CA sanctuary law vs. ICE

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Put the CA politicians in jail!!!!

Homan said that Brown and other sanctuary-jurisdiction leaders may have violated 8 U.S. Code § 1324 - relating to "harboring certain aliens."

He said he hopes the Justice Department will look into whether officials can be criminally charged under the statute.

According to text of the federal law cited by Homan, any person "knowing... the fact that an alien has come to... the United States in violation of the law, conceals, harbors or shields from detection... such [an] alien in any place" can face fines and/or up to several years in prison.
LexusLover's Avatar
News report says ICE about to "crank up" enforcement in CA several "notches"!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yep. They just invited a ton of ICE agents into their state and there's not a damned thing they can do about it.

Unintended consequences.
Lets hope ICE grows balls and ARRESTS all these mayors and governors, why BY THEIR LAWS creating these sanctuaries ARE IN VIOLATION of the law, in harboring known criminals AND in aiding/being accessories TO those criminals.

ALSO CUT OFF ALL FUNDS from CA immediately.. INCLUDING DISASTER RELIEF! I am sick to death of funding CA when CA snubs its nose at the rest of us and the law..