These are both good reads, about Trump's use of undocumented workers,