Rec for STD clinic?

Hello, wanted to see if y’all had any recommendations for where to get checked for STDs in Houston as discreetly as possible. Want to try to remain as anonymous as possible (no calls or letters at the house) etc. Plan on paying cash up front and giving as little info as is needed to get tested.

One other question - I know that some STDs are reportable. If I do happen to test positive, what happens w that? Does the state send a letter to my residence and/or contact any of my other partners?

Thanks in advance!
boardman's Avatar
HIPAA laws protect your privacy. No one is going to contact anyone but you. If you test positive it's your responsibility to do the right thing.
  • RoxyG
  • 07-01-2019, 09:54 AM
tbone77494's Avatar
Who gave you a present?
3Sum's Avatar
  • 3Sum
  • 07-01-2019, 04:20 PM
Who gave you a present? Originally Posted by tbone77494
One of the 3 encounters he saw. Good luck mate with your test.
ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
Legacy Community Health has 12 panel for $80, PP charged almost $300. Also they have every other kind of doctor including vision, dental, family practice, primary care, OB/GYN and you can apply for eligibility which, if qualified, means a visit to see any doc is only $20. The place is actually really nice and efficient.
One of the 3 encounters he saw. Good luck mate with your test. Originally Posted by 3Sum
First of all. I’ve Never seen him.
Second. You do realize not all men review every lady they have seen so prob not a great idea to assume that one of those ladies gave him anything.
And no. I don’t know the ladies either.
So let’s not assume cuz ya know what that does.......
Thank you all for your recs. I do not suspect anything and for the record this is purely routine preventative care.
STD Check isn't cheap.. 188 for a 10 panel test but its very efficient and discreet. pick a quest site and schedule an appointment. in and out in less than 10 mins. results goes in stdcheck account to look at. you can see a doc afterward if something shows up.
I go to my doc for regular screenings twice a year or as needed.
Dr.Charles Fontanier.
He's incredibly inexpensive right off 45 North ..
He's not a Gynecologist however is the best of the best in fast STD testing & available weekends and late Eves.
Btw, If you ever feel like you are ill with the flu he has a injection of power to boost your immune system back to health while taking his mix of antibiotics .
He's had the practice there for 20something years
He's awesome ��☺��
My insurance took care of the last payment however he's very modest in pricing and accepts cash.
The first time visit was I think 140?
Then 60?
I don't know but he's accurate and testing is done fast.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Or you can go to, Denver Harbor!

Just tell them you're unemployed, and you only pay $20.. You can see them for any other needs as well..
HIPAA laws protect your privacy. No one is going to contact anyone but you. If you test positive it's your responsibility to do the right thing. Originally Posted by boardman

I think the texas health department is not bound by HIPAA on reported STDs. They will contact your wife if you test positive for one of those. I think there will be some mandates if you do.

Take a look at:

Basically if you test positive for HIV or syphilis they will. If you test positive for gonorrhea or chlamydia, they might.
boardman's Avatar
I think the texas health department is not bound by HIPAA on reported STDs. They will contact your wife if you test positive for one of those. I think there will be some mandates if you do.

Take a look at:

Basically if you test positive for HIV or syphilis they will. If you test positive for gonorrhea or chlamydia, they might. Originally Posted by romino

If you "volunteer" the information.
Key words in that program are "services offered", client participation" and "confidentiality".

Basically if you want them to do the contacting for you they will and they will leave your name out of it. They'll simply say that someone they might have had contact with has tested positive for xyz and that they should come in and get tested.

You're not required to register and they are only required to make a good faith effort of contact if you do register and test positive. It's a program the state department is compelled to follow if requested not a law that an individual must follow and request services.

Anylabtestnow offers completely anonymous testing. You can order the test online, give a fake name and a burner email to get the results. If you pay by CC they'll have a record of that transaction but I believe you can choose to pay in cash. I've always used a card
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I think the texas health department is not bound by HIPAA on reported STDs. They will contact your wife if you test positive for one of those. I think there will be some mandates if you do.

Take a look at:

Basically if you test positive for HIV or syphilis they will. If you test positive for gonorrhea or chlamydia, they might. Originally Posted by romino

I would hope you would plan on telling your wife on your own anyway.