Question? Do you wear your wedding ring?

Rain-on-me's Avatar
Ok just wondering about the fellow married hobbyists or I guess ladies also. Do you wear your wedding ring to a session or do you take it off? Ladies do you care if a guy wears it?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Ok just wondering about the fellow married hobbyists or I guess ladies also. Do you wear your wedding ring to a session or do you take it off? Ladies do you care if a guy wears it? Originally Posted by Rain-on-me
The ladies wouldn't be in this profession if they cared. that's between the guy and his wife.
NTFunGuy's Avatar
Interesting topic. For me, I do not wear a wedding band. It really doesn't have anything to do with the hobby though. When I was in the military we didn't wear our wedding bands on our fingers. Most of us just put them around our dog tags. With that being said, I just out grew the band and never replaced it. So I haven't worn one for almost 15 years and my SO really hasn't said anything about it.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I always wear mine. Too much trouble to put it on and take it off, and too likely to forget to put it back on and have to make up excuses to the wife.
The first couple of times I sessioned I took it off because I thought the provider wouldn't respect me. Then I got over it (fear of forgetting it in a hotel room was a big part of that). I've concluded the providers don't care on way or the other.
Taking it off does not make me un-married. So I leave it on. Also, one less thing to worry about when covering my tracks.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I take it off b/c I'm hoping to have that finger inside her --LOL
Taking it off does not make me un-married. So I leave it on. Also, one less thing to worry about when covering my tracks. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Yep. I don't care at all. Sometimes I wear a diamond ring on my left hand and it still doesn't make me married. It's just jewelry.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Yes, I wear my ring. What's funny is the only time I take it off is when I golf (it messes with my swing)
pyramider's Avatar
I take it off b/c I'm hoping to have that finger inside her --LOL Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Afraid you will lose it?
Honestly I think it's best to just leave it on.
Better that than forget to put it back on, we're not kidding ourselves that you're all single tall and handsome.

Most of ya'll have SO's
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It's never even crossed my mind.
You mean that some of the people on this site are married????
Bancroft1957's Avatar
I leave it on....when I first started going to strip clubs and hobbying, I'd take it off. It was just a mental thing for me. Now i'm just mental.
giantbourbon's Avatar
My wife lives in a different state and I see her maybe twice a month or so. It's off except when I go to see her and I put it back on. I always keep it in the same place do I don't forget. Providers don't care but it's a lot more fun to play with civvie chicks without it!