Joel Osteen...

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-23-2018, 07:05 PM
His net worth has been reported between forty and sixty million dollars. It's tax free money because it goes through the church. I really don't agree with that.
Has anyone seen his mansion that he and his wife live in? It's a ten million dollar mansion in River Oaks and they still have their two point nine million dollar home in Tanglewood. They are selling the lot next to it for only one million for a half acre. What kind of deal is that?
He sure has full pockets.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-23-2018, 07:21 PM
Dont ask no questions. Just put the money in the tray.
The church died with his dad!
  • Tiny
  • 07-23-2018, 08:27 PM
Give him credit for running a great business. His margins are incredible and he keeps income taxes at a minimum.
His ole man, who was a "fire and brimstone" Pentecostalist, is rolling over in his grave.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Give him credit for running a great business. His margins are incredible and he keeps income taxes at a minimum. Originally Posted by Tiny

he made the bulk of his money with books "espousing Cristian Capitalism" kinda like the well named Creflo DOLLAR ...

Creflo LOSER got his jet. on the backs of welfare blacks. teething.

IMO he shouldn't be allowed to live that high on the hogg, off his CHURCHES income..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
IMO he shouldn't be allowed to live that high on the hogg, off his CHURCHES income.. Originally Posted by garhkal

he wouldn't if he was a CEO of a public corporation. then he'd be getting Millions AFTER his corporation paid their taxes. even under the correct Trump corporate tax cut to make US business competitive with global entities of other nations (China are you listening??) he'd still get millions, but like any other US CEO, it would be post-tax earnings.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s a sanctimonious cocksucker, like every one of those TV preachers. If we taxed the churches, we’d have enough to pay for a lot of shit in this country. And the bobble heads who bleed their hard earned money into the pockets of assholes like Osteen would have the money to get an education.
He’s a sanctimonious cocksucker, like every one of those TV preachers. If we taxed the churches, we’d have enough to pay for a lot of shit in this country. And the bobble heads who bleed their hard earned money into the pockets of assholes like Osteen would have the money to get an education. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
While I would be happy to tax the churches on their income, he and every other synagogue/church/mosque/temple/501c3 non profit leader has to pay income tax personally.

If you tax the religious organizations, you would have to tax all of George Soro's BS non profits, and all the other left wing wackos running their politics under the guise of public interest non-profits.

As for paying for a lot of shit, we print the money for that, so no need to raise taxes.
His net worth has been reported between forty and sixty million dollars. It's tax free money because it goes through the church. I really don't agree with that. Originally Posted by R.M.
if money goes to him (or his wife) from the church, its taxable to him

or if he makes money from books or speeches or CD's or online or any other way

its taxed to him

just like anyone else

what is not taxed are contributions to the church that remain with the church or are used for church programs (although when payments are made to individuals or businesses in pursuit of church programs the payments are taxable income to the individuals or businesses who receive the payments)

so the tax disparity is at the donor/recipient level in a church

a donor may receive a tax benefit for the donation, but the donation doesn't immediately create an offsetting taxable receipt until it gets paid out by the church

and not all donations to churches create tax savings as the individual has to be able to itemize deductions or have sufficient taxable income for a tax benefit

so in the grand scheme of all things taxable, a church is like a middleman, holding money until the assumed tax deductible contribution to the church becomes a taxable receipt to someone else and thus tax parity is restored
LexusLover's Avatar
His net worth has been reported between forty and sixty million dollars. ...

He sure has full pockets. Originally Posted by R.M.
As an old friend told me one time .....

"You just have to know Jesus!"
HoustonDan's Avatar
It’s not true that his money is tax free nor that his house isn’t taxed.

I think he’s a religious fraud but I’m gonna at least be honest about his situation.
he wouldn't if he was a CEO of a public corporation. then he'd be getting Millions AFTER his corporation paid their taxes. even under the correct Trump corporate tax cut to make US business competitive with global entities of other nations (China are you listening??) he'd still get millions, but like any other US CEO, it would be post-tax earnings. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

True he would.. However a company is a BUSINESS entity, not a supposed tax free charity, like his church seems to be.
LexusLover's Avatar

I think he’s a religious fraud ..... Originally Posted by HoustonDan
You mean you "think" he doesn't believe in God?