The Girlfriend Experience

I wonder if this will be worth watching?
Guest072918's Avatar
Saw the ad for this a few nights ago. Will be interesting to see what they get right and what they miss about the hobby. For example, if you see any of the videos on:

they leave out many of the common hobby customs, such as leaving the envelop in the bathroom, the lady returning to the guy with a warm washcloth and cuddling afterwards, etc. Guess that is what you get when the porn industry tries to mimic the hobby - close, but not totally accurate.
From the small preview I watched you could tell the gal ends up falling apart and not handling the life of a provider. Heaven forbid they portray one of the many ladies in the provider world who not only has her shirt together but actually loves what she does
Abigail Rosaland's Avatar
I do all of that, my man doesn't clean himself. I get a warm rag, and clean him then for some cuddle and talk. I love to do that I also bring him a water if he would like one. I want my man to be happy