You Homewreckers!!!

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-08-2019, 07:46 AM
So just a question. I've had this happen to me a few times in my hobby life wanted some ladies opinions on it. So a girl comes over we are going through the normal 5 to 10 mins of pleasantries and small talk. I mentioned the SO during the convo something like "yeah my chick thinks that too" nothing big. Then she gets this sour look on her face. I know the question as its happened before "why do you do this?" Told her whats up and moved on no issues.

This seems like an emotional issue. How do chicks deal with it? Is it a problem yall get over or just push it away? Some may never think about it.
That's never happened to me?!
Maybe she needed to sneeze or something?
AnastasiaForU's Avatar
The way I look at it is, "your business is your business". If you want to talk about your SO, I encourage it. I have even given advise to try with a SO, that has worked a time or two. For the most part us, ladies, are "scratching an itch" that y'all are not getting elsewhere.

I have been in a sexless vanilla relationship before, and I ended up "scratching my itch" too. I defiantly do not judge!! I do not feel as if I am a homewreaker. As much as I care about my gentlemen, I am not here to change their lives, just enhance it.
Sometimes it's just best to not mention a SO.
Sir this is just my two cents worth. I don't have a SO. I wish I did. I do a ton of volunteer work in hospitals. I see young and old people. I've never seen a provider or stripper by someone's bedside when they are going through a catastrophic health emergency. I can almost guarantee what the ladies responses are going to be. They of course want to continue to make money. I have ruined a significant relationship by seeing providers , strippers etc. Something that takes years to recover from. I would suggest to not do this if it bothers your spirit or something you have to sneak and do. I'm single so it is what it is and I see myself seeing less and less providers because I'm getting older and becoming less sexual. Most women don't want their SO with other women as you wouldn't want to think of her with someone else. Again, that's my opinion and I wish you the best. Tooodlez....
Shine....I'm curious. How would you know that you have never seen a provider or a stripper next to someone's bedside in a hospital? They have normal lives just like we do. I have seen working ladies out in public while not providing and I've yet to see one with a sign on her back that says "provider" or "stripper".
I'm just curious.
boardman's Avatar
Sir this is just my two cents worth. I don't have a SO. I wish I did. I do a ton of volunteer work in hospitals. I see young and old people. I've never seen a provider or stripper by someone's bedside when they are going through a catastrophic health emergency. Originally Posted by shinepro

Originally Posted by boardman
C'mon Boardman. Like give me a break. You'll got you'll coed back. I'm going to say as little as possible because I just don't need the headache. It was never that serious anyway to me. You'll won. I wondered about posting this way too long. I don't want any problems. God bless. Tooodlez.....
Russ38's Avatar
Bankshot's Avatar
^^^^That's some funny shit Russ

I had a regular that did some work for me at my house. She met my wife on several occasions. The first meeting was a little awkward but fine after that.
Tiffany Dash's Avatar
If she was new she could've been shocked if you said it in a nonchalant way... Or it could've been the way you said all together. I've never felt sour about what a guy has going on at home... as long as she doesn't come looking for me, it's all good. I just don't wanna end up on an episode of "Snapped" lol
Russ38's Avatar
I do a ton of volunteer work in hospitals. Originally Posted by shinepro
You wouldn’t by chance have access to the morgue area would you?....asking for a friend.....
boardman's Avatar
C'mon Boardman. Like give me a break. You'll got you'll coed back. I'm going to say as little as possible because I just don't need the headache. It was never that serious anyway to me. You'll won. I wondered about posting this way too long. I don't want any problems. God bless. Tooodlez..... Originally Posted by shinepro

It's got nothing to do with anything from the past or winning and losing shit. It was just a facepalm kind of statement.

You make it sound like providers and strippers are all either orphans, subhuman or some kind of robot, maybe a hobby version of a Stepford wife.. Maybe the stripper you were in a relationship with fit that mold but I hope to Tebow that you don't think that's the norm.

Whether they are walking the street or are HDH's providers are daughters and mothers and even grandmothers. They have lives and families and deal with the same day to day bullshit that we all do. That statement is beneath even you.
You have this image of me Boardman that isn't true. What I was saying is that when you really need help, your SO is going to really be there for you and not these ladies no matter how much you see them. For the most part it's a job to them. So don't foook up your home, as alot of men have done over some pussy when pussy to me is really over rated. I know strippers and providers about as well or better than you so of course I realize they walk through shit. Me personally, now, don't necessarily agree with stepping out on your so but that's my opinion. Tooodlez...
Slitlikr's Avatar
You have this image of me Boardman that isn't true. What I was saying is that when you really need help, your SO is going to really be there for you and not these ladies no matter how much you see them. For the most part it's a job to them. So don't foook up your home, as alot of men have done over some pussy when pussy to me is really over rated. I know strippers and providers about as well or better than you so of course I realize they walk through shit. Me personally, now, don't necessarily agree with stepping out on your so but that's my opinion. Tooodlez... Originally Posted by shinepro

You obviously didn't read the OP.
Cat man reacted to your inability to comprehend.
This is a question for the providers.

Please answer Russ; we're curious.