Dinner / Drinks with Providers

I was wondering if any providers will like to go out for a nice dinner and/or drinks while I am in Houston? Certainly, the tab is on me and wouldn't mind paying a nominal fee for their time, if necessary. Just looking for some company in the evening for Dinner......
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Define nominal. Unless you and she are already buddies, good buddies, compensation will be required...or else she'll get kicked out of the provider union.

It's possible, though, you might set some multi-hour something up to include all the in-out you can eat...

Imagine yourself in her place, headed for the house after dinner and drinks with a stranger. Would you feel fulfilled even with a full belly and a good buzz? Naw. But if she heads home, buzzed, with a full belly and loaded handbag she won't be hating on herself for wasting her time.

But if she's your good buddy already y'all can just do like normal people do and everything will be fine.

You ain't a noob, you already know all this stuff I'm sure...did you get any hits yet?
ibechill's Avatar
Are you foh realz?
Define nominal. Unless you and she are already buddies, good buddies, compensation will be required...or else she'll get kicked out of the provider union.

It's possible, though, you might set some multi-hour something up to include all the in-out you can eat...

Imagine yourself in her place, headed for the house after dinner and drinks with a stranger. Would you feel fulfilled even with a full belly and a good buzz? Naw. But if she heads home, buzzed, with a full belly and loaded handbag she won't be hating on herself for wasting her time.

But if she's your good buddy already y'all can just do like normal people do and everything will be fine.

You ain't a noob, you already know all this stuff I'm sure...did you get any hits yet? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Provider union....do they pay more?

I hear Boardman is a great date.....you should after all pick the best in Houston....if you can afford it!!
Possible only if she is your ATF and you see her once a month.
My ATF figured out this: she can touch me all she wants and the clock doesn't start. I touch her and the clock starts ticking [$]
Eccie Addict's Avatar
There are quite a few that offer dinner dates....
Unless you have an arrangement with an ATF, (someone you see on a regular basis), you will probably be asked to pay her hourly rate.

If you want a real date, get a civilian. Of course, in the end it will probably cost about the same.
Yeah, she will certainly be kicked out of the union. I'm the union president. It's against the rules unless you have an SD arrangement. There is a clause is rule 21, that if you see her monthly you are allowed certain privileges as the provider sees fit. BUT, you have to have been her regular at least 6 months. There is also as point system in place for every dollar you spend on her....Providers usually opt not to use the point system, but it's an option for UNION providers.

Your going to spend the same amount or more on a civy, you might as well get a guarantee. UNION providers come with a guarantee. You can report them. The comitee then reviews their reports.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The thing that really sucks about UNION providers is they get their work assignments based on seniority.

So johns have to game the system if they don't want no granny experience.
No that rule does not apply. You get kicked out of the union at a certain age, sort of. You are asked to retire and become a mentor or a dominatrix. Unless someone specifically asks for you by name, then you get the assignment.

If you do want a granny experience you must request GGFE. Granny Girlfriend Experience.
If you just want dinner and drinks, I'll be glad to entertain you with a jillion stories. No playtime, but if all you really want is dinner and conversation, I promise you a good time. If you're looking for the companionship of a lady, that's another story. You must realize they have private lives. To take away from their private life, it becomes work for them. They can afford their own dinner, drinks, and entertainment. Anything else, becomes a part of their "job". Please don't get wrapped up in the romance of the hobby. It's all entertainment, it is not a dating circle. Just as you have to pay to go to Disney Land, you have to pay to go to "Play Land." Do a search, and contact a well reviewed lady who fills your requirements for body style, hair color, service level, price range, and schedule a multiple hour session. Most classy ladies will have a fee for social time, and a fee for play time. Good luck.
The Wildflower Group
sure why not!
john353's Avatar
sure why not! Originally Posted by seductivesarah
There you go!

It looks to me like the guy is looking for someone to ~escort~ him to dinner and to possibly have a few cocktails.

If I were to send a shout out to BDS and say..."Hey sexy, what do you say we go out and grab some grub, get out dranck on... and then go shoot some beer cans with the AK-47 afterwards?"

Of course she would get her envelope, but there's nothing wrong with just going out for a good time as long as she's compensated for her time.

Do I understand that correctly or does she have to be my ATF or SB, first?

Just curious.
Well If she's a Union member....it does not matter.....
Thanks friends for responding to my inquiry. I appreciate your input. I certainly don't mind paying. The reason I said "nominal fees" is because I am just going to go out and get to know her and that too when and if the provider is not busy. It's like having a date without any BCD time. If she is not busy with other things, she may not mind going out to have a nice dinner / drinks. I certainly value their time as much as mine. I have done that in the past without any charge and we have had a great time together (again, without BCD time). I was just cuious as to what the Houston view were in this regard. I certainly don't understand the Union thing here, but I would belive a provider should be able to make that decision without getting penalized from the "Union". After all it's a free capitalist society we live in. Thanks again folks. It's always a pleasure!