Playing roulette with oil tankers

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And another tanker seized by Iranians.

So state sponsored piracy is apparently the current game.

Will we see privateers next?
LexusLover's Avatar
And another tanker seized by Iranians.

So state sponsored piracy is apparently the current game.

Will we see privateers next? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
About two days ago I saw an article requesting that private vessels not employ armed guards. Now I see why. Strange how the announcement of this capture happened until after market closed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And another tanker seized by Iranians.

So state sponsored piracy is apparently the current game.

Will we see privateers next? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Letters of Marque will have to be signed and issued. haven't done that since 1812.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Some issued due to the Brit war didn't expire till 1815. Rand Paul introduced a bill in 2009 to have the US issue Letters to go after Somali pirates. Didn't pass.