WHITES and COLORED bathrooms any one around then?

Whites and colored bathrooms any one around then?

was there a punishment for whites an blacks having sex back then?

I know my grandma said that my great or great great grandpa married a indian woman an that they had to hide her in the covered wagon they may have been back when they planted the stick an flag in ground whe they did the sooner run an Oklahoma runfor property ...wasn't it called the sooner run? im not sure... but I do have dark native blood running in my veins.... SO im told....

anyhoo I have this art to share of colored an whites bathroom an drinking fountain.....pics above and below ive bee working on
forgot this one ART pic being worked on .........

and this one ...

White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy


I am the god of fuck
I am the god of fuck
Virgins sold in quantity
Herded by heredity
Redneck burnout, Mid-West mind
Who said date rape isn't kind?
Porno nation, evaluation
What's this time for segregation?
Libido, libido, fascination
Too much oral defecation
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
Time for cake and sodomy
Time for cake and sodomy
I am the god of fuck
I am the god of fuck
VCRs and vaseline
TV fucked by plastic queens
Cash in hand and dick on screen
Who said God was ever clean?
Bible-belt round Anglo- waste
Putting sinners in their place
Yeah, right, great if you're so good
Explain the shit stains on your face
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
God fucker
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
White trash, get down on your knees
Time for cake and sodomy
Yeah, time for cake and sodomy
Time for cake and sodomy

IM pretty sure it was the Oklahoma land run in these pics tht I was speaking about with my great grandpa or great great grandpa that married a dark skined indian woman (mygreat great grandma?)an hid her in a covered wagon during these land runs an around becaue being seen inpublic I don't think was allowed or something of that nature.....


QUOTE Sofia;1057231511]Whites and colored bathrooms any one around then?

was there a punishment for whites an blacks having sex back then?

I know my grandma said that my great or great great grandpa married a indian woman an that they had to hide her in the covered wagon they may have been back when they planted the stick an flag in ground whe they did the sooner run an Oklahoma runfor property ...wasn't it called the sooner run? im not sure... but I do have dark native blood running in my veins.... SO im told.....

...BUT there are no records of intermarriages before 1676 and even after though the ratio between men and women was unbalanced. And even after that, it was extremely rare to find intermarriage between Whites and non-whites.

AS far as being punished for sex whites colored and Indians

ITS VERY VERY Very long yet I thought I would share........

sometimes having your legs spread and dick n it you forget much school teahings u be using the pussy ibe using my skull whichi got ahole inback like a pussy ...but never mind heres the long lng very long crap im sharing just because
But as you'll see, the American colonial leaders didn't sit idly by and let intermarriage happen. Oh no! At first they must have been astounded when it happened. There were no "savages" or "negroes" back in the "Old" country! Not knowing what to do, they punished those who were found in violation of God's law. That not being enough, soon civil laws were passed forbidding the union of the races.
God had already decreed the separation of the races. Now man attempted to force by law what should have been written in the hearts of men.
A quick reminder, it's been estimated that at least half and up to two thirds of the Europeans who came to the New World in the Colonial period of our history (up to the Revolutionary War) were White slaves. Some were indentured servants. In other words, they did not have the money to come on their own and someone else paid their way. Then they had to work off their debt for a period of years before they were set free. Some, if not most of the indentured servants were kept as slaves for life. Click below for information on this sometimes brutal practice.
The first blacks in this country were also indentured servants. By 1670 there were three times more White servants/slaves than black in this country. The first legally owned slave in this country was owned by a former indentured servant named Anthony Johnson, who was black himself. There were other slaves before this, but Anthony Johnson paved the way for slavery. Ironic, isn't it.
It's historical fact that blacks owned slaves themselves, even up to and through the Civil War. Slavery is much more complicated than our history teachers would have you believe.
We do not condone slavery. It is an unfortunate fact of American History that we cannot ignore. But perspective is essential. Be sure and visit the page on our site for more information. Also visit
We'll do a quick summary of the historical prohibitions on interracial marriage and cohabitation
Not only in Colonial America and after but other countries as well
We have done extensive research on this subject. But that doesn't mean we haven't made mistakes or left something out. We have attempted to be as factual and thorough as possible.

Territorial changes following the French and Indian War: land held by the British before 1763 is shown in red, land gained by Britain in 1763 is shown in pink.
Keep the above map in mind when you read these laws
Racial Laws in the New World
1523 - Spanish Law - Indians were to live separate from the Spaniard, Negroes and others.
1527 - Due to a slave revolt in Puerto Rico in1527, Spanish Royal Decree recommends that male slaves ought to marry female slaves as much as possible: "with marriage and their love for wives and children and orderly married life they will become more calm and much sin and trouble will be avoided."
1541 - Spanish Royal Decree for the colonies recommends that black men be married to black women since reportedly Negro slaves kept 'great numbers of Indian women, some of them voluntarily, others against their wishes."
All three of these Spanish laws protected Indians, Blacks and Spaniards from interracial marriage
The last law specifically protected Indians
1630 - Jamestown, Virginia - Hugh Davis was ordered to be "soundly whipt before an assembly of negroes for abusing himself to the dishonor of God and the shame of Christianity by defiling his body in lying with a negro." Some speculate that since the word Negress was not used his offense was that of homosexuality. We contend that even if this is true, his offense was two-fold, Hhe crossed the color line and he committed an act of sodomy.
1638 - New Netherlands - Ordinance of the Director and Council of New Netherlands - "each and every one must refrain from Fighting, Adulterous intercourse with heathens, Blacks, or other persons, Mutiny, Theft, False Swearing, Calumny (slander) and other Immoralities..." if they committed any of these acts they were to be corrected and punished as an example to the others.
1640 - Jamestown, Virginia - Robert Sweat was ordered to "do penance in church according to the laws of England" for impregnating an African female. The woman was ordered whipped.
1649 - Jamestown, Virginia -
William Watts and Mary (Mr. Cornelius Lloyd's negro woman) were both ordered "to doe penance by standing in a white sheete with a white Rodd in their hands in the Chapell of Elizabeth River in the face of the congregation on the next sabbath day that the minister shall make penince service and the said Watts to pay the court charges." Some say this was not a racial issue since both had to do the penance.
1662 - Virginia - "Whereas some doubts have arisen whether children got by any Englishman upon a negro woman should be slave or free, be it therefore enacted and declared by the present grand assembly, that all children borne in this country shall be held bond or free only according to the condition of the mother, And that if any Christian shall committ ffornication with a negro man or woman, hee or shee soe offending shall pay double the ffines imposed by the former act (the fine was 500 pounds of tobacco)" This law did not legalize fornication between anyone, it just made the penalty more severe if the parties were of different races. The law making the child free or bond according to the status of the mother brought the Virginia law into line with Iberian laws that had been in effect since 1265. Over the next few decades, identical laws would be adopted throughout the British colonies.
1664 - Maryland - Law condemns free-born English women who intermarry with negro slaves:: "For deterring such free borne women from such shamefull Matches...whatsoever free borne woman shall inter marry with any slave...shall Serve the master of such slave dureing the life of her husband And that all the issues of such freeborne woemen so marryed, shall be Slaves as their fathers were." The statute noted that "divers freeborne English women forgettful of their free Condicon and to the disgrace of our Nation doe intermarry with negro Slaves." (Archives of Maryland, 1:533-34) Mothers condemned 78 children to 30-year slavery. Twenty years later the law was amended to promise freedom to women and children if the owner permitted. Notice that the intent of this law was to discourage the European women from marrying the negro slave by not only forcing her into slavery but her children as well

1677 - Pennsylvania - suggested a law that race mixing should be prohibited.
Conflict between the 1662 Virginia and 1664 Maryland Laws
We would like to believe that all people knew and understood the specialness of all races. But such was not the case. Because of the two laws, European men who wanted to marry African women fled to Maryland. and European women who wanted to marry African men fled to Virginia.
Not only that, some Maryland planters exploited the law by deliberately purchasing White women as slaves or indentured servants and forcing them to marry African men in order to breed more slaves. So the fix was...
1681 - Maryland - Legislature revoked the 1664 law and adopted Virginia's system instead. The law also punished any master who "instigated or merely allowed marriage between his white female servants and black male slaves."
1691 - Virginia - "An act for suppressing outlying Slaves and for prevention of that abominable mixture and SPURIOUS ISSUE which hereafter may encrease in this dominion, as well by negroes, mulattoes, and Indians intermarrying with English, or other white women, as by their unlawfull accompanying with one another, be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, that for the time to come, whatsoever English or other white man or woman being free shall intermarry with a negroe, mulatto, or Indian man or woman bond or free shall within three months after such marriage be banished and removed from this dominion forever..." Another section of the law states that free white mothers of an illegitimate child by a Negro or Mulatto have to pay 15 pounds sterling and the child becomes a servant until age 30. If she cannot pay she would become an indentured servant for five years. Regardless, the child is a servant for 30 years.
1692 - Maryland -
Maryland outlaws intermarriage, virtually copying the 1691 Virginia law.
1692 - Maryland - White women who had children by slaves were sold as servants for seven years and, if they married the slave, their children were to serve until they were the age of twenty-one. If the woman was not married to the slave the child had to serve until they were thirty-one. Again, this law was to discourage White women from producing "spurious" offspring.

At least 256 white women were prosecuted in Maryland for the offense of interracial marriage during the colonial period.
1696 - Virginia - Made the 1691 laws harsher by punishing ministers 10,000 pounds of tobacco (an amount far beyond the reach of even some landed gentry and meant the defrocking of the minister). Ministers were also ordered to preach against intermarriage. Priests who refused to comply were defrocked and replaced.
1705 - Massachusetts - "Act for the Better Preventing of a Spurious and Mixt Issue" bans interracial fornication and marriage by statute. Section 1 prohibits fornication of "any negro or molatto man" "with an English woman, or a woman of any other Christian nation within this province," punishable by whipping of both partners, the selling of the man out of the province within six months (after continuous imprisonment), and pressing the woman into servitude if she is unable to maintain a child. Section 2 bans fornication of 'any Englishman, or man of another Christian nation within this province," "with a negro, or molatto woman," punishable by whipping of only the man, who also shall pay a fine of five pounds and, if applicable, child support, and by the selling of the woman out of the province. Section 4 prohibits the contracting of matrimony between one of "her majesty's English or Scottish subjects, [or] of any other Christian nation within this province" and "any negro or molatto," threatening persons authorized who solemnize such a marriage with a fine of 50 pounds.
1715 - Maryland -
Chapter 44, section 25 made the mixed-race descendants of white women who had children by slaves subject to the same punishments as white women. They were sold as servants for seven-year terms, and their children were bound until the age of 31.
1715 - North Carolina -
Outlaws interracial marriage.
1717 - South Carolina - The Statutes at Large of South Carolina article XXI - "Any white woman, free or servant, that shall suffer herself to begot with child by a negro or other slave or free negro" if she is a a free white woman she is to become a servant for seven years; if she is a servant she is to finish her time and then become bonded for another seven years. If the "begetter of such child be a free negro" he is to be a servant for seven years "and the issues or children of such unnatural and inordinate copulation shall be servants" until 21 years of age if male, 18 years of age if female from their birth. "And any white man that shall beget any negro woman with child, whether free or servant" shall have the same penalties as a white woman.
1721 - Delaware -
Outlaws interracial marriage
1724 - French Edict by Louix XV -
Bans intermarriages between whites and blacks in Louisiana. "We forbid our white subjects or either sex to contract marriage with blacks, under threat of punishment and fines; and forbid all clerics, priests, or missionaries, lay or ordained, and even ships' chaplains, to marry them." Also prohibits whites "or freeborn or freed blacks" to live in concubinage with slaves.
1725 - Pennsylvania -
Outlaws interracial marriageand cohabitation.
1728 - Maryland -
Extends law to prohibit intermarriage and cohabitation between free mulatto women and black slaves; and subjects Negro women who have mixed race children by white men to the same penalties as white women and Negro men.
1750 - Georgia -
Outlaws interracial marriage between Whites and any other race.
After the Revolutionary War

1786 - Virginia -
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, revises colonial marriage law, omits reference to preachers, "A marriage between a person of free condition and a slave, or between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a mulatto, shall be null."
1786 - Massachusetts - Reenacts the colonial law, "That no person by this Act authorized to marry, shall join in marriage any white person with any Negro, Indian or Mulatto, on penalty of the sum of fifty pounds...and such marriages shall be null and void."
1798 - Rhode Island -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks and Indians (repealed in 1881)
1808 - Louisiana Civil Code -
page 24, article 8: "Free persons and slaves are incapable of contracting marriage together; the celebration of such marriages is forbidden, and the marriage is void; it is the same with respect to the marriages contracted by free white persons with free people of color."
1818 - Indiana -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks
1821 - Maine -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks and Indians
1829 - Illinois -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks
1835 - Missouri -
Outlaws interracial marriage (blacks, Asians)
1837 - Texas -
"It shall not be lawful for any person of Caucasian blood or their descendants to intermarry with Africans or the descendants of Africans."
1838 - Michigan -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks1839 - Iowa - Outlaws interracial marriagebetween whites and blacks1849 - Virginia - Ch. 109, Section 1, Article 471, makes "any marriage between a white person and a Negro absolutely void without further legal process." (this would automatically make the children illegitimate.)
1850 - California -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Asians and Filipinos.
1852 - Utah -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Asians and Filipinos
1855 - Kansas -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks (repeals law in 1859 before reaching statehood)
1855 - Nebraska -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks and Asians
1855 - Washington -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks and Indians (repealed before reaching statehood (1868?)
1857 - New Mexico -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks (repeals law in 1866 before reaching statehood)
1861 - Ohio -
forbids intermarriage between a person of pure white blood and one having a visible admixture of African blood
1861 - Nevada -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Indians, Asians and Filipinos
1862 - Oregon -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Indians, Asians and Native Hawaiians1864 - Colorado - Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks
1864 - Idaho -
Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Indians and Asians1865 - Arizona - Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks and Asians (Filipinos (Malays) and Indians (Hindus) added in 1931)
Reconstruction in the South
Most people don't understand the devastation that the South endured both during after the Civil War
Their land was laid waste
Their government was being run by the victors in Washington D.C.
Don't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes...or lived in their homes
These states repealed their anti-miscegenation laws during reconstruction and then later reinstated them
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina

1871 - Indiana -
State v. Gibson, "The natural law which forbids their (black and white) intermarriage and that social amalgamation which leads to a corruption of races, is as clearly divine as that which imparted to them different natures."
1871 - Tennessee -
Doc. Lonas v. State, "The laws of civilization demand that the races be kept apart in this country. The progress of either does not depend upon an admixture of blood. A sound philanthropy, looking to the public peace and the happiness of both races, would regard any effort to intermerge the individuality of the races as a calamity full of the saddest and gloomiest portent to the generations that are to come after us."
1877 - Alabama - Supreme Court
, in Green v. State, asserts state's right to enforce intermarriage bans: "Manifestly, it is for the peace and happiness of the black race, as well as of the white, that such laws should exist. And surely there can not be any tyranny or injustice in requiring both alike, to form this union with those of their own race only, whom God hath joined together by indelible peculiarities, which declare that He has made the two races distinct."
1877 - Colorado -
"All marriages between Negroes and mulattoes of either sex and white persons are declared absolutely void."
1878 - Virginia -
"The Purity of public morals, the moral and physical development of both races, and the highest advancement of our cherished southern civilization, under which two distinct races are to work out and accomplish the destiny to which the Almighty has assigned them on this continent...all require that they should be kept distinct and separate, and that connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them, should be prohibited by positive law, and be subject to no evasion."
1880 - Mississippi -
Bans intermarriage
1881 - Florida -
Provides twelve months' imprisonment and a maximum fine of $500 for a Negro and a white person of opposite sex who occupy the same room habitually. Penalty for violation of intermarriage prohibition is prison up to ten years and a maximum fine of $500; for clergy men, priests, or public officials who solemnize such a union, it is prison up to one year and a fine up to $1000.
1889 - Georgia - "The marriage relation between white persons and persons of African descent is forever prohibited, and such marriage shall be null and void."

1890 - Georgia -
Federal District Court of Southern Georgia determines, in State v. Tutty, 41 Fed. 753, that Georgia laws forever prohibiting marriage
between whites and persons of African descent cannot be circumvented by contracting a marriage in another state.
1891- Colorado -
Mill's Annotated Statutes, secs. 1320-2989: "All marriages between
Negroes or Mulattoes, of either sex, and white persons are declared to be absolutely void."
1893 - Kentucky - Statutes, sec. 2097, prohibits and declares void marriage "between a
white person and a negro or mulatto"; intermarriages from other states are not recognized; no property rights come from such a marriage.
1898 - Utah - Revised Statutes, sec. 1184: "Marriage is prohibited and declared void: between a
negro and a white person" and "between a Mongolian and a white person."
1901 - Arizona - Revised Statutes, sec. 3092: "All Marriages of persons of Caucasian blood, or their descendants, with Negroes, Mongolians or Indians, and their descendants, shall be null and void"
1902 - Oregon - Bellinger and Cotton Code, sec. 5217: "What marriages are void. 3. When either of the parties is a
white person and the other negro, or Mongolian or a person of one-fourth or more of negro or Mongolian blood." Sec. 1999: "Hereafter it shall not be lawful within this state for any white person, male or female, to intermarry with any negro, Chinese, or any person having one- fourth or more negro, Chinese or Kanaka blood, or any person having more than one-half Indian blood, . . . . and all such marriages, or attempted marriages, shall be absolutely null and void."
1904 - Arkansas - Kerby's Statues, sec. 5174: "All marriages of white persons with Negroes or Mulattoes are declared to be illegal and void."
1906 - California - Kerr's Code, vol. 2, part 3, paragraph 60: "All marriages of
white persons with negroes, mongolians, or mulattoes are illegal and void."
1906 - Missouri - Statutes, ch. 50, see. 4312: "All marriages between
white persons and mongolians, are prohibited and declared absolutely void, and this prohibition shall apply to illegitimate as well as legitimate children and relatives." Sec. 2174: "No person having one-eighth part or more of negro blood shall be permitted to marry any white person, nor shall any white person be permitted to marry any negro or person having one-eighth part or more of negro blood; and every person who shall knowingly marry in violation of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for two years, or by fine of not less than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and the jury trying any such case may determine the proportion of negro blood in any party to such marriage from the appearance of such person."
1906 - Texas - Criminal Statutes, art. 346: "If any
white person and negro shall knowingly intermarry with each other within this state, or, having so intermarried, in or out of the state, shall continue to live together as man and wife within this state, they shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for a term not less than two or more than five years."
1906 - West Virginia - Code, sec. 2917: "Void marriages: 1. All marriages between a
white person and a negro."
1908 - Indiana - Statutes make void marriage between a white person and one of one-eighth or more of Negro blood.
1908 - Louisiana - Act 87 makes "concubinage between a person of the Caucasian race and a person of the negro race a felony, fixing the punishment therefore and defining what shall constitute the concubinage"; penalty imprisonment of one month to one year with or without hard labor. In the same year the Louisiana Supreme Court in State v. Tread away (126 La. 1908) acquits Treadaway of miscegenation charge "because his companion was an octoroon, and an octoroon was not 'a person of the negro blood or black race.'" This, the court argues, is because " [t] here are no negroes who are not persons of color; but there are persons of color who are not negroes" (see 1910 for Louisiana's legislative response). Louisiana Civil Code, art. 94, prohibits and voids marriage between white persons and persons of color.
1909 - Montana - Statutes passed declaring marriages between
whites and persons of whole or part Negro blood or Chinese or Japanese null and void.
1909 - North Dakota - makes marriage of white state residents with persons of
one-eighth or more Negro blood unlawful and void, punishable by prison of up to ten years and/or a fine of up to two thousand dollars.
1909 - South Dakota - Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Asians and Filipinos
1910 - Louisiana -Legislature, in act 206, House bill no. 220, amends interracial concubinage prohibition to extend to any "person of the
colored or black race."
1910 - North Carolina - case of Ferrall v. Ferrall turns down a husband's request to evade a property settlement and alimony on the grounds that his wife was "negro within the prohibited degree": "Years ago the plaintiff married a wife who, if she had any strain of negro blood whatever, was so white he did not suspect it until recently. . . . Now. . . he seeks to get rid of her . . . in a method that will not only deprive her of any support while he lives by alimony, or by dower after his death, but which would consign her to the association of the colored race which he so affects to despise. . . . The law may not permit him thus to bastardize his own children."
1910 - Oklahoma - Revised Laws, sec. 3894: "The marriage of any person of
African descent, as defined by the constitution of this State to any person not of African descent to any person of African descent, shall be unlawful and is hereby prohibited within this State." The state constitution, art. 23, sec. 11, defines races as follows: "Wherever in this Constitution and laws of the State the word or words 'colored' or 'colored race,' 'negro' or 'negro race' are used the same shall be construed to mean or apply to all persons of African descent. The term 'white race' shall include all other persons."
1911 - Nebraska - Compiled Statutes, ch. 25, sec. 31, Consanguinity or Miscegenation: "Upon the dissolution by decree or sentence of nullity of any marriage that is prohibited on account of consanguinity between the parties, or of any marriage between a
white person and a negro, the issue of the marriage shall be deemed to be illegitimate."
1912 - Nevada - Revised Laws, sec. 6517: "If any white person with any person shall live and cohabit with any
black person, mulatto, Indian, or any person of the Malay or brown race or of the Mongolian or yellow race, in a state of fornication, such person so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and not less than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than six months or more than one year, or both."
1913 - Nebraska - Laws, ch. 72, sec. 5302. Void marriages: "First -- when one party is a white person and the other is possessed of one-eighth or more negro, Japanese or Chinese blood."
1913 - South Dakota - Compiled Laws, ch. 166, sec. 1: "The intermarriage or illicit cohabitation of any persons belonging to the
African, Corean, Malayan or Mongolian race, with any person of the opposite sex, belonging to the Caucasian or white race, is hereby prohibited, and any person who shall hereafter enter into any such marriage, or who shall indulge in any such illicit cohabitation shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding ten years or both such fine and imprisonment."
1913 - Wyoming - Outlaws interracial marriage between whites and blacks, Asians and Filipinos
1915 - Michigan - Compiled Laws, sections 5700-5703 makes
intermarriages expressly valid.
1919 - Idaho - law (amended 1921) declares marriage between
whites and Mongolians, Negroes, or Mulattoes to be illegal and void; penalty for cohabitation is imprisonment up to six months and a maximum fine of $300.
1920 - Louisiana - Statutes of Louisiana, act 220, prohibits marriage between persons of
Indian race and of colored or black race; act 230 forbids cohabitation between Negroes and Indians.
1920 - Wyoming - Compiled Statutes prohibit marriage of a
white and a Negro, Mulatto, Mongolian, or Malay.
1921 - Georgia - Act makes felonious and void the intermarriage of whites and persons with an
ascertainable trace of African, West Indian, Asiatic Indian, or Mongolian blood. Provisions for detecting such blood could not be enforced for lack of appropriations.
1921 - Montana - Revised Codes, sec. 5700, declares null and void the marriage between a white person and a
Negro or a person with some part of Negro blood.
1923 - Michigan - Acts of Michigan, no. 7, declares
intermarriages legal.
1923 - Oklahoma - Supreme Court, in Blake v. Sessions, declares void the marriage between a
man of 3/4 Indian and 1/4 Negro blood and a woman with 3/4 Indian and 1/4 white blood (reason: 1910 Oklahoma Laws, sec. 1677, prohibits marriages between persons of African descent and persons of non-African descent).
1924 - Virginia - 27 February: Virginia Senate passes 23 to 4 the "
Act to Preserve Racial Integrity," requiring racial ancestry certificate for all citizens born before 14 June 1912 and sharpening previous intermarriage bans: "It shall be unlawful for any white person in this state to marry any save a white person, or a person with no other admixture of blood than white and American Indian. For the purpose of this act, the term 'white person' shall apply only to the person who has no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian; but persons who have one-sixteenth or less of the blood of the American Indian and have no other non-caucasic blood shall be deemed to be white" (previously persons of less than one-quarter Negro blood did not count as Negroes).
California leads the way

1948 - California - California supreme court case of Perez v. Sharp, 32 Cal. 2d 711, 198P. 2d 17, declares
state miscegenation laws unconstitutional.
BY 1950 30 out of 48 states prohibited
Interracial marriage
Most were between Whites and blacks, Asians, Indians and other races
A handful protected Indians from intermarriage

Only nine states never enacted laws

Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alaska and Hawaii
Washington DC also never enacted laws

1955 - Virginia - In Naim v. Naim, 197 Va. 80, 87 S.E. 2d 749, Virginia supreme court sustains miscegenation statute; state's legislative purpose was "to preserve the racial integrity of its citizens" and to prevent "the corruption of blood," "the obliteration of racial pride," and the ereation of "a mongrel breed of citizens."
1959 - Louisiana - Louisiana supreme court upholds the state's miscegenation law, arguing that the state could protect the children from such marriages from "a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone"
1951 Oregon repeals their law
1953 Montana repeals their law
1955 North Dakota laws repealed
1957 South Dakota and Colorado repeal laws.
1959 California, Idaho, and Nevada repeal laws
1962 Arizona law repealed.
1963 Nebraska and Utah repeal their laws

1964 - United States Supreme Court - Florida - In McLaughlin et al. v. Florida, U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Florida criminal statute 798.05, which prohibits an "unmarried interracial couple from habitually living in and occupying the same room in the nighttime" with a penalty of jail up to one year and a fine up to $500; ruling explicitly overturns Pace v. Alabama (1882). Court avoids the intermarriage issue as it rejects Florida's argument in support of the interracial cohabitation ban "without reaching the question of the validity of the State's prohibition against interracial marriage. . . . For even if we posit the constitutionality of the ban against the marriage of a Negro and a white, it does not follow that the cohabitation law is not to be subjected to independent examination under the Fourteenth Amendment."
1965 Wyoming laws repealed
Loving vs. Virginia would be the turning point in American law
1967 - United States Supreme Court - Virginia - 12 June: Loving v. Virginia. U.S. Supreme Court rules (9 to 0) that anti-miscegenation laws are unconstitutional within the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Chief Justice Warren: "There can be no question that Virginia's miscegenation statutes rest solely upon distinctions drawn according to race. . . .Marriage is one of 'the basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival. . . . To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discriminations. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State." The case was that of the white construction worker Richard Loving and his Negro wife Mildred Jeter, who had married in the District of Columbia and then returned to Virginia.
360 years after the first permanent European settlement in the New World and activist judges made God's law null and void in the United States of America
When the United States Supreme Court made their decision, the following states had their laws automatically overturned:
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia

Maryland had already initiated a repeal of their law.
1977 - Tennessee - Limited Constitutional Convention eliminates prohibition of interracial marriages from Tennessee Constitution by resolving unanimously that "Article XI, of the Constitution is hereby amended by deleting there from in its entirety Section 14 prohibiting interracial marriages."
1978 - Tennessee - 31 March: Tennessee proclaims repeal of the 1896 constitution's art. 11, sec. 14, prohibiting racial intermarriage after
narrow approval of electorate with 199,742 against 191,745 votes.
1987 - Mississippi - 4 December: Mississippi Secretary of State proclaims that section 263 of 1890 constitution, prohibiting interracial marriage, is deleted based upon House Concurrent Resolution #13 (Laws 1987, ch.672) and
ratification by the electorate on November 3.
States with Constitutional Amendments
1883 - North Carolina State Constitution - All marriages between a White person and a Negro, or between a White person and a person of Negro descent to the third generation inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited. (Article 14, Section 8)
1890 - Mississippi State Constitution - The marriage of a White person with a Negro or mulatto, or person who shall have one-eighth or more of Negro blood, shall be unlawful and void. (Article 14, Section 263)
1892 - Florida State Constitution - All marriages between a White person and a Negro, or between a White person and a person of Negro descent to the fourth generation, inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited. (Article 16, Section 24)
1895 - South Carolina State Constitution - The marriage of a White person with a Negro or mulatto, or person who shall have one-eighth or more of Negro blood, shall be unlawful and void. (Article 3, Section 33)
1896 - Tennessee State Constitution - The intermarriage of White persons with negroes, mulattoes, or persons of mixed blood, descended from a Negro to the third generation, inclusive, or their living together as man and wife in this state is prohibited. The legislature shall enforce this section by appropriate legislation. (Article 11, Section 14)
1901 - Alabama State Constitution (amended) - The legislature shall never pass any law to authorize or legalize any marriage between any White person and a Negro, or a descendant of a Negro. (Section 102)
Other important rulings and events that have led to the acceptance of interracial marriage and mixing in our society:
1932 - Powell v. Alabama - The United States Supreme Court ruled that a defendant in a capital case must be given access to an attorney as part of due process. This seems reasonable, on the surface. But when you read about the case, nine black male defendants were accused of raping two white women. Seven were given the death penalty. They were only given access to they lawyers just before the trial. The appeal was based on inadequate legal counsel and the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the trial was fair. The case then went to the United States Supreme Court.
The majority opinion reversed and remanded the decisions of the Alabama Supreme Court, holding that due process under the 14th amendment had been violated. The ruling was based on three main arguments: "(1) They were not given a fair, impartial and deliberate trial; (2) They were denied the right of counsel, with the accustomed incidents of consultation and opportunity for trial; and (3) They were tried before juries from which qualified members of their own race were systematically excluded.The opinion noted that the atmosphere around the case was quite hostile; the prisoners were always escorted by the military and the trial took place in the presence of a "hostile and excited public".
The 14th Amendment was never legally ratified. It has been used to force Roe vs. Wade on the American public, among others
White people today are rarely tried before juries that are qualified members of their own race
Ernse Zundel, and others who are considered bigots who have been tried for "hatred and bigotry" have trials in the presence of a "hostile and excited public."

Discrimination against Whites is alive and strong

1945 - Shelley v. Kraemer - The United States Supreme Court ruled that The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits a state from enforcing restrictive covenants which would prohibit a person from owning or occupying property on the basis of race or color. The Shelley's, a black family, purchased property that had restrictive covenants in place which barred "people of the black or Mongolian race" from owning the property. The U.S. Supreme Court joined this case with a similar one from Detroit, Michigan and ruled that no state could uphold private land covenants that are racially-based.
White people who want to separate themselves from other races are considered hateful and racist and are not allowed to live in peace
By 1946 the United States Military was being integrated
1954 - Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, United States Supreme Court said that separate but equal in public schools was not equal.
The fourteenth amendment was the basis of this ruling

1941 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt - signed Executive Order 8802 which outlawed segregationist hiring policies by defense-related industries which held federal contracts. Roosevelt's signing of this order was a direct result of efforts by Black trade union leader, A. Philip Randolph
1961 President John F. Kennedy - Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."
1965 - President Lyndon B. Johnson - Executive order 11246 and 11375 - The order, as amended, aims "to correct the effects of past and present discrimination". It prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, skin color, religion, gender, or national origin. The order requires that contractors take affirmative action to ensure that "protected class, underutilized applicants" are employed when available, and that employees are treated without negative discriminatory regard to their protected-class status.
The order specifically requires certain organizations accepting federal funds to take affirmative action to increase employment of members of preferred racial or ethnic groups and women. Any organization with fifty or more employees and an aggregate revenue exceeding $50,000 from a single federal contract during a twelve month period must have a written affirmative action plan. This plan must include goals and timetables for achieving full utilization of women and members of racial minorities, in quotas based on an analysis of the current workforce compared to the availability in the general labor pool of women and members of racial minorities.. The order is enforced by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Employment Standards Administration of the U. S. Department of Labor and by the Office of Civil Rights of the Justice Department.
In his commencement address at Howard University, a black school, given this same year, Johnson said:
Nothing is more freighted with meaning for our own destiny than the revolution of the Negro American...In far too many ways American Negroes have been another nation: deprived of freedom, crippled by hatred, the doors of opportunity closed to hope...But freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please. You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair...This is the next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result...To this end equal opportunity is essential, but not enough, not enough.
The falsehoods told to blacks and Whites alike about American History has led to the condition we are in today
While discrimination of any type is wrong, attempting to legislate hiring practices leads to discrimination for the race not protected by legislation
the White race

College Acceptance Rates (2005)
Harvard - 10% overall - 16.7% Black - +67.0% difference
MIT - 15.9% overall - 31.6% Black - +98.7% difference
Brown - 16.6% overall - 26.3% Black - +58.4% difference
PENN - 21.2% overall - 30.1% Black - +42.0% difference
Georgetown - 22.0% overall - 30.7% Black - +39.5% difference

Being black makes a difference in being accepted to college
At MIT being black made all the difference
Blacks make up 12% of the population
You tell us -- who is being discriminated against?

1962 - Engel v. Vitale - The United States Supreme Court restricts prayer in public schools
1963 - Abington v. Schempp - The United States Supreme Court removes the Bible from public Schools
1964 - Congress passed the Civil Rights Act which forced the full integration of American society and actually discriminates against Whites
1965 - Congress passes the Immigration and Nationality Act which abolished the racial quota system for immigration
previously only 20% came from non-White countries, after only 20% would come from White countries

1973 - Roe v. Wade - The United States Supreme Court allows the murder of unborn children. The Fourteenth Amendment was the basis of this ruling
1980 - Stone v. Grahm the United States Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky statute requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools
2003 - Lawrence v. Texas - The United States Supreme Court struck down a law prohibiting sodomy saying that it's a "victimless" crime. The Fourteenth Amendment was the basis of this ruling
2003 - Federal judges in New York and California issue restraining orders blocking enforcement of the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act
2003 - Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health - Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples can marry under the laws of the state

The progression has been slow
But when you look at how far we've come from our roots
The Pilgrims would be appalled
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Race Laws in Other Countries
1678 - Cape Colony (South Africa) - Political Council of Cape Colony - prohibits marriages between Dutch burghers and freed slaves; reaffirmed by edict in 1685
1685 - Cape Colony (South Africa) -
Prohibits marriage between white men and slave women; some legal unions of white men with free women of color continued to take place, but with decreasing frequency
1685 - Article 9 of Code Noir of Louis XIV (French Territories) - Threatens those men who live in concubinage with a Nebro slave woman with the high fine of 2000 livres (pounds of sugar). Penalty could be avoided if the man so charged was unmarried and married the slave woman, which also legitimated any earlier offspring.
1771 - Brazil - Viceroy of Portuguese Brazil - orders degredation of an AmerIndian Chief, who "disregarding the signal honours which he had received from the Crown, had sunk so low as to marry a Negress, staining his blood with this alliance."
1778 - France - Order of the Council of State forbidding all marriages between whites and blacks, on penalty of being expelled at once to the colonies.
1778 - Spanish marriage regulation, requiring parental consent for couples under 25 (in order to prevent unequal alliances), is extended to overseas possessions with proviso that it is not to be applied to "Mulattoes, negroes, Coyotes and other Castas and similar races."
1805 - Spanish Royal Decree - requires that persons of pure blood obtain permission of the viceroy or the audiencia in order to marry elements of Negro and Mulatto origin.
1897 - Transvaal (South Africa) - Law no. 2 -- "Wet tot tegengaan van deontucht," immorality legislation against extramarital intercourse between consenting white women and black men (defined to include all members of indigenous and colored races of South Africa as well as Coolies, Arabs, and Malays). Penalties for the white woman (in cases other than rape) were up to five years'
imprisonment or expulsion from the republic; for black men, six years of hard labor and up to 50 lashes. This law and its amendments (no. 46 -- 1903, "Immorality Ordinance," and no. 16 -- 1908, "Criminal Law Amendment Act") provided the models for other South African laws, including the 1927 "Immorality Act."
1897 - Transvaal (South Africa) - Law no. 3 -- regulating marriages of coloured people, "Wet regelnde de huwelijken van kleurlingen," which specified only the possibility that
colored people marry other colored people, whereas the previous marriage law of 1871 was only for whites; colored marriages contracted before 1897 were legalized with ordinance no. 29 -- 1903. 1902 - Cape Colony (South Africa) - Law no. 36- 1902, "Betting Houses, Gaming Houses, and Brothels Suppression Act," prohibits voluntary sexual relations for the purpose of gain between white women and Africans ("aboriginal natives"); the maximum punishment for women is two years' imprisonment at hard labor (sec. 24), for procuring up to five years at hard labor, and for male procurers additionally up to 25 beatings (secs. 35 and 36). In the House of Assembly debates of 1902 (pp.438 and 486ff) the law was advocated by Mr. Graham as a protection of women, and by Mr. Merriman as a device in the interest of white and black in order to prevent riots of the kind that were familiar from the southern United States.
1903 - British Colonies (South Africa) - Enacted laws similar to but going beyond that of the Cape Colony. Natal: No. 31-1903, "Criminal Law Amendment Act,"
prohibits indecent relations between white women and colored persons (sec. 16); colored were defined in the "Vagrancy Law" 15-1869 as "Hot tentots, coolies, bushmen, Lascars, and members of the so-called kaffer population." 1903 - Orange Free State (South Africa) - Law No. 11, "Suppression of Brothels and Immorality Act," sec. 14-16. Transvaal: No. 46, "Immorality Ordinance," similar to Natal, but with harsher punishment and with a very broad definition of "native" as including natives of the indigenous or colored races of Africa, Asia, or St. Helena; in addition Transvaal had no provisions for (though also no direct ban of) intermarriages since 1897.
1903 - Rhodesia (Africa) - "Immorality and Indecency Suppression Act" (by Cecil Rhodes's British South African Company) makes illegal and punishable sexual relations between a
white woman and a black man (but not those between a white man and a black woman).
1910 - Natal (South Africa) - Case of Biscombe and Bissesseur v. Rex: The white woman Biscombe was acquitted of miscegenation charges for her relation with the Indian man Bissesseur because the court determined that "coolies" was not a racial term but included class features: for example, a barrister of Indian parentage was not a "coolie" and Bissesseur was a "free" Indian and hence not a "coolie."
1912 - German Samoa - 17 January: Ban of racial intermarriages
1912 - German Colonies - 8 May: German Reichstag defeats proposal to ban intermarriage in colonies and resolves (202 to 133 votes) that Bundesrat enact legislation securing the validity of marriages between
whites and natives in German colonies and regulating the rights of illegitimate children; sponsors: Zentrum, supported by Social Democrats. (NOTE: The Social Democrats were mainly Jewish communists. Jews and communists are great supporters of race mixing, when it messes up the White race.)
1913 - South Africa - South African Assaults on Women Committee, p. 36, criticizes 1902 "Brothels Suppression Act" for not including sexual relations between
white men and native women.
1927 - South Africa - South African Union House of Assembly (under Hertzog government) passes "Immorality Act," no. 5 -- 1927, which bans all extramarital interracial sexual relations between Europeans and Africans. "Illicit carnal intercourse" is defined as an "offence" punishable with prison up to five years for men and up to four years for women. In the House of Assembly Debates 1926, p. 36, and 1927, pp.37ff., the minister of justice Tielman Roos defended the proposed act as protecting the native women of South Africa, and, second, in order to teach the populace that intercourse between Europeans and natives was not a thing to be taken lightly. From 1928 to 1938 about 550 Europeans (among them 75 women) and 600 natives (among them 510 women) were punished.
1949 - South Africa - South African Union passes "Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act" which makes intermarriage between Europeans and all non-Europeans illegal.
1950 - South Africa - South African Union amends 1927 "Immorality Act" to extend it to "Coloureds"; sexual intercourse or even "immoral or indecent acts" between
whites and all nonwhite groups prohibited; maximum punishment of seven years of hard labor, corporal punishment for men; only exceptions are couples legally married before 1949 Act. "Sexual relations between persons of African, Coloured, and Asiatic origin are not forbidden by law."

1961 - Rhodesia - Rhodesian "Immorality and Indecency Suppression Act" of 1903 abrogated.

1968 - South Africa - South African parliament votes to consider
null and void any interracial marriage, solemnized abroad, between white South Africans and nonwhites.
1985 - South Africa - 15 April: Home Affairs Minister Frederik W. de Klerk announces that South African government accepts recommendation from three-chamber parliamentary committee to overturn the 1949 "Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act," the "Immorality Act," and other legislation prohibiting interracial sex or marriage. In the five preceding years, 918 people had been prosecuted for violations of these laws.
After years of economic sanctions and hate filled rhetoric from the world South Africa capitulated -- and now they're o longer a great nation -- nor a safe nation
Click here for more information about this tragic story

You might wonder why there are no dates for Germany, other then German Samoa, listed above
We believe that you can't get a true understanding of what took place in Germany during World War II just by looking at a date
Please take the time to understand

Just in case you have the idea that
Only White People desire to remain Separate
or that only the United States has racial problems
Here's some information on racial issues in other nations and the laws or measures they have attempted in order to
Protect their Heritage

Our Brothers in Great Britain
The genetic makeup of today's White Briton is much the same as it was thousands of years ago. The ethnic populations that have inhabited the British islands include the Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Norman peoples. All White.
Intermarriage with non-European populations began in the late 15th century, with the arrival of the Romani people, who have Indian origins. We know them as "gypsies." They remained a small, contained population.
Intermarriage didn't become more "common" until the 17th century, when the British East India Company began bringing over thousands of Indian scholars, called lascars, and other Indian workers (often Bengali and/or Muslim) to Britain. A large numbers of these married or cohabitated with local White British females since Indian women were not brought along with the workers. In 1817, a magistrate expressed disgust at how many local English women and girls were marrying or cohabitating with foreign South Asian lascars.
Yet the British didn't make legal restrictions against these foreign marriages. Bet they're kicking themselves now!
Following World War I, which left 885,000 British soldiers dead, there was a large surplus of females in Britain and no men for them to marry. Increasing numbers of seamen arrived from the Indian subcontinent, Arab World, Far East and Caribbean. Intermarriage and cohabitation with local White females increased to the point that race riots broke out. By World War II, any form of race mixing was considered offensive.
Today, in Great Britain, inter-racial relationships have become more and more accepted. So accepted in fact that as of 2009, one in ten children living in the United Kingdom, 10%, lives in a mixed-race family.
Not to mention the massive non-White immigration that our brothers in Great Britain are experiencing. At least one in seven in their schools speak English as their second language.

Over half a million school children in multicultural Britain with English as a 2nd Language

And we thought we had problems.

Throughout Chinese history there have been various periods where large numbers of Arabs, Persians and Turks migrated into Chinese territories. The first of these migrants arrived in the 7th century during the Tang Dynasty and most of them were male who intermarried with local Han Chinese females.
In 836 AD, a decree forbade Chinese to have relations with people of color, such as Iranians, Arabs, Malays, Sumatrans, etc. The result?
Race Riots!
Resulting in the massacre of several thousand Muslim merchants
During the Song Dynasty, third-generations immigrants with official titles were allowed to intermarry with Chinese imperial princesses.
During the Qing Dynasty, Manchus and Mongols were prohibited from marrying the Han Chinese but those within certain territories were exempt.
The edict prohibiting inter-racial marriage wasn't thoroughly repealed until February 1, 1902.
Shame on those racist Chinese...or kudos for protecting their heritage...depends on your point of view, doesn't it?

Malaysia has three "races" of people, the Malays, Chinese and Asiatic Indians. The majority of inter-racial marriages are between Chinese and Indians and their offspring are known as "Chindian." The government classifies them by their father's ethnicity. The majority of these inter-marriages usually involve an Indian father and Chinese mother so most of these mixed-race people are classified as "Indian" by the Malaysian government. Since Malaysia is a Muslim country, religion-based anti-miscegenation laws apply to the Malay people, who are predominantly Muslim. Legal restrictions make it very difficult for Malays to intermarry with either the Chinese of Indian populations.
Between 3 and 8000 years ago, Indo-European speaking nomadic peoples from Europe (aka, White) entered the Indian peninsula. There was already a dark, indigenous tribe. Over the centuries, a rigid cast system developed with four main groups, mainly based on four distinct groups or "varnas."
Now, "modern" researchers and historians will tell you that this has nothing to do with race. Even though some studies say that that lighter the skin, the more European the blood, the higher the cast. Yet these "modern" researchers and historians want you to believe that casts in South Asia grew out of traditional tribal organizations during the formation of Indian society and are not the product of any "Aryan Invasion."
Duh! The Aryan, or White, invasion was the formation of Indian society when they protected themselves from racial inbreeding and adopted the cast system.
You can't separate the two...unless of course you're a modern, "enlightened" thinker.
As early as the 7th century, Japan inter-married with Chinese and Korean immigrants. Yet by 1910 they were discouraging these marriages and even attempted a eugenics policy to limit the birth of children with inferior traits, as well as aiming to protect the life and health of mothers. In 1942 the Japanese declared that the Korean laborers brought into their country were "inferior" and of "lower class."
In 1945, the Home Ministry ordered local government offices to establish a prostitution service for allied soldiers to preserve the "purity" of the Japanese race." The official declaration stated that through the "sacrifice of thousands of Okichis (women sacrificed for the good of the country)...we shall construct a dike to hold back the mad frenzy of the occupation troops and cultivate and preserve the purity of our race long into the future..."
Who did the Japanese "sacrifice?" At least 200,000 women, mostly from Korea and China, were recruited, kidnapped or tricked into working in "comfort stations" that the Imperial Japanese Army established to prevent venereal diseases and rape by Japanese soldiers and to provide comfort to soldiers.
Today, Japanese society has traditionally been intolerant of ethnic and other differences and is known as very homogeneous. Men or women of mixed ancestry, foreigners and members of minority groups face discrimination in a variety of forms. In 2005, a United nations report expressed concerns about racism in Japan. The UN is concerned that the Japanese government doesn't recognize the depths of the problem.
Also in 2005, Japanese Minister Taro Aso called Japan a "one race" nation.
Aren't they lucky...
South Korea is among the world's most ethnically homogeneous nations. Koreans have traditionally valued an unmixed blood as the most important feature of Korean identity. The term "Kosian" refers to someone of mixed race and Kosian children often face discrimination, especially if they are part African American (due to the presence of United States military troops stationed on the Korean peninsula). THe Korean office of Amnesty International has claimed that the word "Kosian" represents racial discrimination.
Unfortunately for the Koreans, international marriages now make up 13% of all marriages in South Korea. Most of these marriages are unions between a Korean male and a foreign female, usually from China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, United States, Mongolia, Thailand and Russia. Koreran females have married foreign males from japan, China, the United States, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines and Nepal.
They're losing their identity at an alarming rate if they don't stem the tide of foreign marriages.

What is the inevitable outcome of race mixing?
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, political, cultural or national group.
Miscegenation destroys both races involved
Miscegenation destroys both cultures involved
Miscegenation destroys both nations involved
Miscegenation destroys what God has created

Where have our religious leaders, pastors and clergy been as this country has gone against the laws of God?
Just as in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, our leaders have been right there leading the pack
When Israel returned from the seventy-year Babylonian captivity, the officials discovered that "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations." They go on to list the peoples that had been racially mixed with the Israelites. Ezra says that "They have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons; so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands. And in this faithlessness (TRESPASS or SIN) the hand of the officials and chief men has been foremost." Ezra 9:1-2
The priests and Levites, the religious leaders who should have known better and taught the Israelites to obey the Law of God, were leading the way to apostasy!
Just like today
Almost every church in America condones and protects interracial marriage. Men like Ken Ham write books of abomination and call it scriptural. Thousands are misled. We are personally acquainted with people who have been censured by their church for taking a stand against the practice of interracial marriage and for God's law. Later, they were disfellowshiped. Interracial mixing, dating and marriage are practiced openly and proudly all across our land. Churches that once wouldn't think of performing a marriage ceremony between people of different races now have dating services just so that the different races can meet and marry.
Clergy who are supposed to uphold the law of God are giving in, and in most cases promoting interracial marriage
In pre-Civil War Louisiana, some Catholic priests officiated at sacramental "marriages of conscience" for interracial couples who could not legally obtain a civil marriage.
1968 - Presbyterian Church in America 146th General Synod
The Report of the Committee on Racial Questions
Rev. Will Barker presented the report of the Committee on Racial Questions
Proposed Statement on Interracial Marriage
1 Corinthians 6:15-16; 7:16, 39. These verses relate to the subject of intermarriage, especially the last verse, and the last clause: "only in the Lord." It is striking that in all of Paul's discussion of marriage this is the one principle that is stressed in regard to whom one should marry. This is not to say that marriage to any Christian is necessarily expedient, but the only marriage clearly prohibited is that of a believer to an unbeliever. The bible does not teach that interracial marriage of believers is morally wrong. We do recognize that children of a mixed marriage born into a prejudiced society face a serious problem of identity. this problem of identity is largely overcome, however, where the commitment to Christ is uppermost and where the church welcomes all who are in covenant relationship to the Lord into its fellowship. Although marriage between the races should be approached with caution because of the serious nature of the difficulties involved, nevertheless we are persuaded that God's blessing is promised to all who marry "in the Lord."
We recommend that this statement be adopted and be put in the place of the section on intermarriage in the Report on Racial Questions adopted by the 144th Synod in 1966 in any subsequent editions and distributions of that Report.
The 144th Synod didn't make a bold statement on interracial marriage. The "Report on Racial Questions" summary said that "the Bible maintains the unity of the human race before the one redeemer and judge, Jesus Christ." They go on to say that if the Hamitic curse applied to the Negro then it was counteracted by the Gospel in the story of the Good Samaritan. They end with "We look upon our approach to the Negro, whether Christian or unbeliever, in a spirit of repentance, and we exhort one another to greater obedience to the Great Commissions to make disciples and to Christ's commandment to His disciples of whatever race, "That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another" (John 13:34).
From the above statements it's clear that the Presbyterians struggled with what to do in 1966 but my 1968 they wholeheartedly embraced interracial marriage.
The Bible calls these leaders "dumb dogs."
God says that "His watchmen (religious leaders) are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber." (Isaiah 56:10)
"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!" says the Lord, "You have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:1, 2)

who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

Journal of Lutheran Ethics - 1964
Effective Ministry in Intercultural Communities, A Statement of The American Lutheran Church
Adopted by the Second General Convention of the American Lutheran Church
Summary: The statement claimed that "man-made distinctions of race and class" restricted the ministry of the gospel and hindered them from "uniting men through Christ." They said that "all are created in the image of God" citing Acts 10:34 and Colossians 3:11 as proof. They also stated that if the church fostered race or class distinction that this violated God's will and was sin, citing James 2:9.
"Congregations, therefore, must avoid segregation and stratification and repent of the evil fruit of natural man's pride and his assumption of superiority over those who are different from him in color, economic position, national origin, or ethnic grouping."
If the church would let Christ influence them, they wouldn't have pride or prejudice. "Snobbery and discrimination are rejected."
They decided to reach out to everyone regardless of race, economic standing, religious background, or other circumstances. All pastors were expected to teach this "inclusive ministry."
"Should a congregation willfully and persistently refuse to accept into its membership individuals who in faith and life qualify for membership in a Lutheran congregation, or stubbornly cling to patterns of segregation and discrimination, that congregation should become the object of the pastoral concern" of the Lutheran hierarchy. The "violation" was to be reported to the church council. Pastors could lose their pastorate but should receive "the moral and spiritual support of his brethren, and financial assistance from the district for a limited period until he receives a call to a new pastorate."
Interracial marriage, A Statement of The American Lutheran Church
Approved by the Fourth General Convention of the American Lutheran Church
Summary: God created one human family and all men everywhere, whatever their color, culture, class, or caste, are part of that family. Progress had been made toward equality of the races. But "a major barrier, both real and symbolic, yet remains. That is the barrier to interracial marriage, a social and psychological barrier in many hearts and minds." Based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "a person's race is not a valid ground to deny him marriage to the person with whom he purposes to build a life-long marital union. We confidently affirm that there are no Scriptural barriers to marriage across racial lines." The church recognizes that a couple who desires to commit themselves to interracial marriage need to examine their reasons and motivations. They also need to "enlist the aid of balanced and objective counsel, including that of their pastor." If they decide to go forward, "their decision should be honored and respected." The church, including families, friends, neighbors and the congregation should embrace the couple. "We neither advocate nor condemn interracial marriage." The church "rejoices over the diversity in the human family." They even go so far as to "understand why persons who appreciate their distinctive racial heritage wish to perpetuate it." Yet they "deny that race must be the determinative criterion in any proposed marriage."

The Bible calls these religious leaders and pastors, Dumb Dogs

His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber.
Isaiah 56:10

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

For I the Lord do not change
Malachi 3:6

2008 - California
Homosexuals point to past bans in interracial marriage in their quest for "equality"
Dennis Prager, 20 May 2008, Real Clear Politics states the case clearly. No major religion -- not Judaism, not Christianity, not Islam, not Buddhism -- ever banned interracial marriage. Some religions have banned marriages with members of other religions. But since these religions allowed anyone of any race to convert, i.e., become a member of that religion, the race or ethnicity of individuals never mattered with regard to marriage. American bans on interracial marriages were not supported by any major religious or moral system.
These "religious leaders" are now aghast with the idea that homosexuals are getting "married." But where were they when interracial marriages should have remained banned? They remained silent. You cannot pick and choose which command of God to obey.
God will not be mocked.

Are you really seeking truth?
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
(2 Timothy 4:3, 4)

There are a handful of brave churches and pastors willing to stand for God's moral and spiritual truth. These brave people have the spiritual strength to say NO to the politically correct world around them and teach their congregations that God does not change. Interracial dating and marriage were not acceptable in the days of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and interracial dating and marriage are not acceptable today.
Here are a few of those brave ministers of God:
Church of Israel and Watchman Outreach Ministries, Route 1, Box 218E, Schell City, MO 64783
They do not have a web site but if you write to them they will be happy to send you information.

Mission to Israel - www.missiontoisrael.org
Scriptures for America - www.scripturesforamerica.org
In 2000 a pastor in Ohio had the courage to say no to a white/black union at his church, the Pleasant Valley Community Church in Pike County, 60 miles south of Columbus. The Reverend Donald Ellis refused any comment other than, "This is my church."
He should have said, God will not condone this union, and neither will I
Few parents have the courage to take a stand and emphatically say no and teach their sons and daughters the biblical truth regarding interracial dating and marriage. Some fear what others will think of them, some don't want to have the conflict with their children, some just may not know and others just don't care.
God does not change. Man can legislate what he wants. The law of God is eternal.
Interracial mixing will never be acceptable in the eyes of God, the creator of all races
And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good

An honest look at the social issues of interracial marriage
Besides the genocide of the races and the breakdown of society, who suffers the most from breaking God's law?

In no way should the information on this web site be used as an excuse for hatred, violence or to commit any illegal act against any person of color
This site is about information and education of White people and the preservation of our unique Heritage
Be Respectful and Polite at all times
Remember -- Truth is not Racist, Facts are not Hate!
Act accordingly

pyramider's Avatar
It's easier to overcome racism by posting taint photos. Taint is an unifier.
chicagoboy's Avatar
It's easier to overcome racism by posting taint photos. Taint is an unifier. Originally Posted by pyramider
You really want to see zir taint?
Didn't mean to post all the extrastuff just wanted to post this to CONNECT What I was saying about my ancestors connection (AC)in my previous comments and post,

1923 - Oklahoma - Supreme Court, in Blake v. Sessions, declares void the marriage between a man of 3/4 Indian and 1/4 Negro blood and a woman with 3/4 Indian and 1/4 white blood (reason: 1910 Oklahoma Laws, sec. 1677, prohibits marriages between persons of African descent and persons of non-African descent).

& just making OBSERVATION of VIRGINS and
re grown
virgins not negrow virgins yet regrow virgins
I hear your cherry grows back if you have no sex for along time
does that make you a virgin again if t does?
id be close to it then. just making note and observation.

1924 - Virginia - 27 February: Virginia Senate passes 23 to 4 the "
Act to Preserve Racial Integrity,"
Didn't mean to post all this religious extra crap
i tried to edit yet itwouldnt let me had a code 508 and/or something about seRver down sorry i tried to edit and deleate a lot of it wouldn't let me yet heres what i DIDNT MEAN TO POST :

What is the inevitable outcome of race mixing?


Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, political, cultural or national group.
Miscegenation destroys both races involved
Miscegenation destroys both cultures involved
Miscegenation destroys both nations involved
Miscegenation destroys what God has created

Where have our religious leaders, pastors and clergy been as this country has gone against the laws of God?
Just as in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, our leaders have been right there leading the pack
When Israel returned from the seventy-year Babylonian captivity, the officials discovered that "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations." They go on to list the peoples that had been racially mixed with the Israelites. Ezra says that "They have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons; so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands. And in this faithlessness (TRESPASS or SIN) the hand of the officials and chief men has been foremost." Ezra 9:1-2
The priests and Levites, the religious leaders who should have known better and taught the Israelites to obey the Law of God, were leading the way to apostasy!
Just like today

Almost every church in America condones and protects interracial marriage. Men like Ken Ham write books of abomination and call it scriptural. Thousands are misled. We are personally acquainted with people who have been censured by their church for taking a stand against the practice of interracial marriage and for God's law. Later, they were disfellowshiped. Interracial mixing, dating and marriage are practiced openly and proudly all across our land. Churches that once wouldn't think of performing a marriage ceremony between people of different races now have dating services just so that the different races can meet and marry.

Clergy who are supposed to uphold the law of God are giving in, and in most cases promoting interracial marriage
In pre-Civil War Louisiana, some Catholic priests officiated at sacramental "marriages of conscience" for interracial couples who could not legally obtain a civil marriage.

1968 - Presbyterian Church in America 146th General Synod
The Report of the Committee on Racial Questions
Rev. Will Barker presented the report of the Committee on Racial Questions
Proposed Statement on Interracial Marriage

1 Corinthians 6:15-16; 7:16, 39. These verses relate to the subject of intermarriage, especially the last verse, and the last clause: "only in the Lord." It is striking that in all of Paul's discussion of marriage this is the one principle that is stressed in regard to whom one should marry. This is not to say that marriage to any Christian is necessarily expedient, but the only marriage clearly prohibited is that of a believer to an unbeliever. The bible does not teach that interracial marriage of believers is morally wrong. We do recognize that children of a mixed marriage born into a prejudiced society face a serious problem of identity. this problem of identity is largely overcome, however, where the commitment to Christ is uppermost and where the church welcomes all who are in covenant relationship to the Lord into its fellowship. Although marriage between the races should be approached with caution because of the serious nature of the difficulties involved, nevertheless we are persuaded that God's blessing is promised to all who marry "in the Lord."

We recommend that this statement be adopted and be put in the place of the section on intermarriage in the Report on Racial Questions adopted by the 144th Synod in 1966 in any subsequent editions and distributions of that Report.

The 144th Synod didn't make a bold statement on interracial marriage. The "Report on Racial Questions" summary said that "the Bible maintains the unity of the human race before the one redeemer and judge, Jesus Christ." They go on to say that if the Hamitic curse applied to the Negro then it was counteracted by the Gospel in the story of the Good Samaritan. They end with "We look upon our approach to the Negro, whether Christian or unbeliever, in a spirit of repentance, and we exhort one another to greater obedience to the Great Commissions to make disciples and to Christ's commandment to His disciples of whatever race, "That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another" (John 13:34).

From the above statements it's clear that the Presbyterians struggled with what to do in 1966 but my 1968 they wholeheartedly embraced interracial marriage.

The Bible calls these leaders "dumb dogs."
God says that "His watchmen (religious leaders) are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber." (Isaiah 56:10)
"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!" says the Lord, "You have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:1, 2)
who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

Journal of Lutheran Ethics - 1964
Effective Ministry in Intercultural Communities, A Statement of The American Lutheran Church
Adopted by the Second General Convention of the American Lutheran Church

Summary: The statement claimed that "man-made distinctions of race and class" restricted the ministry of the gospel and hindered them from "uniting men through Christ." They said that "all are created in the image of God" citing Acts 10:34 and Colossians 3:11 as proof. They also stated that if the church fostered race or class distinction that this violated God's will and was sin, citing James 2:9.

"Congregations, therefore, must avoid segregation and stratification and repent of the evil fruit of natural man's pride and his assumption of superiority over those who are different from him in color, economic position, national origin, or ethnic grouping."

If the church would let Christ influence them, they wouldn't have pride or prejudice. "Snobbery and discrimination are rejected."

They decided to reach out to everyone regardless of race, economic standing, religious background, or other circumstances. All pastors were expected to teach this "inclusive ministry."

"Should a congregation willfully and persistently refuse to accept into its membership individuals who in faith and life qualify for membership in a Lutheran congregation, or stubbornly cling to patterns of segregation and discrimination, that congregation should become the object of the pastoral concern" of the Lutheran hierarchy. The "violation" was to be reported to the church council. Pastors could lose their pastorate but should receive "the moral and spiritual support of his brethren, and financial assistance from the district for a limited period until he receives a call to a new pastorate."

Interracial marriage, A Statement of The American Lutheran Church
Approved by the Fourth General Convention of the American Lutheran Church

Summary: God created one human family and all men everywhere, whatever their color, culture, class, or caste, are part of that family. Progress had been made toward equality of the races. But "a major barrier, both real and symbolic, yet remains. That is the barrier to interracial marriage, a social and psychological barrier in many hearts and minds." Based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "a person's race is not a valid ground to deny him marriage to the person with whom he purposes to build a life-long marital union. We confidently affirm that there are no Scriptural barriers to marriage across racial lines." The church recognizes that a couple who desires to commit themselves to interracial marriage need to examine their reasons and motivations. They also need to "enlist the aid of balanced and objective counsel, including that of their pastor." If they decide to go forward, "their decision should be honored and respected." The church, including families, friends, neighbors and the congregation should embrace the couple. "We neither advocate nor condemn interracial marriage." The church "rejoices over the diversity in the human family." They even go so far as to "understand why persons who appreciate their distinctive racial heritage wish to perpetuate it." Yet they "deny that race must be the determinative criterion in any proposed marriage."

The Bible calls these religious leaders and pastors, Dumb Dogs

His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber.
Isaiah 56:10

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

For I the Lord do not change
Malachi 3:6

2008 - California
Homosexuals point to past bans in interracial marriage in their quest for "equality"

Dennis Prager, 20 May 2008, Real Clear Politics states the case clearly. No major religion -- not Judaism, not Christianity, not Islam, not Buddhism -- ever banned interracial marriage. Some religions have banned marriages with members of other religions. But since these religions allowed anyone of any race to convert, i.e., become a member of that religion, the race or ethnicity of individuals never mattered with regard to marriage. American bans on interracial marriages were not supported by any major religious or moral system.
These "religious leaders" are now aghast with the idea that homosexuals are getting "married." But where were they when interracial marriages should have remained banned? They remained silent. You cannot pick and choose which command of God to obey.

God will not be mocked.

Are you really seeking truth?
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
(2 Timothy 4:3, 4)

There are a handful of brave churches and pastors willing to stand for God's moral and spiritual truth. These brave people have the spiritual strength to say NO to the politically correct world around them and teach their congregations that God does not change. Interracial dating and marriage were not acceptable in the days of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and interracial dating and marriage are not acceptable today.

Here are a few of those brave ministers of God:
Church of Israel and Watchman Outreach Ministries, Route 1, Box 218E, Schell City, MO 64783
They do not have a web site but if you write to them they will be happy to send you information.
Mission to Israel - www.missiontoisrael.org
Scriptures for America - www.scripturesforamerica.org
In 2000 a pastor in Ohio had the courage to say no to a white/black union at his church, the Pleasant Valley Community Church in Pike County, 60 miles south of Columbus. The Reverend Donald Ellis refused any comment other than, "This is my church."
He should have said, God will not condone this union, and neither will I

Few parents have the courage to take a stand and emphatically say no and teach their sons and daughters the biblical truth regarding interracial dating and marriage. Some fear what others will think of them, some don't want to have the conflict with their children, some just may not know and others just don't care.

God does not change. Man can legislate what he wants. The law of God is eternal.
Interracial mixing will never be acceptable in the eyes of God, the creator of all races
And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good

An honest look at the social issues of interracial marriage
Besides the genocide of the races and the breakdown of society, who suffers the most from breaking God's law?

In no way should the information on this web site be used as an excuse for hatred, violence or to commit any illegal act against any person of color
This site is about information and education of White people and the preservation of our unique Heritage
Be Respectful and Polite at all times
Remember -- Truth is not Racist, Facts are not Hate!
Act accordingly

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2015, 10:20 AM
How much is that ther Art?

And speaking of god an churches if there was gods that just wanted to love an bless we would still be i the garden of eden or all in heaven now there would be no fleas ticks spiders flys worms tapeworms leeches ..... so i really dontwant to hear the religious crap, its HATE

as Marilyn manson would say (HATE today no love for tomorrow were all stars now in the d*pe show)

think abouttthe churches are hypocrites lyers slanders some give free food at food baks but what we buy shouldn't be bought itshould be ree we souldnt have to go to a grocerysore for food all the processed stuff may not begoodfor us it just medic***s us into feeling like we are happy loved just like feeling good when u have dick in your ass dosent mean ears down the line we wontpay o the consiquences of having the dic in our ass like hiv/aids syphilis yet i want to belive that we can love an enjoy ourslveswith food tha perhas we ar allowed here on earth to eat and have sex an any disease or sickness from food (like high cloestrol ,heart disease diabetes even worms from meat would be taken away ) would be taken away or even prevented from GODS that love an protet even if its not of love im sure thegoverment has the best of best foods to offer one to grow brain (not grow chery to virginis state) yet to grow our brain and expand our lives possibly to live forever and have the healthys bodys minds like gods to be of gods an worship our bodys an selves i se where you can use sex to worhip your or our bodys yet after the dick is out an its over whee is the love an what does that bring afterwards?
all i gotwas a hole in myhead but not open like the pic but like a eyesoket o third temple like third eye blind band & (nikel back inste ofuarter back)like a pussy hole? a hole on a penis? my point is that i thought about what the dick represented and thought bout worms an meat anthought about how good sex feels ..... yet why are we punished for it th dick is not a god the pussy is not a god . ido miss having sex i miss lying to myself an saying i was making love if it was loveid be in paradise right now not starving or eating commercialy bought crap the system lies to us an thinking its good . I would love to jump up an go to motel ansart having all kindssex yet what stops me is this an that this i want more i want a god(s) to love me heal me iwant to eatbetter anlive healthy an i wantto keep my money what little i have an its hard to make love or fuck when i think about the dogs cats with fleas going withoutfood and i think about how iwant real people you know i don't want to be raped by just anyone yet someone to can take me to paradise put me on a private plane and bless me make love to my mind an not just my body an i thinkof the ec from perfection
perfection is the word, god was suppose to be the word like the body the wood of the tree oflife e word of god the word of god i need mor than a dick wood hard pecker yes it fees good yes t feels so good when it slides in mosttime yet for how long will the rest of body wither wrinkle an age with time? will we not be helped by other gods or discriminated aginst by elders rs an ancestors of clans churchesdoctrin other providers medical will we be no (ed) service like many afroamericans an other colors asthey was called them no serviced medically like the cats a dogs on the street why is there no pet 911 and no right to the leylaw for animals that everyone deserves medical treatment?
I want diamondsan tuxedos yet not the kind you meant an not at a funeral service with tux .i want diamonds of the purest kind thepurest race of god ones that give my body everlsing life no anxiety no aging no sickness all i could imagine that would have this is either a god(s) and or th govermeant like area 51 or extrateristrial . i wantthe purest water the bet foo for life an my body not aving to go to grocery store to buy foo where mold could b or been like in freezers an on th r fresh food isles like where the cucumbers are an i think about theinstitutions im sure they have the govermet with people in slumber like cucumber cuslumber like you put the cuslumber slices over your eyes when youslumber an rest whil cucumber heals undereyes ishouldnt have to type or age myself ishouldthave to post ads to gt love because i wasn't just aboutmoney i wasn't even about the money although i d want tokeep what little money i have an throwing free partys took y money especialywhen no one would show an that caused m anxiety i can easily get on dateline an find me a FREE date an free massage rather than be DISCRIMINATED by women haters an men haters on eccie an such because they were taken for there money from other women and i wasn't i really wanted love an to enjoy myself feel good but iexpeted supeier people you know more dominance an submissiveness i expected adults an real people yet ifound Barbie dolls an pupets and the legislater od dicks being dicks and sexist an theni understood why peoplerape an why people steal an why actors becum actors an actresses to an why people have sex changes an why there are ch**d molest**s and much more i started watching movies in mytime an researching things like women haters cults musicians and song tiny dancer like a worm being a tiny dancer an how it dances in the body like a worm MARILYN MANSONS WORM BOY SONG an video......then i thought about exotic dancers XD and XDerterestrial an about pinkfloys song the wall an Walmart with Walmart like twalmar twarmer like a warmer degress to kill worms an dewormer for dogs cats and pink Floyd color of worm that curls like a cinnamon roll an the o in back of my head and ROSE like the shape it goes in , my life has been no bed of roses the meaning of the rubberband an tape worms an an the worm looking like a rubberband an the worm which looks like a rose a cinnamon roll curledup an the colorpink it was when i found it on myblanket an ithought about the penis an how the sperm looks kinda like worms an how the pussy representing meat feeling like meat with entrance of a dick an thermometor an the temp an the tep ofburnng KKK crosess

Ku Klux Klan members at a cross burning in 2005 marilyn mansons cross at recent concerts which e hasnt sent me one single dime or tiket to concert or showed me love ..... the prices women charge forservices an time being 250$ an up being adecree that kills worms an germs an i thought about how uch providers medical an hospitalsharge for ther services i thought about the call center of esortservice called call girls i thought about the cocacola call center anthought about the bird whostares an calls kawws kaws an starves like the actress starving an why i should have to starve to because of being discrimated against an the the laws of god that our body is temple og holyspirit an what we put in it should be pure an i thought about temps an cookng an how much things gives us temps like goldenshowers in the mouth piss an shit an scat can give u a temp so can eating old bolona an lunch meat an spoiled meat an milk i have a lactose intolence to milk an get hot if i drink milk so i thought about a alternative to milk an i thought about MLK the initals similar to milk and how we had separate drinking fountains an thought about the kissing disease when it came out an researched it i thought about when the milk man use to deliver milk in jugs, an was it put on
ICE back when grandma mom or great grandma had her milk delivered to the door just like the paper man ... a quarter for a paper and why we don't have milk machines just like pop machines instaed of pop machines an why milk dosent come in cans an why water dosnet come in cans i wisg i could think more yet with ahole in head an being disabled an handicap its hard to think handicapped by discrimination an hatred an jelousy an nonlovers who didn't want to bless me my whole life taken to paradise or even amish on a farm to eat fresh i thought of subway an eat fresh an speaking of the hole in the hhead i thought of Courtney love the singer hole and nirvana rape me song an how i was raped of living of a queen an princess of gods an how i should be a diamond and like the hole ...in back like name barack Obama hey that's our president an how the hole is size of face on a dollar bill or million dollar bill i thought of the million dollar baby an MLK martin luther king and thought about the movies again an how life is just based on service we can starve ourselves to act an to sexual some woman many women do to have anal and how the government uses our minds to service movies an foods but what about living forever an how do we get that not by sex or am i wrong? i can see why people turn to express themselves like Marilyn manson in music why murde*s kill people in the movies like movie Marilyn manson made was in the paper like MARTYERS or something was the name ....an i thought of people selling quarter paers an a ice coldglass of water DESTROYING THE PAPER an breaking the bubbles in my COKACOLA glass of soda an ice and the papers an the paper symbol here like below page

ithoughtabout the no icon no ice on .... nice isname of produc theysell at walgrens an ithought of the light bulb used to grow cucumbes for th eyes sounded ice a how we coulose our eyesight if one got sypillis a std from sex....
how our eyehole how a egg fits the eye socket in same size almost an alomst famous movie tiny dancer like spermdances to penetrate theegg to impregnate an the eyesocket an the lightbulb ....i thought about a fly botfly larvae how it lays egg like lightbulb like a flower bulb an Marilyn mansons song EVIL flowers or flowers of evil see beloe bottom if i place pics an lyrics an worm pics i thought about marilynmanson an on his CD theres a pic of LIGHT BULB an American portrait of family

i thought about a lot........ yet prejudice hate jelousy has caused a disability and withoutthebest f bestfoods an bad choices ive made an others made for me (like eating best food growing up to grow up are brains an best healthy body of diamond)i don't have brain like elbert einsteinor albert Einstein an ive read of Africans who used oils of wood in foods to shrink marilyn manson has a pic on cd looks similar representing possibly a jesusor cruzifictin ivethough aboutcrown of thorns ofjesus nparaistes worms on rain ancommandmnt tho shall not kill and Walmart an twalmr dewarmr a rmer it is hen u burncross its hot the cross like rose crose cross the legs,butterflyeggs in song by Marilyn manson an the Africans in head shrinkers an seperate drinking fountains Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S. (1954): In 1896, the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case determined that "separate but equal" was constitutional. The opinion of the Supreme Court stated, "A statute which implies merely a legal distinction between the white and colored races -- a distinction which is founded in the color of the two races, and which must always exist so long as white men are distinguished from the other race by color -- has no tendency to destroy the legal equality of the two races, or re-establish a state of involuntary servitude." eatingseperate back in the to it a how the use to shrinkheads an people being aten aiveby prejudiean hate and man having parasites n th brain like here an many nafrica have wormsbot flys in legs an body an inmarilyn mansons song sings aboutflys will lay there eggs an other papers sating such.. like leeches summer of he leeches virgifeeling cheated ...
here it is :


Tourniquet Lyrics

she's made of hair and bone and little teeth
and things I cannot speak
she comes on like a crippled plaything
spine is just a string
I wrapped our love in all this foil
silver-tight like spider legs
I never wanted it to ever spoil
but flies will lay their eggs
Take your hatred out on me
make your victim my head
you never ever believed in me
I am your tourniquet
prosthetic synthesis with butterfly
sealed up with virgin stitch
if it hurts, baby please tell me
preserve the innocence
I never wanted it to end like this
but flies will lay their eggs

and other songs
Top Marilyn Manson Songs
You're So Vain
The Flowers Of Evil
Overneath The Path Of Misery
Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day
Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms
No Reflection
The Hands Of Small Children
Everlasting Cocksucker
Brown Bag

That's all for now

Lifetime Premium Access

Join Date: Jan 1, 2010
Location: houston
Posts: 21,938

How much is that ther Art?
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.

THE art of marilynmansons is very expensive CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE

here his art is starting at $10,000 an up to$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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*Please note: The fine art prints are dropship items and will ship separately from the rest of your order. An additional $25 dropship fee will be added for each print during checkout. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. The $300 lithographs will ship within 1-2 business days. Dropship prints are not eligible for store discounts.



with thoughts of we could have huge brains be diamonds on private houseboats an thinking of the bottflys magots worms leeches lunchmeat an pusy lips isuppose frommy research thatwere we get the BDSM

I wanna use you and abuse you
I wanna know what's inside you
Movin' on, movin' on, movin' on
Movin' on, movin' on, movin' on, movin' on

Read more: Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

I'm gonna use you and abuse you
I'm gonna know what's inside
Gonna use you and abuse you
I'm gonna know what's inside you

Read more: Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams Lyrics | MetroLyrics

an peope lhaving anger resentment prejudice feelings unloved an loved women only wanting there money an FAKE WOMEN an real women being used by men so they take mens money and enjoy it a lot i GUESS we get rape and SODOMY etc...RIGHT?

white trash get down on your knees time 4 cake an sodomy
The Knockup Artist's Avatar
Blacks want black teachers and black cops to teach and police them. I guess segregation is the answer! Maybe blacks can pay for other blacks' welfare checks and food stamps and public housing too.
roaringfork's Avatar
Whites and colored bathrooms any one around then? Originally Posted by Sabrina Sofia
Naw--I just remember a lot of gold and avocado kitchens....
Caramel Kisses's Avatar
I'm not sure why you felt this was the place to express your obviously racist tendencies . You've got to be the most ignorant person registered to this forum to think that this post wouldn't result in controversy , considering it is 2015 and the national #blacklivesmatter movement .

Yes , we understand that you would like to return to the days where you could freely kill anyone who's skin tone was different than yours . With damn near half the population being mixed race , I'm sure you have your work cut out for you . Not to mention that we now have gun licenses . I will be sure to ignore you , and all of your KKK brethren who choose to participate in such an ignorant and insensitive conversation . I would feed into the bs , and remind you . . . Never mind . I'm sure Satan is very proud of you . Have a nice day , douche .
Fuck you because I loved you

I'm not sure why you felt this was the place to express your obviously racist tendencies . You've got to be the most ignorant person registered to this forum to think that this post wouldn't result in controversy , considering it is 2015 and the national #blacklivesmatter movement .

Yes , we understand that you would like to return to the days where you could freely kill anyone who's skin tone was different than yours . With damn near half the population being mixed race , I'm sure you have your work cut out for you . Not to mention that we now have gun licenses . I will be sure to ignore you , and all of your KKK brethren who choose to participate in such an ignorant and insensitive conversation . I would feed into the bs , and remind you . . . Never mind . I'm sure Satan is very proud of you . Have a nice day , douche . Originally Posted by Caramel Kisses
IM not prejudice by all means I hate everybody an love every body I was only making a post ..stating HATRED FACTS im the one being hatred on an being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST I never asked to be born with a hole in the back of my head or a K as initial to my first birth name .. yet I sure would love to get in between those legs of yours ive never tasted black cunt or pussy before yet ill put on my gloves an LICK LICK you all over ....I think many dark skinned women are so sexy an I havent been with a woman in over 8 years an l LOVED a couple an only friends with couple women in my life,

I am not prejudice to BLACK or African americans that post wasn't to be racist well if I was now I didn't mean it that way jus stating history facts ....of hate im the one that was shuned by myfamily I was told if I went to bed with a black man never to come home .......well ive been shuned for many years I am the black sheep of the black sheep. IM THE DOG THAT GETS BEAT

I married a African American she had a pussy twat not a penis here she is ......... baby bee was her stage name , we were best frinds anstraight A students in middle school ..We got married in middle school during a school thing they had a play fake wedding in middle school it may have been honored before GOD we sighned certificates an got rings (
Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do
HATE YOU THE WAY I DO.) YEARS PAST >>>>>>>>and we went our own ways CUZ I moved with my dad an then his GIRLFRIEND an she met a man an got pregnut I was there at hospital for babys birth held her leg up for her next to her mom hodling her other leg and LOVED HER years past ieventually had a baby an met someone to she dosent mean that I never loved her yet ..... she did met a man an she ..... moved on you know ..we never got a divorce . .


I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do.

Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do.

I fuck you because I am your whore.
I fuck you because you are a whore.
I fuck you so you will protect me.

Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do
Fuck you because I loved you
Fuck you for loving you too
I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do