Providers, Hobbyists, Degenerates, Lend me your Genitals!
To Hobby, or Not to Hobby; that is the question! Whether Tis Nobler to Fuck or Suffer the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Debt, or take Tits and Ass Against a Sea of Troubles…
Out Damned Spot! Out I say! One, Two…. I told that Dumb Bastard Not to Cum on my Dress!
All of Eccie is Yet but a Stage, and all the Clients and Providers merely Hobbyists. They Fuck and they Suck; as One Poor Man must Play alone with his Private Parts.
Good Night, Good Night! Parting is such sweet sorry. That I shall say Good Night untI l I Stop Back at the ATM and then I’ll see you again in the Morrow!
Love all providers, but trust very few, do wrong to none.
Something is Rotten in the State of Your Underwear
Life….is a Tale told by a Provider, Full of Baits & Switches. Signifying Nothing.
What’s in a Handle? That which we call an Avatar, by any other reason, would be just plain silly.
Hell is empty and all the Devils are on Eccie.
By the Bulging Prick Inside his Pants, something Wicked this way Cums.
God Has Given You One Face; And Yet You Make an Avatar For Yourself!
If you Prick us, do we not O? If you Fondle us, do we not get Aroused? If you Lick us, do we not get Wet? And if you NCNS us, shall we not Revenge?
The Repentant Provider proclaims, “Get Thee to a Nunnery!”
A Whore! A Whore! My Kingdom for a Whore!
A Man Can Cum But Just Once…unless he pays for MSOG!
I cannot tell what the Dickens his Handle is!
What Stalking Peeping Tom Through Yonder Window Breaks?!
We are Such Stuff as Wet Dreams are made on, and our "lil buddy” is Aroused in its Sleep.
But, for my own part, it was Greek for me!
-original quote…well… “to me”
**Extra Credit to Anyone that can name the play for each line.