The Trumpster's deportations

HDGristle's Avatar

Interesting read that does give a fair shake to how Trump's 1st term deportations were different from his predecessor and his successor.

Let's hope that this time he laser focuses on the criminals instead of taking his eye off the ball and casting his net overly wide.

Otherwise his numbers may end up high but plenty of criminals will remain just like the last time when he still couldn't match Obama's 1st or 2nd term. Even after changing the definitions and how he counted.

Why was Obama a better deporter than Trumpy bear without any of the same flack but almost no praise from Cons?

Interesting read that does give a fair shake to how Trump's 1st term deportations were different from his predecessor and his successor.

Let's hope that this time he laser focuses on the criminals instead of taking his eye off the ball and casting his net overly wide.

Otherwise his numbers may end up high but plenty of criminals will remain just like the last time when he still couldn't match Obama's 1st or 2nd term. Even after changing the definitions and how he counted.

Why was Obama a better deporter than Trumpy bear without any of the same flack but almost no praise from Cons? Originally Posted by HDGristle
Because it's a fucking cult. Obama did everything better than trump ever could. Doesn't matter. Obama deported more immigrants that trump did. Doesn't matter. It's a fucking cult.

trump has been gifted a strong economy for the 2nd time. He'll run this one into the dirt like he did the first time, while simultaneously taking credit for it being great and bitching about what the Dems did to it after he tanks it.

Same playbook, same fucking morons taking the bait. Maybe this time his voters will actually learn who pays for tariffs on imported goods. But I won't be holding my breath on that one.

As for trump staying "laser focused" on deporting only criminals... lololol... not a chance. He has the attention span of a baby squirrel.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Let's hope that this time he laser focuses on the criminals instead of taking his eye off the ball and casting his net overly wide. Originally Posted by HDGristle
If they’re in this country illegally, they’re criminals. Buh-bye.
HDGristle's Avatar
Do you want to the initial focus to be on rapists, murderers, DA'ers, SA'ers, traffickers and high risk folks?

Or are you ok working a wide focus where more of those folks get to stay longer because the net was cast too wide?

When everyone is your priority, no one is.
He will most likely be deporting AMPs, too.

Another classic example of racist cucks for trump not thinking things through to their logical conclusions.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-12-2024, 12:33 PM
He will most likely be deporting AMPs, too.

Another classic example of racist cucks for trump not thinking things through to their logical conclusions. Originally Posted by tommy156
When they busted the Westmoreland County Asian places years ago, one spa alone, J Spa, had more than 1.5 million in income just on credit cards alone, cash, obviously, was never seen.

That money goes straight back to Korean banks that loaned the money for the illegals to get here, in other words, its part of the larger, Nails, Chinese Restaurant, spas, that all are part of that illegal system.

So, fuck yeah get those AMPs closed, legalize prostitution and keep the money here.
eyecu2's Avatar
When they busted the Westmoreland County Asian places years ago, one spa alone, J Spa, had more than 1.5 million in income just on credit cards alone, cash, obviously, was never seen.

That money goes straight back to Korean banks that loaned the money for the illegals to get here, in other words, its part of the larger, Nails, Chinese Restaurant, spas, that all are part of that illegal system.

So, fuck yeah get those AMPs closed, legalize prostitution and keep the money here. Originally Posted by Devo
You didn't think that through did ya?

Its the same as a pussy tarrif.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sounds like a business opportunity. Who’s in?

chizzy's Avatar
You didn't think that through did ya?

Its the same as a pussy tarrif. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Good charge a pussy tarrif. Legalize it
Monthly checkups manditory. License them. Tax it
Did it for weed do it for pussy
HDGristle's Avatar
We're veering into an odd place for some wannabe pimps
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-12-2024, 03:05 PM
You didn't think that through did ya?

Its the same as a pussy tarrif. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Moot to me, I never used an AMP, never will.

Legalize and tax.
HDGristle's Avatar
This is about deportations, Not legalizing current vices
Obama deported more immigrants that trump did. Originally Posted by tommy156
Obama took office in the middle of the Great Depression so migrants self-deported because there were no jobs. He also had a larger number of illegals to deport. Obama and Trump kept alot of migrants out.
HDGristle's Avatar
Encounters is a bad metric to use. Vast majority lead to expulsions, not deportations/removals.

Self deportations are not counted or true deportations.
bambino's Avatar
Well, Mexico has the largest silver deposits in the world. They will be one of the richest countries in the world. Immigrants will be flying back to Mexico. Mexico will want to finish the wall!!!!!