Obamacare Begins Child Sterilzation in Oregon

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good God! Unbelievable. Watch the morons come out to defend this.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-20-2012, 10:51 AM
I believe them yo, I don't know why but I do.
Why did I keep seeing Oregon Oregon and no other state?Looks like the church is still pissed about reproduction..
Well that is the first step in the Depopulation process. Condoms will also be manufactured with a chemical incorporated into the latex that over time renders male users less fertile. As time goes on it will get more bizarre. Hitler's depop efforts were carried out with force. They are now being carried out with stealth.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why did I keep seeing Oregon Oregon .... Originally Posted by ekim008
Actually that is a good place to start ....

... many of the Californians who fled the State because of its economic demise from the weight of the excessive spending and reduced revenues into the state's bank accounts, stopped in Oregon and have become a somewhat permenant fixture there, although some moved on up into Washington State (retreating South was not much of an option since many had just fled from the South into California) .....

... so in order to reduce the chances of a repeat in Oregon of the economic collapse experienced by California it makes sense to reduce the pro-creation of Californians by volunatary sterilization in order to curb the propensity to screw up Oregon like they screwed up California ... besides ....

Californians are accustomed to their children being allowed to engage in medical procedures and to indulge in medicinal prescriptions, eg err .. well you know .... without parental consent or knowledge. It's no big deal for them.....

... that way there will be fewer idiots from California creating more idiots that haven't figured out that if one is going to spend $100 one needs to get the $100 first .. and not borrow the $100 without any foreseeable method or means to pay it back.

Thank you Nancy and Harry.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

...fucking idiots!

Here's some of the "about us" statement of the ultimate source of this drivel:

"Catholic Online operates as a for-profit business and is committed to excellence in business ethics and integrity in all of its business dealings."Catholic Online" pledges complete fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church in the execution of its business plan. Our goal is to be the source for all things Catholic, providing excellence in presentation and cutting edge technologies in the service of our global mission and business plan."

I guess someone stepped in a pile of DOGMA!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So Whatzup, are they wrong? Is this made up? You seem to imply that from what you wrote. Have the courage to go all the way.
I don't see how it matters if the Catholic church is for profit or not. They are, at least, being honest. The Vatican will start paying Italy taxes in 2013.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

...fucking idiots!

Here's some of the "about us" statement of the ultimate source of this drivel:

"Catholic Online operates as a for-profit business and is committed to excellence in business ethics and integrity in all of its business dealings."Catholic Online" pledges complete fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church in the execution of its business plan. Our goal is to be the source for all things Catholic, providing excellence in presentation and cutting edge technologies in the service of our global mission and business plan."

I guess someone stepped in a pile of DOGMA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You really got nothin', do you, Assup? Prove it wrong. I'd love for it to be wrong.
joe bloe's Avatar
You really got nothin', do you, Assup? Prove it wrong. I'd love for it to be wrong. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I Googled it. It looks like it's for real. It certainly sounds like something Obama would support, given the fact that he's such a fan of late term abortion and infanticide. The Daily Kos says it's bullshit, but they don't offer any specific proof that it's bogus.

Look under "Contraceptive methods and counseling."

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2012, 07:24 PM
I thought you Tea Bags liked free choice.

I'd bet good money that most of your parents wished they'd had that option thirty forty and in some of you nuts jobs cases , sixty years ago!

If your folks could only turn back time, I'd not have to respond to such shrill! 24/7!

Under Oregon State Law, the state’s revised statutes (ORS) defines “informed consent” for 15-year-olds independently pursuing reproductive sterilization as being “(a) Based upon a full understanding of the nature and consequences of sterilization pursuant to information requirements set forth in ORS 436.225(1); (b) Given by an individual competent to make such a decision; and (c) Wholly voluntary and free from coercion, express or implied.”
The adolescent brain has "underdeveloped of frontal cortical systems associated with motivation, impulsivity, and addiction". They also tend to use the amygdala ("involved in emotional and instinctual reactions", which differs from adults (there some exceptions on this board) who use the frontal lobes, "which handle planning, reasoning, judgement, emotional regulation, and impulse control and thus permit more accurate, reasoned judgements".

In simpler terms, their brains haven't fully developed until 19-20 yrs of age.
As a result, children under 17 cannot be tried with murder because of these scientific facts of human development.

Under Oregon State Law, the state’s revised statutes (ORS) defines “informed consent” for 15-year-olds independently pursuing reproductive sterilization as being “(a) Based upon a full understanding of the nature and consequences of sterilization pursuant to information requirements set forth in ORS 436.225(1); (b) Given by an individual competent to make such a decision; and (c) Wholly voluntary and free from coercion, express or implied.” Originally Posted by WTF
Do you just like to post to feel your weenie grow?

The wholly voluntary thing isn't the issue, that's like some boiler-plate for idiots.

The (b) given by an individual competent to make such a decision is the issue and it is also the worst part of this law as it somehow
assumes there are 15 year olds running around in numbers such that
this law would make sense.

The opposite should be the law, where the assumption isn't there are competent 15 year olds to be found.

Doesnt it make a lot more sense to provide the age of adulthood as
consent and then provide some out for the rare case with a court to make an exception?

Oh yes, she could speak and she understood it was permanent, look she signed this paper!

Oregon, being one of the most liberal states, wishes to do what it can and where it can, to "free" children from the oppression of
parents; for them to find solace in the arms of the state.

Coupling Oregon and the Obama administration is a recipe for, well I won't say it but you decide.