A Skunk or a Whore?

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  • WTF
  • 01-21-2014, 10:14 AM
Here is some free advice. The word whore is not what applies social pressure to women. The fact that a woman is fucking men for money is what applies social pressure to those women. Society looks down on that. I do not happen to agree with society on that but it does not change the fact that society as a whole does look down on women who fuck for money. No matter what word is used....that action, the action of fucking for money is what is looked down on. Thinking like all we need to do is change the name of a skunk to say a rose....people will then embrace the newly named skunk/rose and have them as pets, means you have no grasp of the actual problem and will continue to fight the wrong war. Do some of us really not understand that what needs to be done is to convince people that the odor of a skunk is lovely. That is the battle, not renaming the skunk.

Convince society that fucking for money is lovely and then the war will have been won. Changing the name of a skunk will never change the odor of a skunk. That is the war. Good luck for those of you brave enough to try.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I just want to say thank you to all the men who have been nothing but gentleman like to me during my time as an escort. It is the very reason I love being a provider, and have had nothing but Grand experiences being one. If I never became one I would have not had the opportunity to do some very cool things like go out of the country or be able to afford new boobs!

So many wonderful men in this "hobby" really know how to treat a lady!
This is America, the most sexually uptight fucked up country in the world. A woman can be arrested for sunbathing topless or kicked off of a plane for breastfeeding her child. You think prostitution will ever be legal here? Not a chance in hell.
Guest042715's Avatar
Skore! Originally Posted by sinkerswim
That's the cutest and funniest thing I've read today!
Gotyour6's Avatar

Another whore thread

Keep them coming!!!!
That's the cutest and funniest thing I've read today! Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Be careful encouraging this one...
Guest042715's Avatar
Be careful encouraging this one... Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Butt does that make me incorrigible?
I agree that the US is far too young to be as mature about sex as most other countries. Too many folks think what their neighbor does is their business......

As for the hobby, almost all of the gents I've met have been just that. Perfect gentlemen and I always enjoy our time together.