Thank you for the votes

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just wanted to thank you for the votes.

Your douche-bag promised to stop evictions. And of course he lied about it. No surprise there. Is there?

Anyway, as trumpys are evicted it's likely they will forget or will intentionally not forward their addresses. No mail-in ballots for them. And typical of most Tuesdays, they'll be sleeping off their 4 day week-ends on election day.

Biden supporters will get even with the orange topped asshole who wouldn't negotiate in good faith which crashed the postal system, didn't stop evictions, and stopped stimulus money. Both to cities and states (just to fuck dem politicians and not giving a shit about the trumpys who live there) as well as the Americans regardless of their party.
They will vote come hell or high water.

More Biden voters. Fewer trumpys.

Thanks trump. You Putin's puppet piece of shit.

Like I've said before, it's not arrogance.
It's contempt for your russian president and his enablers and supporters.
Mere dupes will be allowed to earn redemption.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Louis DeJoy: is Trump’s new post office chief trying to rig the election?

As he grew his logistics empire, DeJoy also made a name for himself as a prolific Republican fundraiser, hosting lavish dinners out of his home in Greensboro, a $5m mansion compound. Former president George W Bush held a $1,000-a-plate event at the home in 2006 ahead of that year’s midterm elections, while former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin held another closed-door event at the home two years later.

DeJoy, meanwhile, is not the only member of his family to enter politics: his wife, Aldona Wos, served as ambassador to Estonia under Bush and later headed the North Carolina department of health and human services, where she faced criticism for hiring a number of Republican campaign aides and former New Breed employees. In 2014, the USDA discovered a pattern of shoddy bookkeeping and an enormous backlog in the state’s database of food stamp recipients in her agency. This year, Trump nominated Wos to serve as the US ambassador to Canada.
The more votes, the less likely a second term.

President Trump stopped the evictions. He is trying postpone evictions still longer. He was never going to eliminate them, as you falsely project.

The Dims believe they can con the lower information electorate that rent and mortgage payments can be forgiven or tacked on to the end of a string of payments. Same with student debt. It's a one way ticket to communism they desire.
President Trump stopped the evictions. He is trying postpone evictions still longer. He was never going to eliminate them, as you falsely project.

The Dims believe they can con the lower information electorate that rent and mortgage payments can be forgiven or tacked on to the end of a string of payments. Same with student debt. It's a one way ticket to communism they desire. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It is typical leftist bullshit.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Big T wanted to finish the stimulus package but the dim wit are going after the post office sooo Here we go post office conspiracy
Munchmasterman's Avatar

You're lying again. I didn't use the word eliminate. I used the same word trump did.

Here is what I said.

"Your douche-bag promised to stop evictions. And of course he lied about it. No surprise there. Is there?"

Here is what trump said on Aug. 11th.

"Okay. Questions, please? Please, go ahead.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Twenty million people are due to be evicted from their homes next month.


Q And are you — do you fear that this could be your Herbert Hoover mo- — moment if you do not reach a deal with Congress to set up a new CARES Act?

THE PRESIDENT: No, we are — we are not allowing that to happen. We’re stopping evictions. We are stopping evictions. We’re not going to let that happen.

Q And also —

THE PRESIDENT: We’re not going to evict people. We’re not going to let people — the Democrats, maybe they don’t care, but I care. And we signed an executive offer — you know, executive order. You know that, right? And we are not letting people be evicted."
Congress passed the CARES Act (by a veto proof vote if trump declined to sign) that put a moratorium on evictions until July 24.
Then trump signed an executive order he claims would stop evictions. It doesn't stop a single eviction.
Eliminate is your word and it is your false projection. I said what I said. Stop making shit up.

President Trump stopped the evictions. He is trying postpone evictions still longer. He was never going to eliminate them, as you falsely project.

The Dims believe they can con the lower information electorate that rent and mortgage payments can be forgiven or tacked on to the end of a string of payments. Same with student debt. It's a one way ticket to communism they desire. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Double post
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 01:33 PM
Get some professional help for the rage and anger - mm
a better life awaits.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
How many times has your compulsive need to comment cost you a job, a promotion or a wife?
You talk about subject discussion but you never make it past insisting to define other's positions.
Now in your "professional" opinion, you see correcting an opinionated post using facts as an act of rage. A post that used trumpy talking points (easily proven lies in this case), misquoting me to fit the trumpy narrative, and someone too lazy to look up information.
I refuted his comments with quotes from trump's "news conference" on Aug. 11th.

How funny you guys don't watch them either.

Back to your problem.
You sit at home, all by yourself (that's obvious, who would tolerate all the time you spend here) and fume. I'm not going to claim you live at your mom's. You might have the nicest house in town. But you're definitely alone. You only know people who "think" like you. You were nobody before and now that you've lost your job you're even less.

I have a job I love, it has taken me all over the world, and is probably the safest (virus wise) indoor work environment there is. It keeps me engaged in the real world where 60% know trump's agenda isn't America's.

The dem party is far from perfect but it makes what the repubs have evolved into a very poor joke. The only way you can deal with your life is to claim liberals are to blame for it.

If you haven't figured it out by now, coming in here and slapping you, the lls, and a cast not worthy of mention are my therapy. Add in the bonus of you douche-bags internalizing everything and life is good.

Get some professional help for the rage and anger - mm
a better life awaits. Originally Posted by oeb11
Double post Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
double bullshit...
How many times has your compulsive need to comment cost you a job, a promotion or a wife?
You talk about subject discussion but you never make it past insisting to define other's positions.
Now in your "professional" opinion, you see correcting an opinionated post using facts as an act of rage. A post that used trumpy talking points (easily proven lies in this case), misquoting me to fit the trumpy narrative, and someone too lazy to look up information.
I refuted his comments with quotes from trump's "news conference" on Aug. 11th.

How funny you guys don't watch them either.

Back to your problem.
You sit at home, all by yourself (that's obvious, who would tolerate all the time you spend here) and fume. I'm not going to claim you live at your mom's. You might have the nicest house in town. But you're definitely alone. You only know people who "think" like you. You were nobody before and now that you've lost your job you're even less.

I have a job I love, it has taken me all over the world, and is probably the safest (virus wise) indoor work environment there is. It keeps me engaged in the real world where 60% know trump's agenda isn't America's.

The dem party is far from perfect but it makes what the repubs have evolved into a very poor joke. The only way you can deal with your life is to claim liberals are to blame for it.

If you haven't figured it out by now, coming in here and slapping you, the lls, and a cast not worthy of mention are my therapy. Add in the bonus of you douche-bags internalizing everything and life is good.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
As usual, your grammar still sucks.

Also, who are you trying to convince that you love your job? Do they make you wear a T-shirt at work that says you love your job and you are trying to convince yourself?

Why would we give a fuck if some internet leftist faggot loves his job?
HoeHummer's Avatar
It is typical leftist bullshit. Originally Posted by friendly fred
double bullshit... Originally Posted by friendly fred
As usual, your grammar still sucks.

Also, who are you trying to convince that you love your job? Do they make you wear a T-shirt at work that says you love your job and you are trying to convince yourself?

Why would we give a fuck if some internet leftist faggot loves his job? Originally Posted by friendly fred

Yous wouldn’t. That’s the point, fredsy. Your frustrations is duly noted and is hanging out for alls to see. Be a buddy and tuck it back in, eh?
Yous wouldn’t. That’s the point, fredsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That's my point - of course it is - how do I know that?

I wrote the motherfucking post, that's how! Hence, I understood the rather elegantly implied insult....
Lucas McCain's Avatar
[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Back to your problem.
You sit at home, all by yourself (that's obvious, who would tolerate all the time you spend here) and fume. I'm not going to claim you live at your mom's. You might have the nicest house in town. But you're definitely alone. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I wish I was all alone and didn't have a phone so people would stop calling me. I had a friend ask me for a $15K loan this morning and I gave it to him. I consider it charity because I'll never see that money back... I have way too many broke ass friends. I feel like a bank. They're my friends though and I just can't say no to them and they know it.

They're trying to turn me into becoming Washington Mutual. I'll be a failing lender bank in no time. I hear their sob stories and I just send them money so they'll shut up about them.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
4 sec

Mr Kotter: Yes Horshack, do you have a question?

Horshack: I read the other day that speaker Pelosi does not want to pass a bill to provide relief to starving and suffering Americans because it might make the GOP look good.

Mr Kotter: Yes, but what is your question?

Horshack: With their being rope shops and so many lamp posts along the streets, why do we let her walk the streets?