Fundamental Change of America

This is all in the plan to destroy America. It all started in 2008

- A person was elected President to bring America together. He started with a big smile informing you that you have not been treated right and he is here to correct that.
Since he was elected America has been the most divided since the Civil War
- This person elected President stated that
1. He would fundamentally change America 2. It would be a matter of time when America would become Brown
- After his eight years a person was to be elected to finalize the take down of America, a surprise, it failed
- A backup plan that was hatched if his Grand Plan failed was to accuse and blame the newly elected President for the exact same thing the liberals was doing. Working with Russia and China to take down America and a President that would stop the Grand Plan
- The liberals, China and Russia wasn't going to stand by and let one person stop their take down of America and their Grand Plan
- The Democrats aided by the FBI and CIA planted false information about the newly elected President to take him down and stop him from changing America to their plan
The full power of the FBI and CIA could not take down the President with false information

- A once in a hundred year or so pandemic was released on the world by, China. America was shut down.

Paper ballets was sent out to every person in America to vote, dead or alive. Ballet boxes was set out all over the country with no way to prove if the vote was actually the vote of the person on the ballet
The President that was in the way of the Grand Plan wasn't reelected, the Grand Plan is back on track

- The newly elected President on day one shuts down Americas energy independence.
He shuts down pipeline jobs that employed thousands.
Stopped new drilling on federal lands
Gave Russia, the approval for a new pipeline to supply Germany with natural gas eliminating America from supplying this energy and the high paying American jobs associated with it
He supported Russia and China over America
- America's southern border was opened to allow millions yes millions to come into America to "Fundamentally Change America"
- Millions was paid to just stay home and not work to have as many as possible to hopefully become dependent on the government and vote to keep Democrats in power
-CRT is being taught in schools to further divide Americans against one another
- Rioting, looting and burning of businesses is permitted and supported to further the take down of America
-Soros is funding the election of liberal judges to assist in the "Fundamental Change of America"

- Social media is being used to block conservative comments to support Democrats for only one view being heard. Actually using misinformation as a ruse as an excuse while allowing the likes of terrorist to continue to use their platforms

- The liberals and Biden know they are in trouble of losing power in the next election
- Another part of their plan like the Pandemic they used to regain power. Allow Russia to invade parts of Europe to take away the narrative of what they have done so far to America. Hopefully Americans will support the Democrats during a time of war, a ploy used in the past

-Energy costs are going to increase the cost of everything which increases inflation, furthering the take down of America
-The stock market will suffer further hurting Americans

The liberals in power want them to be the only ones with money and the power associated with it.
No way do they want someone other than them with more money and power.
Obama didn't devise America, it was the racist Maga movement that were apoplectic when he became president!

This is all in the plan to destroy America. It all started in 2008

- A person was elected President to bring America together. He started with a big smile informing you that you have not been treated right and he is here to correct that.
Since he was elected America has been the most divided since the Civil War
- This person elected President stated that
1. He would fundamentally change America 2. It would be a matter of time when America would become Brown
- After his eight years a person was to be elected to finalize the take down of America, a surprise, it failed
- A backup plan that was hatched if his Grand Plan failed was to accuse and blame the newly elected President for the exact same thing the liberals was doing. Working with Russia and China to take down America and a President that would stop the Grand Plan
- The liberals, China and Russia wasn't going to stand by and let one person stop their take down of America and their Grand Plan
- The Democrats aided by the FBI and CIA planted false information about the newly elected President to take him down and stop him from changing America to their plan
The full power of the FBI and CIA could not take down the President with false information

- A once in a hundred year or so pandemic was released on the world by, China. America was shut down.

Paper ballets was sent out to every person in America to vote, dead or alive. Ballet boxes was set out all over the country with no way to prove if the vote was actually the vote of the person on the ballet
The President that was in the way of the Grand Plan wasn't reelected, the Grand Plan is back on track

- The newly elected President on day one shuts down Americas energy independence.
He shuts down pipeline jobs that employed thousands.
Stopped new drilling on federal lands
Gave Russia, the approval for a new pipeline to supply Germany with natural gas eliminating America from supplying this energy and the high paying American jobs associated with it
He supported Russia and China over America
- America's southern border was opened to allow millions yes millions to come into America to "Fundamentally Change America"
- Millions was paid to just stay home and not work to have as many as possible to hopefully become dependent on the government and vote to keep Democrats in power
-CRT is being taught in schools to further divide Americans against one another
- Rioting, looting and burning of businesses is permitted and supported to further the take down of America
-Soros is funding the election of liberal judges to assist in the "Fundamental Change of America"

- Social media is being used to block conservative comments to support Democrats for only one view being heard. Actually using misinformation as a ruse as an excuse while allowing the likes of terrorist to continue to use their platforms

- The liberals and Biden know they are in trouble of losing power in the next election
- Another part of their plan like the Pandemic they used to regain power. Allow Russia to invade parts of Europe to take away the narrative of what they have done so far to America. Hopefully Americans will support the Democrats during a time of war, a ploy used in the past

-Energy costs are going to increase the cost of everything which increases inflation, furthering the take down of America
-The stock market will suffer further hurting Americans

The liberals in power want them to be the only ones with money and the power associated with it.
No way do they want someone other than them with more money and power. Originally Posted by Chase7
HDGristle's Avatar
Obama was plenty divisive to the folks on the right. Didn't go far enough for many of the folks on the left. Helped set the stage for the dissatisfaction that helped the disaffected on the right coalesce with the establishment so Trump could edge out Hillary.

And then Trump was anathema for folks across the spectrum which is how visceral the counter response was so that he gained votes but animated his opposition to coalesce and give him the boot.
... Hmmmmm... and THAT surely must be WHY Trump IS
the most POPULAR American politician and ALREADY
the odds-on FAVOURITE to WIN in 2024... ...

#### Salty
... Hmmmmm... and THAT surely must be WHY Trump IS
the most POPULAR American politician and ALREADY
the odds-on FAVOURITE to WIN in 2024... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I think “whomever is running against Trump” is the most popular American politician, as sign by the last election.
eyecu2's Avatar
... Hmmmmm... and THAT surely must be WHY Trump IS
the most POPULAR American politician and ALREADY
the odds-on FAVOURITE to WIN in 2024... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lost the popular vote to Hillary and to Biden. And his numbers were never better than Bush, Reagan, Clinton or Obama.


Even with all the new historians participating, the top and bottom rankings remained unchanged. Since 2009, the top four presidents have been: 1) Abraham Lincoln 2) George Washington 3) Franklin D. Roosevelt and 4) Theodore Roosevelt. (Washington and FDR switched places in the 2000 survey.) The bottom three have been always been Pierce, Johnson and Buchanan, in that order.

The survey is conducted only when there is a change in administration, so that each presidency can be evaluated in its entirety. The historians do not rank the presidents themselves. Instead they are asked to rate each president from 1 to 10 on 10 leadership categories; the averages of all of the ratings are then ranked. The 10 categories are public persuasion, crisis leadership, economic management, moral authority, international relations, administrative skills, relations with Congress, vision/setting an agenda, pursuit of equal justice for all and performance within the context of the times.

Trump got his best average rating on public persuasion, in which he came in 32nd. On moral authority and administrative skills, however, he came in dead last.

Matter of opinions best summed up by cspan.

Trump is the 4th from the very fucking bottom.

Here's a link.
chizzy's Avatar
Lost the popular vote to Hillary and to Biden. And his numbers were never better than Bush, Reagan, Clinton or Obama.


Even with all the new historians participating, the top and bottom rankings remained unchanged. Since 2009, the top four presidents have been: 1) Abraham Lincoln 2) George Washington 3) Franklin D. Roosevelt and 4) Theodore Roosevelt. (Washington and FDR switched places in the 2000 survey.) The bottom three have been always been Pierce, Johnson and Buchanan, in that order.

The survey is conducted only when there is a change in administration, so that each presidency can be evaluated in its entirety. The historians do not rank the presidents themselves. Instead they are asked to rate each president from 1 to 10 on 10 leadership categories; the averages of all of the ratings are then ranked. The 10 categories are public persuasion, crisis leadership, economic management, moral authority, international relations, administrative skills, relations with Congress, vision/setting an agenda, pursuit of equal justice for all and performance within the context of the times.

Trump got his best average rating on public persuasion, in which he came in 32nd. On moral authority and administrative skills, however, he came in dead last.

Matter of opinions best summed up by cspan.

Trump is the 4th from the very fucking bottom.

Here's a link. Originally Posted by eyecu2
My my, as the liberal washington post states if u bother to read it, an informal poll from people picked by c span🤣

Okay I'm convinced.
I think “whomever is running against Trump” is the most popular American politician, as sign by the last election. Originally Posted by Mistershark
... Really? ...

... So Biden and all his "extra votes" make him MORE popular?

... And how is he today? ....His numbers are in the SHITHOUSE.

... They didn't stop polling on 5 Nov.... They are polling
RIGHT NOW... As I mentoned, TRUMP is the FAVOURITE to
win in 2024. .... Was the favourite in 2020 and was
much better as a President than OBama and Biden will ever be.

#### Salty
This is all in the plan to destroy America. It all started in 2008

- A person was elected President to bring America together. He started with a big smile informing you that you have not been treated right and he is here to correct that.
Since he was elected America has been the most divided since the Civil War
- This person elected President stated that
1. He would fundamentally change America 2. It would be a matter of time when America would become Brown
- After his eight years a person was to be elected to finalize the take down of America, a surprise, it failed
- A backup plan that was hatched if his Grand Plan failed was to accuse and blame the newly elected President for the exact same thing the liberals was doing. Working with Russia and China to take down America and a President that would stop the Grand Plan
- The liberals, China and Russia wasn't going to stand by and let one person stop their take down of America and their Grand Plan
- The Democrats aided by the FBI and CIA planted false information about the newly elected President to take him down and stop him from changing America to their plan
The full power of the FBI and CIA could not take down the President with false information

- A once in a hundred year or so pandemic was released on the world by, China. America was shut down.

Paper ballets was sent out to every person in America to vote, dead or alive. Ballet boxes was set out all over the country with no way to prove if the vote was actually the vote of the person on the ballet
The President that was in the way of the Grand Plan wasn't reelected, the Grand Plan is back on track

- The newly elected President on day one shuts down Americas energy independence.
He shuts down pipeline jobs that employed thousands.
Stopped new drilling on federal lands
Gave Russia, the approval for a new pipeline to supply Germany with natural gas eliminating America from supplying this energy and the high paying American jobs associated with it
He supported Russia and China over America
- America's southern border was opened to allow millions yes millions to come into America to "Fundamentally Change America"
- Millions was paid to just stay home and not work to have as many as possible to hopefully become dependent on the government and vote to keep Democrats in power
-CRT is being taught in schools to further divide Americans against one another
- Rioting, looting and burning of businesses is permitted and supported to further the take down of America
-Soros is funding the election of liberal judges to assist in the "Fundamental Change of America"

- Social media is being used to block conservative comments to support Democrats for only one view being heard. Actually using misinformation as a ruse as an excuse while allowing the likes of terrorist to continue to use their platforms

- The liberals and Biden know they are in trouble of losing power in the next election
- Another part of their plan like the Pandemic they used to regain power. Allow Russia to invade parts of Europe to take away the narrative of what they have done so far to America. Hopefully Americans will support the Democrats during a time of war, a ploy used in the past

-Energy costs are going to increase the cost of everything which increases inflation, furthering the take down of America
-The stock market will suffer further hurting Americans

The liberals in power want them to be the only ones with money and the power associated with it.
No way do they want someone other than them with more money and power. Originally Posted by Chase7
eyecu2's Avatar
... Really? ...

... So Biden and all his "extra votes" make him MORE popular?

Popular vote means he got more in total.
You can cry all you like about it, but it's true. Didn't mean he lost to Hillary, but he did to Biden- Last I checked, he's still the POTUS. BAHaahahaha

... And how is he today? ....His numbers are in the SHITHOUSE.

No doubt that polling is not in favor of Biden currently. He's facing a LOT of issues that have surfaced and percolated to the foreground. No dispute about that, and he could be doing better on his public discussions. People want to know the truth about what's up; good or bad. I don't think Trump did a very good job about that either btw; as he only highlighted what was going well, not poorly. Most POTUS do the same. It's just part of the job and generally, I would give Trump a nod to being able to polish a turd better than Biden does.

... They didn't stop polling on 5 Nov.... They are polling
RIGHT NOW... As I mentoned, TRUMP is the FAVOURITE to
win in 2024. .... Was the favourite in 2020 and was
much better as a President than OBama and Biden will ever be.

oh if you could point to a few polls' that demonstrate how Trump is compared to Obama and beats him, that would be great. Trump couldn't beat Obama in any realm of being president. Just like your opinion comes from your personal belief, mine is mine. I have never seen one person divide a country, a senate, a house of reps, or the entire political process like Trump. He even used the DOJ as his personal legal team for his improprieties. Just because a corrupt congress didn't hold him acccountable due to sticking to party over country is not a valid excuse or validation of his horrible behavior.
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

As far as who will win in 2024; I guess there is a bit of time till that happens and we don't know who's gonna be on either ticket. I recall Biden saying he's going to be a one term president when he ran before. I don't think he's in this to play polls politics for a second term. That said, I also think Manchen and Scinema fucked him really good on not supporting portions of bills.

We'll see what happens.
... Really? ...

... So Biden and all his "extra votes" make him MORE popular?

... And how is he today? ....His numbers are in the SHITHOUSE.

... They didn't stop polling on 5 Nov.... They are polling
RIGHT NOW... As I mentoned, TRUMP is the FAVOURITE to
win in 2024. .... Was the favourite in 2020 and was
much better as a President than OBama and Biden will ever be.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I didn’t say Biden, I said whomever runs against Donald ‘Putin is a genius’ Trump.

By extra votes I assume you just mean more people voted for him than voted for Trump?
berryberry's Avatar
My my, as the liberal washington post states if u bother to read it, an informal poll from people picked by c span🤣

Okay I'm convinced. Originally Posted by chizzy
This is why libtards brains are mush. They actually believe this silly shit from far left media