Encounter: Farrah was FINE!!!

  • klt
  • 11-21-2024, 12:42 PM
User ID: -
Date: 11/18
Name: Farrah RedVelvet
Phone: (504) 603-6412
Email Address: redvelvet222@protonmail.com
URL / Website: https://tryst.link/escort/redvelvet222
City: Nola
State: Louisiana
Address: Treme
Activities: Conversation, LFK, DFK, body exploration, HJ, BBBJ, DATY, DATO, mutual masturbation, Missionary, COB.
Hair Length and Color: Thick natural red head past shoulders
Age: late 20's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Gorgeous porcelain skinned goddess with light freckles. She is medium height with sparkling blue eyes. She is full figured and not skinny but very sexy curves with a fabulous ass!
Recommendation: Hell Yes