Biden impeached, hunter indicted, mtg appointed potus

Just doing my damn good imitation of itty-bitty faux "cable" news for their not so smart viewers. Who needs facts???
I guess it would be OK for hunter to get charged for one misdemeanor...since mega trumpy got charged with 42 (I think since i don't follow that loser) FELONIES
... How 'bout Biden getting Impeached - AND INDICTED?!

#### Salty
Stay tuned to itty-bitty disgraced faux "cable" news

And...go trumpy go. Get nominated again biggest loser ever along with your mega morons
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
MTG is not in the line of succession. Even Hillary knows that.
Stay tuned to itty-bitty disgraced faux "cable" news

And...go trumpy go. Get nominated again biggest loser ever along with your mega morons
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
... Keep Watching! ... That's how FOX gets their High Ratings!

And WHY didn't you mention Kamala IF Joe gets impeached?
Don't you wanna see HER as the new President?

#### Salty
Lol I was doing a great headline special report breaking news lead in for longer on itty-bitty faux "cable" news

Faux is the third strike for fucker...cnn-fired msnbc-fired faux-fired

Where does he take his lies now...he was fired from faux. What's lower than that