Questions for the Ladies

Hobgoblin's Avatar
I am just curious

When you ladies put an ad up on backpage. How many calls do you generally get ?

and Is it like 5 calls within a week or 10 calls with in an hour ?

Just wondering, thanks
tia travels's Avatar
I don't get as many as the women who post their phone numbers in the ads. I don't post my number because I'm not looking for those last minute types of folks from BP. You also have to take into account the city they're posting in. Is it a major metropolis? If so, their ad might get buried among the others. But then again, posting "IN" a metropolis will bring in more than say a po dunk town in the boonies would (where there may only be 8 ads a month posted.)
Hobgoblin's Avatar
I see thank you very much.