51 million ballots

smokedog01's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Further proof that Trump really is a moron
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 08:51 AM
Are morons casting aspersions about 'takes one to kow one"?????
Still cannot accept the semility of the DPST nominee - and the POTUS to be - a radical Marxist from kalifornia - who will use Kalifornia as a model fo rAmerica.

Divide us into racial groups and create racial war in America.

The party of Tolerance, diversity, and racial equality - is hypocritically the Exact Opposite.

back to the Burrow!
smokedog01's Avatar
Typical Oeb reply. Whataboutsim instead of commenting on Trump's ridiculous tweet. That's all the Trumpers have when faced with yet another idiotic thing that he said.
winn dixie's Avatar
The dead latinos in south texas are ready to cast their ballots! They're crossing out lbj and writing in biden
HedonistForever's Avatar

New Local Election Ordered in N.J. After Mail-In Voter Fraud Charges

A judge ruled that the election in Paterson had been irreversibly tainted.

In the days before New Jersey’s third-largest city held municipal elections in May entirely by mail, postal workers became suspicious when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.
The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20 percent of the ballots being rejected. It also prompted President Trump to cite the case as an example of how mail-in voting can corrupt elections, though election experts staunchly disagree.
On Wednesday, a New Jersey judge ruled that the election in Paterson, N.J., had been irreversibly tainted and ordered a new vote to be held in November to settle the race for the City Council seat.
The superior court judge, Ernest M. Caposela, wrote that the election “was not the fair, free and full expression of the intent of the voters.”

But of course this won't happen on a national level, right?
smokedog01's Avatar
As the investigation unfolded, some conservative groups seized on the more than 3,000 ballots that were thrown out to make the case that mail-in voting makes it too easy to manipulate elections by allowing ineligible voters, including the dead, to vote.
“The defendants in the ballot fraud case are not criminal masterminds,” a writer at Judicial Watch, a conservative organization that focuses on government misconduct, wrote on the group’s website. “Ballot fraud is easy.”
But officials in New Jersey argue that what happened in Paterson was being oversimplified and that the majority of ballots were rejected because they had been filled out incorrectly and not because they had been submitted illegally.

About 1,200 votes were disqualified because voters’ signatures did not match those on file, according to the Passaic County Board of Elections.
In New Jersey, voters can designate someone to submit ballots on their behalf, but no one is allowed to drop off more than three during an election. As a result, an additional 1,000 votes were disqualified because a section on the ballot to list the name of the person sending them in had been left blank.
Only three ballots were thrown out because they had been cast in the names of people who were dead, and another was rejected because of suspicions that someone might have attempted to vote twice.
Voting experts say seizing on a relatively small case involving a handful of people to tar efforts to make voting easier has become a tactic to disenfranchise voters.
“If these claims are true and these people are saying they’ve seen voter fraud, they need to produce what that looks like,” said Amber McReynolds, the chief executive of the National Vote at Home Institute and Coalition, a nonpartisan group focused on expanding access to the ballot. “Every time I’ve ever asked for that, nobody has ever given it to me.”
Mr. Murphy has also dismissed criticisms that the Paterson scandal signals larger issues with mail-in voting, arguing that the rejected ballots show that even a quickly rolled-out vote-by-mail election can weed out ineligible votes.
On Wednesday, he fired back on Twitter against the Trump campaign’s lawsuit, arguing that it was a “brazen attempt to sow fear and confusion, and to delegitimize our elections,” adding in another post that “we will defend our rights vigorously and we will not back down. Bring it on.’’

Paterson has had elections controversies in the past. Concerns around potential voter fraud arose in 2018, after there was a surge in the number of mail-in ballots, though no evidence was found. Eight years prior, a Paterson councilman and his wife were charged with conspiring to collect and submit fraudulent ballots during a 2010 local election.
Rick Hasen, an election law professor at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law, said the problems in Paterson illustrate the challenges of mass rollouts of mail-in voting and the need for anti-fraud mechanisms like ballot tracking, which allows voters to follow their ballots through the postal system.
But, he added, the case also shows large-scale voting fraud would be difficult to successfully carry out.
“When you start tampering with absentee ballots, if you were doing it on a large enough scale to try and influence an election, it’s going to typically involve a large number of moving parts,” Mr. Hasen said. “It’s hard to keep conspiracies quiet and people will notice when they go to vote.”
rexdutchman's Avatar
Still voter FRAUD no matter what side , Just more proof no need for mail in large scale voting ............
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 12:07 PM
This is really up to the states and there's not much the federal government can do about it one way or the other. As to Texas, where I live, maybe we should expand absentee balloting, this year only, so anyone who wants to can do it, or alternately you can use fear of Covid as a reason to vote absentee. You don't need to be 65 or to say you're going to be out of town when voting occurs. But you still need to request the ballot, which would cut down on fraud or perception thereof.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is really up to the states and there's not much the federal government can do about it one way or the other. As to Texas, where I live, maybe we should expand absentee balloting, this year only, so anyone who wants to can do it, or alternately you can use fear of Covid as a reason to vote absentee. You don't need to be 65 or to say you're going to be out of town when voting occurs. But you still need to request the ballot, which would cut down on fraud or perception thereof. Originally Posted by Tiny

Exactly Tiny and that's the main complaint, though with Trump, he wouldn't stop there. If you ask for a mail in ballot, that is one thing but Nancy wants a ballot mailed to every single person in every single household whether there is a previously registered voter there or not! OK, I may have exaggerated a bit there but mailed without request is the gist of the matter.

And ballot harvesting, legal? Holy crap, you couldn't ask for fraud to be perpetrated more than making that legal.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck mail-in ballots! We should go to a 3 day voting period in person with an id that proves citizenship
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I received a request for a mail-in ballot earlier this week. Ironically I received a donation request from Trump and a separate questionnaire from the Republicans on the same day.
chefnerd's Avatar
Exactly Tiny and that's the main complaint, though with Trump, he wouldn't stop there. If you ask for a mail in ballot, that is one thing but Nancy wants a ballot mailed to every single person in every single household whether there is a previously registered voter there or not! OK, I may have exaggerated a bit there but mailed without request is the gist of the matter.

And ballot harvesting, legal? Holy crap, you couldn't ask for fraud to be perpetrated more than making that legal. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

And of course you have something more FACTUAL to go on besides the rants of Diaper Don the Demagogue
Redhot1960's Avatar
in order for democrats, liberals, progressives et al to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Fuck mail-in ballots! We should go to a 3 day voting period in person with an id that proves citizenship Originally Posted by winn dixie

And make sure to run the ID numbers.