Well Aged like Vintage wine

pickupkid's Avatar
I don't understand these people that expect young bodies on vintage ladies. Bodies age along with faces.. if you're expecting body of a 20 year old on a 40 year old ...get real guys... age is not a reason give a no. If you want a 25 year old woman..then get a a 25 year old ..don't expect 20 year body or a face on a forty age woman. I happen to like older women ...and I know what to expect.Photos often lie..they are not going show age....just use common sense
guys. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hey! You are posting again, but how does this relate to Bonn?

Just messing with you dude.

Since I have no clue as to what the fuck you are talking about (you didn't include a link)...

I'll tell you what I think (not that you asked)...

If the lady in question has outdated pictures where she looks Hawt As Fuck! And she looks like a ragged woman that her better days are WAY behind her, then I can see how the guy complaining has room to bitch.

If the photos are current and she looks like the pic below...

Then you are correct... There is no room to bitch, but he may still give her a NO recommendation...

A recommendation is what it is. Would you recommend a hoogar to your fucktard buddy. If you would recommend her, then give her a YES. If you feel like you made a huge mistake (even if you knew better), then give her a fucking NO.

You fucks are making this shit too fucking complicated. Keep it fucking simple you fucktard (KIFSYF)... It's kind of like the acronym KISS (Keep it simple stupid), but for fucktards.

Don't put so much fucking weight on a No review. Read the fucking review and see why he doesn't recommend her. If it's not your cup of tea, then stay the fuck away. If it is your cup of tea, then throw in some honey and drink up, buttercup.

Laters bitches...
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 08-31-2014, 09:40 PM
Hey! You are posting again, but how does this relate to Bonn?



....Since I have no clue as to what the fuck you are talking about (you didn't include a link)...

I'll tell you what I think (not that you asked)...
........ If it is your cup of tea, then throw in some honey and drink up, buttercup.

Laters bitches... Originally Posted by Simon Riley

I'll just add that the older ones are usually pretty good when it comes to tcb skills.
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm just glad that the Providers I run across think i'm a couple of decades younger than I am.

To quote one of your favourites, Mz Capri, PUK. She stated to me once knowing my age:

"You'll be banging hot bitches into your 70s"

I'll bow out now and hopefully not draw any ire.
They are ALL younger than I am. I just ask that they haven't put on 30 pounds (or more) since their last pictures, and that I at least be able to recognize them. LOL.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Age brings qualities to a session well beyond a tight ass or perky breasts.
I have fished the Mature pond extensively, and I can't think of a single current example of an ECCIE profile of a 40+ woman that contains inaccurate body pics. It's true that most of them don't have face pics, and in those that do have face pics the images are deliberately blurred or posed to conceal their clear identity, but I don't think that there's a single lady here in that group who is out to attract clients through deception. (Note that I said ECCIE and not BP. I know of any number of bogus and dated pics on BP ads from older women.)

Which only adds to my puzzlement and skepticism over some of these No reviews, both current and past. The guys went in with sufficient accurate info, IMO, and if they were disgusted and appalled when the door opened but they went in and had the session anyway then it's their bad, not hers. I'm much more inclined to give credence to the reviewers who said that they turned on their heels and left.
Whispers's Avatar
I have fished the Mature pond extensively, and I can't think of a single current example of an ECCIE profile of a 40+ woman that contains inaccurate body pics. It's true that most of them don't have face pics, and in those that do have face pics the images are deliberately blurred or posed to conceal their clear identity, but I don't think that there's a single lady here in that group who is out to attract clients through deception. (Note that I said ECCIE and not BP. I know of any number of bogus and dated pics on BP ads from older women.)

Which only adds to my puzzlement and skepticism over some of these No reviews, both current and past. The guys went in with sufficient accurate info, IMO, and if they were disgusted and appalled when the door opened but they went in and had the session anyway then it's their bad, not hers. I'm much more inclined to give credence to the reviewers who said that they turned on their heels and left. Originally Posted by PDid
I agree....... ANY "No" review based on looks, breath etc is unwarranted when a guy places the money on the table or his dick inside her..... At that moment he has demonstrated that she looked fine to him.

Guys need to have the balls to turn and walk away....

My problem with older ladies lies in their desire to present themselves in a younger light...... THEY do not like their age or look so they try to be someone they are not....
Really girls? Sorority/School girl outfits on a 40+ woman?

I think it's great that a woman takes care of herself and has a rocking body but there is a vast difference in a 18-25yo and 40+you face and vagina.....

Some of these older ladies ought to consider a different look more befitting their age..... I find Peignoirs far sexier than a schoolgirl look... Where are showcases with this look?

Attachment 345114
Attachment 345110
Attachment 345111
Attachment 345112
Attachment 345113

If a woman over 30 were to catch my eye it would be with that look.... not bobby sox and pigtails....

I tell my SO that we are going to buy a house in Lake Way so she can be a Lake Way mom and show the others how to pull off that Sorority Girl Look they all so desperately try for with their Botox and clothes from Forever21 and BEBE....Should be easy for her as she is half their age!
I agree somewhat but let's not forget the fact that some providers would blast a hobbyist in the alert section or in coed or even in the ladies lounge and claim NCNS or a number of other things. Sure the Hobbyist can defend himself but it would be the same case of he said she said and then the hobbyist looks like the bad guy so some hobbyist would rather bite the bullet and go through with the session than deal with the drama later on.[/COLOR]

My problem with older ladies lies in their desire to present themselves in a younger light...... THEY do not like their age or look so they try to be someone they are not....
Really girls? Sorority/School girl outfits on a 40+ woman?

Hey different strokes for different folks that is why most of us hobby whether it is something there current SO doesn't provide or they have a specific fantasy that their SO is not willing to do and some guys just like the look I personally think this is kind of hot

Do I want it all the time not necessarily but if that is what I am in the mood for than so be it. If you don't like the way one portrays herself than move on or if you want your provider to dress up a certain way than ask most providers I have sen can be very accommodating

Some of these older ladies ought to consider a different look more befitting their age..... I find Peignoirs far sexier than a schoolgirl look... Where are showcases with this look?

Originally Posted by Whispers;1055749597
Guys need to have the balls to turn and walk away....

Why you don't even hobby anymore much less see women of that age group?
Whispers's Avatar
I agree somewhat but let's not forget the fact that some providers would blast a hobbyist in the alert section or in coed or even in the ladies lounge and claim NCNS or a number of other things. Sure the Hobbyist can defend himself but it would be the same case of he said she said and then the hobbyist looks like the bad guy so some hobbyist would rather bite the bullet and go through with the session than deal with the drama later on. Originally Posted by a10bomb
So? Why should they worry and let what some whore that was misrepresenting herself in her ads with pictures that led them to make a decision that they regret upon seeing her affect them? None of those lists matter if they have money and are clean and safe. There is no shortage of women to see. Guys that worry about that shit are the biggest wusses of all...

Why you don't even hobby anymore much less see women of that age group? Originally Posted by a10bomb

I've just not seen too many older than 25 that appeal to me..... When one tries to look like an 18-21yo the competition in my mind is too great...... The right look might catch my eye some day.....
Vintage wine eventually turns to vinegar.
Whispers's Avatar
Vintage wine eventually turns to vinegar. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
All wine will turn to vinegar, if it's not taken care of properly. I've seen plenty of girls (not necessarily BCD) who's skin is dry, body out of shape, bad teath, poor hygiene, you name it!

I also enjoy taking a girl shopping or to dinner on occasion and would not want someone to ask if she's my grand daughter.
Vintage wine eventually turns to vinegar. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
And at $200 a bottle, even vinegar can rock your world.

Originally Quoted by PDid - And at $200 a bottle, even vinegar can rock your world.
Or give you diarrhea.