Encounter: Bunny was Naughty

Hey123's Avatar
Date: 11/7/24
Name: Naughty Bunny
User ID:: naughty bunny
Phone: 571-295-3875
Email Address: N/a
URL / Website: https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/naughty-...dallas-1065180
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Near 635 and Royal Lane, Dallas
Activities: Bbj, Mis, Cg, Rcg
Hair Length and Color: Dark to shoulders
Age: 45+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Nice Trim body and pretty face. Good for a lady her age. Bolt ons, looked good on her.
Recommendation: Yes
no response so many times
Naughty Bunny I am not texting you ever again.
GT5's Avatar
  • GT5
  • 11-18-2024, 03:56 PM

Name: Naughty Bunny
User ID:: naughty bunny
Phone: 571-295-3875
Email Address: N/a
URL / Website: https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/naughty-...dallas-1065180
Originally Posted by Hey123
Thx for the web info. I have seen Bunny many times, since the AMP days, but I did not know she is advertizing on this adult site too.
Once you get pass the initial appt setup, she delivers a great Service.
I like her tits and how she is using them in Russian. Great way to finish.
Once you get pass the initial appt setup, she delivers a great Service. Originally Posted by fat cat
True. Do not expect answers before noon. She is not a morning g person. She will make up in not being a clock watcher.
L1A2D's Avatar
  • L1A2D
  • 11-24-2024, 03:20 PM
I’ve always liked the way she cleans you up with her mouth after the Don visits.
GT5's Avatar
  • GT5
  • 11-28-2024, 06:49 AM
I’ve always liked the way she cleans you up with her mouth after the Don visits. Originally Posted by L1A2D
Yes, for sure. Is there an acronym for that?
Kamisearch's Avatar
Yes, for sure. Is there an acronym for that? Originally Posted by GT5
Nah, there's no official term. It's just referred to cock cleaning or cleaning up in general. Usually really nasty (in a good way) girls do this or a SO. Nothing feels better than finishing deep inside a lady, having her clean up both your juices, then plowing back in shortly after for the next round.
I would call it vacuum cleaning .
Action&Reaction's Avatar
Is her incall a hotel or private residence?
Is her incall a hotel or private residence? Originally Posted by Action&Reaction
It’s a hotel. Last couple of times I’ve seen her it’s been low traffic so you can walk in and there’s no one in the lobby or front desk but it kinda helps when you visit late night. Room is in a nice location to where you just leave through the side exit into the parking lot. Hope this helps
It’s a hotel. Last couple of times I’ve seen her it’s been low traffic so you can walk in and there’s no one in the lobby or front desk but it kinda helps when you visit late night. Room is in a nice location to where you just leave through the side exit into the parking lot. Hope this helps Originally Posted by Symposium

I usually park in the parking lot for the businesses next to the hotel. I never know if my SO puts a tracker somewhere on my truck. I do not want to explain parking at a hotel.
tom51's Avatar
  • tom51
  • 12-06-2024, 10:42 AM
I've seen bunny many times, saw her last week. She's awesome & gives one of best BJ ever, tits are wonderfully MM, pussy is very tight & it loves to fuck!!! Once she starts Cummings it lije she doesn't stop she just keeps going. Not a click watcher so you book an hour prepare for 60-90 mins. She truly loves you long time!!!
tom51's Avatar
  • tom51
  • 12-06-2024, 10:44 AM
Unless it's past noon she doesn't reply early. I usually text her the day before & give a noon time & usually hear from 11-11:30 see her at noon or12:30 & leave 2 hrs later happy camper & drained tired cock!!!