Goodbye Nola and Louisianna....I will always LUV the Saints and yall!!

DallasRain's Avatar
I have come to a decision due to some personal changes in my real world life.....I will be relocating my homebase to Kansas City Mo this coming August....I will still be touring frequently......It was a hard decision to make,but it is what is best for me at this time and place in my life.

I will miss Nola and has been an awesome city to be in!!!.......And I will ALWAYS be a SAINTS fan!!!!!
Thanks for all yall have done for me!!....I have loved my time here and will try to visit occassionally.......
Please feel free to text or pm me anytime! And I am still available for ref checks.

I will be on tour in Texas till around July 16....then I will be in Lafayette & New Orleans after that to get my stuff packed up and ready to go......During that last times here,I will be offering "till we meet again" specials!Watch for my announcement!
It looks like NOLA is losing a damn good one......if this ain't a reason to pull the trigger with you I don't know what is
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I never did get to meet you, and that is my loss.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks!! lol---well I will be back in Laffy & Nola after July 14....keep eye out for schedule changes.
Cajun57's Avatar
You will missed, but I hope you have a great time in KC. Stay sweet.
skeeter's Avatar
Hey luv .....sorry to hear this
You will truly be missed
Good luck D. Be safe and happy.
DallasRain's Avatar
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
My eyes are playing tricks on me: I could've sworn it said Dallas was leaving NOLA for KC!

In all seriousness: I hope the move & re-settling there for awhile goes well. You know to reach out if you need anything.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Just one question. Who is going to fill a really big hole when you move?
DallasRain's Avatar
lol I think there are some quality gals here who can do that!
damn, now who's going to be the first to answer Request and ISO threads?

seriously, I hope your'e happy where you're going. WHO DAT!
Inocencio's Avatar
Take care sugar tits!
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I just don't like the notion of you having to be there w/all those, you know, CHIEFS & ROYALS fans; it isn't right. In fact, it's immoral. Maybe you can go to St. Louis occasionally for a Cardinals game...
annie@christophers's Avatar