Goderators...... I have to pause to give Mokoa credit for being a true Genius in how he has handled San Antonio and these last 9 month.....

Whispers's Avatar
Towards the end of last year I was rather annoyed with Mokoa.....

Actually I've been annoyed with him since his first day as a Mod......

But I pretty much announced late last year that I would be taking a break from the Austin Boards to raise a little hell in San Antonio and work towards taking Mokoa down a notch.....

At the time it was about locked threads... people pointed for made up infractions..... stuff that would disappear from view and censorship......

Mods, Admins and Owners were aware that I intended to liven things up in San Antonio and make Mokoa earn the perks he enjoys......

Almost a year has passed and I am beginning to see the Genius Mokoa has displayed behind the scenes....

As a Goderator he HAD to know that there were issues growing in San Antonio and there was this Provider taking the limelight away from him..... People were lining up to worship her and he was losing significance....

Unknowing... Clueless in who Slave Guinevere was at the time I assembled a team with the intent of showing the posters here in San Antonio exactly what COULD be posted and how they could take things back from his control..... that they could post without his censorship determining what was and was not allowed.....

So Still Looking and Rocker Rick and I descended on San Antonio and started to shake trees......

All around us things started to fall out of them......

Mokoa, displaying sheer Genius would council the newer Mod at the time" to sit... wait.... they are doing the dirty work for us..... we can clean it up later....."

It did not take long for Slave to start realizing that the 3 of us were taking away from her limelight and all she was enjoying was the attention we let her have......

Along the way a purpose was served and many in San Antonio learned they could post without reprisal from the Mods.......They learned the guidelines as well tested their voices......

Slave imploded early on and try as she may has never managed to do anything more than dig a hole deeper and deeper for herself......

My support for her ended the day she asked me to lash out at Mokoa and JJ and she promised all her support to me if I would do so....

When I declined..... well... Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned right?

Anyway...... For months now she has fought and fought to maintain her grip on things here....

Mokoa has just sat back silent.....

The focus totally shifted away from him....

Genius actually......

Anyway... I wanted to pause to recall the real reason San Antonio was shook up to start with....

And wonder for a moment if he drew us in for exactly this reason....

mrbman's Avatar
Dont stop there
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 09-07-2014, 01:48 PM
Dude. You need your own section or something. You seem like such an angry guy. In the last month you have like 7 threads started in here, mostly all about the same thing. Maybe I'll buy you a drink next time I'm in SA. See if I can lower that blood pressure of yours.
Whispers's Avatar

Only 7?

I'm only in town once a week.... better match schedules for any drinks!
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 09-07-2014, 03:05 PM
You're right, I went back and counted after I made the post and it was 12 on the first page alone. My mistake. And I'll be in SA for 2 weeks (once again) starting next week.