Inspiring Films

How about a gift subscription to Netflix? You buy online and can print the certificate that you can put in a physical basket or send it via email.

As media delivery is changing the notion of building a physical collection or being able to "put them in a cabinet" is becoming passe.

I hate getting movies as gifts because invariably they aren't the titles I would have selected & I just think "what a waste" Originally Posted by atlcomedy
My friend is in Canada, no Netflix for us poor saps. However, that wouldn't work for my gift box. I'm working on a theme of items to help them enjoy the fleeting good moments while they go through a long period unavoidable hardship.

A great example of a movie my friend enjoyed: Everything Is Illuminated.

I'm actually thinking : The Soloist.

However I'm noting all these titles down as I suspect I'll be sending them more packages over time. More suggestions welcome
CajunGent's Avatar

How about a book. I would suggest The House that Love Built. A biography of The Life of Millard Fuller. Founder of Habitat for Humanity.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
How about Bolt? Or Casablanca? I know Bolt is a cartoon but I still like it. How can you go wrong with a classic like Casablanca!

How about a book. I would suggest The House that Love Built. A biography of The Life of Millard Fuller. Founder of Habitat for Humanity. Originally Posted by CajunGent
Already got a book for the gift! That's part of the box I'm sending. Along with music, and edible things.
Sisyphus's Avatar
"And Now For Something Completely Different" - because sometimes the best way to deal with hard times are to just check out & forget them for a little while.

"A Beautiful Mind" - because the inability to distinguish between what is so & what it is not so may be the most difficult circumstance of all... yet still one that can ultimately be managed to the point where it too can be mastered.
John Bull's Avatar
All That Jazz; Bird; Patton
growler's Avatar
Lauren, try these Finding NeverLand, The Cuirous Case of Benjamin Button, and The Reader....not the most uplifting but I couldn't stop thinking about it after I saw it.
Chevalier's Avatar
Inspiring and uplifting?

Overcoming adversity and the unconquerable human spirit

Chariots of Fire
Rocky (despite Stallone, but ONLY the original)
Slumdog Millionaire

And, despite it being schlock/cheap melodrama (what do you expect with John Ritter and Bert Convy?), Hero At Large. I know, I know, it's not a GOOD movie, but still . . .
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-08-2010, 09:25 AM
That's part of the box I'm sending. Along with music, and edible things. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Put yourself in that box under 'edible things'...that should cheer'em up!
Quirky, funny, and inspiring: Amazing Grace, Waking Ned Devine, Local Hero, Bend it Like Beckham
Put yourself in that box under 'edible things'...that should cheer'em up! Originally Posted by WTF
I wish! They're super square. It's a work associate from my day job, and the box is a gift for a husband and wife. They're just learned one of them has a terminal illness. I think keeping me out of the box would be wise.

Thanks for the sweet thought though LOL
Happy Diver's Avatar
Lots of inspirational oldies.

"Magnificent Obsession"
"People Will Talk" --a very unappreciated Cary Grant
"The Four Feathers"
"Goodbye Mr. Chips"
"All Quiet on the Western Front"
notdeadyet's Avatar
If they're basketball fans....Hoosiers.
If they're baseball fans....Bang the Drum Slowly or The Natural.
For silliness.....Rat Race or It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
For lots of sweet moments, some hysterically funny ones, and Brando mimicking Brando....The Freshman.
If they're basketball fans....Hoosiers. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Hey, wasn't that on Monday night?
"Shawshank Redemption" One of the best movies......