At least the flies know BS when they smell it.

gfejunkie's Avatar

Mini Mike bought himself a speech spot at the Dem convention. Now we know what people have to do in order to get that. Just pay millions of dollars to the Dem party and - you are on.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous will see people next week giving speeches the Trump regime had to pay for.

Totally different vibe, I’ll bet.
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 08:35 AM
Welcome back AE - good to see you posting !!!
bambino's Avatar
Yous will see people next week giving speeches the Trump regime had to pay for.

Totally different vibe, I’ll bet. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You’re right, it will be much different. It will be positive and inspiring. Like America should be. YOUS be sure to watch and see what makes this country tick.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Reminds me of the rather large fly that sat on the corner of Obama's mouth when he spoke on tv.
Mini Mike bought himself a speech spot at the Dem convention. Now we know what people have to do in order to get that. Just pay millions of dollars to the Dem party and - you are on. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
bloomberg is totally out of touch with what is happening to the dim party

he's foolish, clueless and an awful speaker to boot

his favorite childhood character he claims is johnny tremain

here's what bloomie said in his dnc convention speech:

My favorite childhood book was called Johnny Tremain, about a Boston boy who joins the Sons of Liberty at the dawn of the American Revolution. At the end of the book, Johnny stands on Lexington commons and sees a nation that is “green with spring dreaming of the future”. That’s the America I know and love. And that’s the America we are in danger of losing under this president. So let’s put an end to this whole sorry chapter in American history and elect leaders who will bring integrity and stability, sanity and competence back to the White House.

doesn't he realize the dim party marxists hate the America he thinks of as America and claims to love?

and anyone associated with the sons of liberty, even, or especially in fiction for children, is to be hated and the book is to be burned
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bloomie still hasn't realized that his NYC connections can't do squat outside of the 5 boroughs
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 02:40 PM
Bloomie hates Trump - and thinks he can buy revenge at the DPST trough.

They will fleece Bloomie for all they can take him for - multiple millions - if not hundreds of millions of $ - and pocket the cash while handing him more flies.