Clearing Something up about Slave Guinevere

Whispers's Avatar
For a long time now I have remained silent on Slave Guinevere.

With her back to actively posting I feel the need to clear the air on something.

Under her name now for a number of months she has carried the line WHISPER'S ATF!!

Slave Guinevere

Above Captured today at 1:20PM

For all those new here that missed the drama presented earlier this year I want to state clearly that I have never seen this lady behind closed doors. I do not see providers over the age of 25 and have never had the slightest interest in seeing this one for a variety of reasons, the most important one being my health.

Yes she is an extremely attractive lady. Yes she has amazing reviews and you will probably see some of her mindless drones rush to present a different view in the posts that follow.

My personal opinion of her though is that she presents an incredible risk to members in this community for a variety of reasons, some that she has shared and others that have been brought forth in other manners.

Slave Guinevere shared with us in threads here in this forum that she basically can catch and die from a wide variety of things, many that are easily encountered here through the activities she engages in, because she has a Immune System Deficiency that she claimed was something genetic.

That single issue that she shared was enough to make me and many others wonder why she is amongst us much less why anyone sees her.

She has shared far more than just that and much more than what she has shared has been made known by others as well. If you are interested do your own research.

She is a very controlling and manipulative woman that many believe has been the cause of several providers being outed in their personal and professional lives. She associates with rabid and threatening members that have posted threats here on this board to out members as well as behind the scenes. Members threatened HAVE been outed.

So No!

To anyone reading this. I have never and never would see someone that presents herself as such an incredible risk to the health and well being of the members of this community.

No. Slave Guinevere is not my ATF.
Well, good. Now we can put all of that behind us. Or not...see below.
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
For a long time now I have remained silent on Slave Guinevere.

With her back to actively posting I feel the need to clear the air on something.

Under her name now for a number of months she has carried the line WHISPER'S ATF!!

Slave Guinevere

Above Captured today at 1:20PM

For all those new here that missed the drama presented earlier this year I want to state clearly that I have never seen this lady behind closed doors. I do not see providers over the age of 25 and have never had the slightest interest in seeing this one for a variety of reasons, the most important one being my health.

Yes she is an extremely attractive lady. Yes she has amazing reviews and you will probably see some of her mindless drones rush to present a different view in the posts that follow.

My personal opinion of her though is that she presents an incredible risk to members in this community for a variety of reasons, some that she has shared and others that have been brought forth in other manners.

Slave Guinevere shared with us in threads here in this forum that she basically can catch and die from a wide variety of things, many that are easily encountered here through the activities she engages in, because she has a Immune System Deficiency that she claimed was something genetic.

That single issue that she shared was enough to make me and many others wonder why she is amongst us much less why anyone sees her.

She has shared far more than just that and much more than what she has shared has been made known by others as well. If you are interested do your own research.

She is a very controlling and manipulative woman that many believe has been the cause of several providers being outed in their personal and professional lives. She associates with rabid and threatening members that have posted threats here on this board to out members as well as behind the scenes. Members threatened HAVE been outed.

So No!

To anyone reading this. I have never and never would see someone that presents herself as such an incredible risk to the health and well being of the members of this community.

No. Slave Guinevere is not my ATF.
Originally Posted by Whispers
LMAO. How long has that been there? All of her followers and your haters begging people not to mention your name, yet this has gone untouched? Really curious to hear how long that has been there.

Why anyone in this line of work with her self stated health condition would.....

#1 Do the one job on this planet that has the largest risk of transmission of germs, viruses, diseases

#2 State anything about it, if it truly is of no risk to anyone.

Here is the logic "Hey that picture looks like my dog!" "Ban and punish he who posted it" "I am Slave and Mods you will do as I say"

On the other hand "Let me give you the intimate details of my health conditions"


What I find most interesting is how quickly she became in her own mind "Queen Bee" Most providers take a longer process in the hobby to get the head she has. Nothing more than an aging beauty, clinging on to any self worth she may think she still has.

All of her BS about being outed was nothing more than a subconscious guilty conscious speaking about what she was doing to others. I am glad this had come back to light.

I wish the ladies would speak up publicly about her vouching for Crazy Marine's multiple screen names. She is going to get someone hurt or killed. I do understand why they won't though, because we all know what she will do. Make shit up, spin stories, accuse people of being someone else, and use her lap dogs to threaten people.

I respect Women of all varieties, however Slave G. is no woman. She is a rotting on the inside, sorry excuse for a human being, puppet master.
Whispers's Avatar
LMAO. How long has that been there? All of her followers and your haters begging people not to mention your name, yet this has gone untouched? Really curious to hear how long that has been there. Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio
I think about 4 to 5 months..... I've left it alone up to now as it opens the door for a lot that is to come......
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
I think about 4 to 5 months..... I've left it alone up to now as it opens the door for a lot that is to come...... Originally Posted by Whispers
The brilliance just oozes from her.

I don't know if her self stated health condition is eating her brain cells, or if she has red dye poisoning from covering up all that gray hair

Funny she posted as Simon Riley,that providers Cum picture. Called her "classy" The nerve of this brainiac! We all have read your reviews.
So don't see her. Your money, your choice. But you don't have to start thread after thread about it.

And why do you think we give a shit who you see?
Thanks for clearing that up. I'm sure she will be even more popular now.
Whispers's Avatar
So don't see her. Your money, your choice. But you don't have to start thread after thread about it.

And why do you think we give a shit who you see? Originally Posted by OldYeller
I've left it alone for a very long time. Why for month after month after month does she proclaim herself to be my ATF? Someone that knows me sent me a text asking why I never reviewed her since she was my ATF as he came across her posts and was considering seeing her. He has met a lot of ladies I never reviewed but none of them were advertising on ECCIE.... I cleared it up for him and am doing so here.

For her to state that she is my ATF is misleading the general public.

Why would YOU think that I give a shit about what you think? Truthfully I post the information I have and could really care less what ANYone thinks. I feel a responsibility to let people know something and they weigh it and make a decision with a little more information than they had before.

I have simply stated the reasons why I have never and would never see her. I've not suggested what others should do. I think people can make their own decisions.
mayorcastro's Avatar
If this is anything like the last time, I bet in a short time a few SG reviews will post up and the ass kissing party will begin
Doglegg's Avatar
I believe she has now set the hook.

You bit on bait that consisted of simple sarcasm.

Spit the hook while you can.

You have re-stated valid observations, but old news.

Popcorn not needed for this one. Same old drama, different day.

Lets see if there is anything new going on with Gilligan's Island.
Whispers's Avatar
I believe she has now set the hook.

You bit on bait that consisted of simple sarcasm.

Spit the hook while you can.

You have re-stated valid observations, but old news.

Popcorn not needed for this one. Same old drama, different day. Originally Posted by Doglegg
Ya think so?

hmmmm...... Nope.... There is plenty of news that is fresh and rolling in....... But that's for a different thread..... This is simply clearing the air as to why her claim to be my ATF is inaccurate..... Not gonna introduce anything new in this thread about other issues.....
Jet Carson's Avatar
newcumerz's Avatar
here we go again. me thinks you wait till your eccie spanking points disappear before starting drama again. Guess you're still out to get her. I don't care about you Slave drama and anyone can figure out that her ATF signature is sarcasm. You just like putting yourself in the spot light.

Whispers i'm going to call bullshit on a couple of things you've mentioned. First of all, if you are really worried about risk, then don't bareback all your sugar babies. Secondly, since you pride yourself on only seeing young ones, why is it that only the "mature" ladies are the ones to defend you? is Ms. Fransesca 25 or under? unless you were fucking her 20 years ago......but from what she's mentioned here on eccie, its been within that time frame. Something doesn't smell right. And no, its not my upper lip lol Chingow, this guy!
dbeartx's Avatar
LMAO. How long has that been there? All of her followers and your haters begging people not to mention your name, yet this has gone untouched? Really curious to hear how long that has been there.

Why anyone in this line of work with her self stated health condition would.....

#1 Do the one job on this planet that has the largest risk of transmission of germs, viruses, diseases... Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio
Meh, IDK, i think working in an ER, OR, hospital or health clinic in general or working with groups like Physicians Abroad (where they're over treating Ebola right now) definitely has a larger risk of transmission of germs, viruses. Or even working in the school system or daycare, you've really got to watch out for kids these days, they're like walking weapons of mass germ infections.

So to her credit, she didn't pick the most health-endangering profession that she could have
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
here we go again. me thinks you wait till your eccie spanking points disappear before starting drama again. Guess you're still out to get her. I don't care about you Slave drama and anyone can figure out that her ATF signature is sarcasm. You just like putting yourself in the spot light.

Whispers i'm going to call bullshit on a couple of things you've mentioned. First of all, if you are really worried about risk, then don't bareback all your sugar babies. Secondly, since you pride yourself on only seeing young ones, why is it that only the "mature" ladies are the ones to defend you? is Ms. Fransesca 25 or under? unless you were fucking her 20 years ago......but from what she's mentioned here on eccie, its been within that time frame. Something doesn't smell right. And no, its not my upper lip lol Chingow, this guy! Originally Posted by newcumerz
YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Let me help you understand. Slave G. has been giving FALSE references to multiple reputable ladies on this board, leading them RIGHT into the hands of a psychotic, dangerous man or boy named Crazy Marine.

She has also been giving details of where Providers live, what their address is, and has been assisting in physical (NOT CYBER) stalking of providers. All to eliminate what she sees as her competition and a threat to her being "Queen Bee"

I have evidence, but the evidence I have would out someone. That I cannot and will not do.

Providers have been harassed to the point of filing police reports.

Ask around, open your ears.

Do you UNDERSTAND now???

Yes that was copied and pasted. This is past the point of not "liking" a provider. The community is being put in a very dangerous situation. What is so hard to understand? This is not about drama or bashing a provider. People are scared to come forward, but I am NOT. Fuck these sorry excuses for human beings. Are ya'll still going to be speaking about "drama" when you are inadvertently right in the middle of it yourself, because MODS have allowed a few psychotic few to continue to do what they do. The mods are well aware of what I am saying, these things travel fast. They will tell you they are bound by the "rules"

Things will be changing when Eccie is in the LE spotlight, because a few psychotic people REFUSE to just shut up and fuck and leave others alone.