Allen West: Obama's 2nd Term Will Bring Pain and Misery

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From Allen West on Facebook:

Last night’s speech by Barack Obama was a weak plea for another four years to decimate our economy, retard our energy security future, and reduce the greatest fighting force known to the world.

It was a complete and utter failure.

In Barack Obama’s own words he stated that if he could not turn this economy around in four years he would be a one-term proposition. He also stated that he would cut the deficit in half, yet we have had four years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits.

This morning we found out, again, that we are still at 8% or higher unemployment for 43 straight months. This comes knowing that we were promised by Barack Obama unemployment never higher than 8% with the almost trillion dollar stimulus. We have the lowest workforce participation rate in 31 years...Obama will tout a decrease in unemployment from 8.3% to 8.1%, but that is a scam. We have 368,000 people who have been dropped from the labor accountability rolls. We only added 96, 000 jobs to our economy in August. If America reelects Barack Obama to a second term, we deserve all the pain and misery that will ensue.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Clinton and Obama both said that no one could have fixed the economy that they inherited. Since nothing positive has happened why do they think that they can do something now. Let some one else try.
joe bloe's Avatar
From Allen West on Facebook:

Last night’s speech by Barack Obama was a weak plea for another four years to decimate our economy, retard our energy security future, and reduce the greatest fighting force known to the world.

It was a complete and utter failure.

In Barack Obama’s own words he stated that if he could not turn this economy around in four years he would be a one-term proposition. He also stated that he would cut the deficit in half, yet we have had four years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits.

This morning we found out, again, that we are still at 8% or higher unemployment for 43 straight months. This comes knowing that we were promised by Barack Obama unemployment never higher than 8% with the almost trillion dollar stimulus. We have the lowest workforce participation rate in 31 years...Obama will tout a decrease in unemployment from 8.3% to 8.1%, but that is a scam. We have 368,000 people who have been dropped from the labor accountability rolls. We only added 96, 000 jobs to our economy in August. If America reelects Barack Obama to a second term, we deserve all the pain and misery that will ensue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We are at the tipping point. Four more years of Obama may be enough to collapse the system by completing the implementation of Cloward-Piven.

Obama's view of America is the same as his childhood mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, his communist father, his communist friend Bill Ayers and his communist pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

Everyone that has been influential in shaping Obama's political views, is a radical leftist revolutionary. If Obama is re-elected, this country is in grave danger.
daty/o's Avatar
Look, I'm all for the Republicans cleaning up their own mess, but Romney? Seriously? Was he the best you could do? And we all saw how well the last GOP administration did. Learn from your mistakes so that we don't have to keep paying for them. Romney/Ryan? I can't believe that even you guys really support that. Maybe that's why all we see on here are negative Obama posts; if you had someone to support, you would be doing that.
From Allen West on Facebook:

Last night’s speech by Barack Obama was a weak plea for another four years to decimate our economy, retard our energy security future, and reduce the greatest fighting force known to the world.

It was a complete and utter failure.

In Barack Obama’s own words he stated that if he could not turn this economy around in four years he would be a one-term proposition. He also stated that he would cut the deficit in half, yet we have had four years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits.

This morning we found out, again, that we are still at 8% or higher unemployment for 43 straight months. This comes knowing that we were promised by Barack Obama unemployment never higher than 8% with the almost trillion dollar stimulus. We have the lowest workforce participation rate in 31 years...Obama will tout a decrease in unemployment from 8.3% to 8.1%, but that is a scam. We have 368,000 people who have been dropped from the labor accountability rolls. We only added 96, 000 jobs to our economy in August. If America reelects Barack Obama to a second term, we deserve all the pain and misery that will ensue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

they whine all they want and even with these numbers he is gaining in the polls and money donations. what does this say about the other side????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look, I'm all for the Republicans cleaning up their own mess, but Romney? Seriously? Was he the best you could do? And we all saw how well the last GOP administration did. Learn from your mistakes so that we don't have to keep paying for them. Romney/Ryan? I can't believe that even you guys really support that. Maybe that's why all we see on here are negative Obama posts; if you had someone to support, you would be doing that. Originally Posted by daty/o
No. Romney is absolutely NOT the best we could do.
joe bloe's Avatar
No. Romney is absolutely NOT the best we could do. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Mediocrity may very well be the best we can do. A truly great candidate for president wouldn't stand a chance of winning. The average voter is an idiot.

The William F Buckley rule for choosing a candidate is to always support the most conservative candidate that CAN WIN.

We will be far better off with a mediocre president than the monster we've got now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The question was whether he was the best we could do. He clearly was not. He's the one the Republicans stuck themselves with. They will have to deal with the consequences. Well, we will all have to deal with the consequences.
[QUOTE=joe bloe;3172861]Mediocrity may very well be the best we can do. A truly great candidate for president wouldn't stand a chance of winning. The average voter is an idiot.

Only in Texas we Kansas are very well informed....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Mediocrity may very well be the best we can do. A truly great candidate for president wouldn't stand a chance of winning. The average voter is an idiot.

Only in Texas we Kansas are very well informed.... Originally Posted by joe bloe
It's not the location or the party, it's the person.

Any person who thinks they are smarter than every person in the opposite party is wrong.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-10-2012, 07:46 PM
Allen West? Why not just start a thread telling us what your neighbor's uncle's cousin's brother-in-law says?
joe bloe's Avatar
Allen West? Why not just start a thread telling us what your neighbor's uncle's cousin's brother-in-law says? Originally Posted by Doove
Allen West is an American hero. You are a worm.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Allen West is an American hero. You are a worm. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Being a hero has nothing to do with his statement being relevant or not.

He deserves only the respect that he shows

Remember that Gen. MacArthur was a hero too.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Allen West is an American hero. You are a worm. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Hero - West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."[12] The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[11] LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. This was for allowing his men to beat a detainee and for West discharging his firearm near the detainee's head. He narrowly avoided a court martial.

He seems like an OK guy other than his wack- job public statements and detachment from reality. YMMV

McCain is an American hero. Beating and shooting at an unarmed man, no matter how heinous, when he is in the custody of a large group isn't heroic in my book.
The William F Buckley rule for choosing a candidate is to always support the most conservative candidate that CAN WIN. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Romney is not conservative and he can't win.