"Apparently Detroit is getting desperate for cash and one city councilwoman believes Obama should bail out Detroit because they voted for him:

I know what happened. I bet this councilwoman has been getting advice from the Obamaphone woman. Ha!

But really, bailouts just keep irresponsible people from actually fixing their problems. That’s why the stimulus didn’t work because it was in effect a bailout for state governments who had budget issues. The GM bailouts didn’t work either because the company eventually had to file bankruptcy anyway, under the leadership of the White House that had given them 2 bailouts.

But hey, when you aren’t spending your money you don’t care where it comes from – which is why we are in the shape we are in."
now let's hear a direct response from our fellow liberals ... WITHOUT using "but somebody else did that too" or "it was Bush's fault".
someone else did it it is Bush's fault...fuck you.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-05-2012, 12:16 PM
now let's hear a direct response from our fellow liberals ... WITHOUT using "but somebody else did that too" or "it was Bush's fault". Originally Posted by satexasguy
maybe the wingers should have pitched as big a bitch when W was running the bailout/stimulus trail as much as they are now ... being reminded of their blind partisan hypocrisy wouldnt be thrown back in their faces 24/7 365
We did. You just aren't intelligent enough to understand that fiscal conservatives thought Bush (I and II) were disasters.

maybe the wingers should have pitched as big a bitch when W was running the bailout/stimulus trail as much as they are now ... being reminded of their blind partisan hypocrisy wouldnt be thrown back in their faces 24/7 365 Originally Posted by CJ7
Does this mean you oppose the Detroit bailout CJ?
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  • CJ7
  • 12-05-2012, 12:25 PM
I dont give a damn whirlie
You're a funny little man CJ; you care more about what COG posts than public policy that bankrupts us .............
markroxny's Avatar
What do you propose we do Whrilyturd?

Oh that's right....Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.

Sounds familiar.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think CBJ7 has a man-crush on me. I've tried to tell him I don't swing that way, but he has such a tough time understanding anything.

And KarlMarxRoxny, Detroit went bankrupt due to poor policies and leadership. Not my problem. Detroit needs to fix itself.
Let the State of Michigan bail them out....if they won't, why should Texas or Iowa?
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  • CJ7
  • 12-05-2012, 12:35 PM
I dont live or vote in Detriot, anything that happens there has no effect on me whatsoever ..

as usual youre rollin' around in the gutter trying to see if you can find some obama garbage to sling on the wall ... how did the past 4 years of smear tactics work for ya ? EH?

a word of advice, you better start on Hillary, shes the next dem to whip the GOP's ass ..

yo COF ... stupidity on your part doesnt constitute a lack of comprehension on my part .. idiots like you talk in circles then moan because people cant understand them
markroxny's Avatar
Let the State of Michigan bail them out....if they don't won't to, why should Texas or Iowa? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You think Michigan is in a position to do that?

What kind of car do you drive Whirly and where is it made?
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  • CJ7
  • 12-05-2012, 12:53 PM
Let the State of Michigan bail them out....if they don't won't to, why should Texas or Iowa? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

case in point ... so whirlie, inasnmuch as youve said you railed against 43 why should Texas or Iowa pay $12 billion a month so Akbar can have a purple thumb ... dont tell me you didnt support 43 when he invaded Iraq
You are arguing the past CJ, I am thinking about our future.....Iraq was a mistake and now we have Obama, a bigger and more threatening mistake.

You obviously don't understand that Congress voted the funding for Iraq; supported by Democratic Presidents, Senators, Representatives,candidates, and nominees- party leaders and others.

And we are now broke. But you propose more taxation, more spending, more debt, more bailouts for dysfunctional government.

case in point ... so whirlie, inasnmuch as youve said you railed against 43 why should Texas or Iowa pay $12 billion a month so Akbar can have a purple thumb ... dont tell me you didnt support 43 when he invaded Iraq Originally Posted by CJ7