quick question

TS Bunny's Avatar
One question, If I have my account here deleted can it be started again at another time? I would probably stay gone if I do that, as I usually stick by my decisions, but I would like to know to ensure I make the most informed decision possible. Thanx - Aimee
Mojojo's Avatar
Yes mam you may. If you wish to depart we can disable your account. If you choose to come back just email Houston@eccie.net and the staff will get you going again.
TS Bunny's Avatar
okie dokie! Thanx! I should make my decision by months end
chicagoboy's Avatar
Just don't cut off your nose to spite your face ...

... or anything along those lines.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar

TS Bunny's Avatar
LOL I like you signature Chicagoboy don't worry, I wont. I was really frustrated, cause It just seems really catty , lots of drama and a whole lot of negativity on here ...and only been on a week!
But imma give it to the end of the month, and If I'm not feeling it, I will probably keep account active and just not participate in forums :P I think a lot of the girls pose as members and just like to hate on other girls as they come on.....but maybe im just paranoid (but just because u r paranoid does not mean someone is NOT out to get YOU!)

There have been a few really nice people message me in private, so maybe its not all bad )
*hugs* Thanx for advice though! I'm just feeling that maybe my nature is just too "nice" for the board, I mean don't get me wrong, I can be bitch if I need to be, but why? lifes just too short! lol I guess i'm a bit oversensitive at times, probably cause I never really did ever "grow up" lol
Babygirl forever!
- TS Babygirl Aimee
Mojojo's Avatar
Here you go....i responded to you in another thread.

TS Bunny's Avatar
Yes, you have been awesome mojo ty for being so patient. You rock!
Solemate62's Avatar
I truly hope you do not pull the plug on your Eccie account. I sometimes get fed up with stuff on Eccie and even sometimes on my P411 page. A few months ago I just took a 'break from both sites and part of the reason was that some people had pissed me off and, like you, the drama can drag you down. You have much to contribute to this community! You can break away without suspending your membership! Hope you decide to ride out this rough patch, Aimee!