New poll says that Hillary will beat Trump by 8...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar of the same polls that said Hillary would beat Bernie in Michigan by 20 (she lost by almost 2).
President Trump?

President Cruz?

Inmate 54827?

One happy guy
do they take these national polls on a state by state basis?

I doubt it

Hillary is stomping bern in the south, red states, ya know.
while bern is winning in the blue states.

if she's the dim nominee all those red state votes will become meaningless

will bern's blue state votes translate to votes for her in the general? these people might stay home or, if trump's the rep nominee, some might go to him

it will be an interesting election
bambino's Avatar
The question is, will Hillary supporters vote for Biden.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If Trump wins the nomination this nation deserves Hilary.
A vote for Trump is a vote against the GOP machine(Bush Dynasty)...

Jeb Bush Meets With Rubio, Kaisch and Cruz to Review “Stop Trump” Plans…

Posted on March 9, 2016 by sundance

Interesting. Jeb was always the GOPe candidate. The 2014 road map was constructed exclusively for Jeb. At least 12, perhaps more, of the original candidates were part of Team Jeb. Jeb Bush carries 4 delegates. Jeb continues to be on every ballot. Jeb Bush will be in leadership role at GOP convention. Jeb Bush always said he’d win the nomination by losing the primary. Is Jeb Bush the convention candidate?

(Via ABC) Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may be out of the presidential race but he’s not out of the game. In advance of the CNN debate at the University of Miami Thursday, Bush is meeting with all the remaining GOP candidates except his former foe, Donald Trump.

Bush will meet with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio today, then Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Thursday, according to a Bush spokesperson.

Many former Bush donors are now supporting Rubio and expect Bush to do the same. Rubio faces an uphill battle to score a primary victory in Florida, widely regarded as a must-win for the senator who had a dismal showing in Tuesday’s voting. (Link)


bambino's Avatar
If Trump wins the nomination this nation deserves Hilary. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Nobody deserves Hillary. Ask Bill.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-09-2016, 10:34 PM
If Trump wins the nomination this nation deserves Hilary. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That is sad and very scary, but true.
If Trump wins the nomination this nation deserves Hilary. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The republicans are doing all they can to elect her.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The media are doing all they can to elect her. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-10-2016, 08:36 AM
I didn't realize it was the media voting for Trump in the primaries.
do they take these national polls on a state by state basis?

I doubt it

Hillary is stomping bern in the south, red states, ya know.
while bern is winning in the blue states.

if she's the dim nominee all those red state votes will become meaningless Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
All those red state votes have become meaningless "for quite some time," agreed?
will bern's blue state votes translate to votes for her in the general? these people might stay home or, if trump's the rep nominee, some might go to him

it will be an interesting election Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The mobilization of the white race, perhaps?
The question is, will Hillary supporters vote for Biden. Originally Posted by bambino
It's not going to happen....
Nobody deserves Hillary. Ask Bill. Originally Posted by bambino
I'll ask Ivana and Marla on that one....